Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1900 Hijacking

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Sorry, Palace Master Fang, you guessed wrong again this time..." Fang Jianwen was stunned, and then immediately returned to normal, sneering: "That's good, the more tricks you have, the more you can achieve the effect of letting me try your moves, I hope you don't let me down too much!" After saying that, the flying bird patterns behind him poured out again, layered and stacked, wave after wave, and all rushed to Lu Yu on the left. As for Madam Ru on the right, he didn't care, and even exposed his back without caring. Obviously, he had already seen that the real threat to him was the flaming dragon in Lu Yu's hand. Although he was reluctant in his heart, he had to admit that Guo Kun's various praises for Lu Yu were indeed reasonable. Lu Yu's mouth corners slightly raised slightly. Everyone can perform magic tricks, and each has their own ingenuity. The giant fire dragon in Lu Yu's hand was full of agility. Just a slight shake of its head was full of threats, as if it would attack at any time. In contrast, the giant fire dragon controlled by Madam Ru seemed a little dull, as if it could only defend itself in a variable manner...

That's why Fang Jianwen reacted like this.

I'm afraid he didn't think for a moment that even a "dull" giant fire dragon would become a deadly threat as long as its power reached a certain level.

All this was within Lu Yu's calculations.

However, this was only the first step of his plan. Only by laying a long line can you catch a big fish. Now he had just cast a bait.

Next, Lu Yu remained calm and began to fight Fang Jianwen head-on with the giant fire dragon.

The violent roar was endless, and the earth was shaking violently.

He tried his best, and various exquisite micro-manipulations emerged one after another to resist Fang Jianwen's wave after wave of bird pattern aggregation attacks.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Great! Great!"

Fang Jianwen couldn't help laughing as the battle was in full swing.

He had just mastered this way of attacking, and he didn't have much experience in how the flying bird patterns should be combined to unleash a stronger power. Therefore, the fierce battle with Lu Yu at this time was indeed a good trial process.

You know, after the blessing of the peacock totem, the power of these flying bird patterns is enough to shake the world. Except for the fire dragon controlled by Lu Yu, it is generally difficult to find an opponent that can match it.

It was because Lu Yu performed equally well that Fang Jianwen saw more details and had a more intuitive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of various combinations of flying bird patterns.

Fang Jianwen had excellent comprehension, and he immediately applied these experiences to actual combat. Therefore, after this battle, his various flying bird combinations continued to evolve, becoming stronger and stronger, and more courageous, and the offensive wave was more fierce than the wave.

"What? Is this your limit? It seems that your means are not as powerful as your mouth!" Fang Jianwen taunted.

At this time, the color of the fire dragon controlled by Lu Yu was obviously dimmed a little, and it could only be in a passive defensive state. It could not switch between offense and defense flexibly like at the beginning, and always maintained a threat to Fang Jianwen.

"Don't be complacent..." Lu Yu gritted his teeth, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and still laughed: "Your condition doesn't look much better than mine..."

Indeed, although Fang Jianwen took the initiative on the scene, all this was not without cost.

Although the continuous attempts of various combinations of flying bird patterns have made amazing progress, they have consumed a large number of flying bird patterns at the same time.

At this time, the peacock totem behind him also became obviously blurred, because the flying bird patterns in it were greatly reduced.

"So what?"

Fang Jianwen laughed.

"You don't think these flying birds of mine are irreplaceable, do you? Do you want to use up my flying birds in this way, thinking that you can escape from death?"

"Don't be naive! I spent hundreds of years to finally comprehend the great way, how could this be the end!"

After saying that, the peacock totem behind him stretched out its wings again, but this time it was no longer an offensive, but seemed to be dancing.

The entire totem rotated and moved rhythmically, forming an extremely large force field, like a huge vortex, drawing infinite power from the void.

Countless stars appeared in the totem, gradually growing and transforming, and finally turned into flying bird patterns, and were embedded in the peacock totem again.

He used his actual actions to tell Lu Yu that the flying bird patterns in the totem can actually be regenerated. As long as there is still the power of heaven and earth to be drawn within the scope of the domain, then his power will be endless.

However, what he didn't know was that all this was also what Lu Yu expected. He had been laying the groundwork for so long before, waiting for this moment!

"So that's how it is! Palace Master Fang is really good at this. I'm very grateful for your advice!" Lu Yu said sincerely.

As he spoke, he had already pulled out a dazzling light band in his hand, stepped into it, and then calmly designated the landing point.

The landing point was right behind Fang Jianwen, between the peacock totem and Madam Ru.

Fang Jianwen was stunned, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what Lu Yu's purpose was. Did he want to launch a sneak attack on him from behind while he was replenishing the power of the flying bird?

If this is the case, then he is too whimsical!

Fang Jianwen was hesitating whether to stop Lu Yu immediately or wait for him to take action before counterattacking and teaching him a profound lesson... But at this moment, he suddenly found that the rotation speed of the peacock totem behind him was gradually slowing down. Coming down, the recovery of Asuka's power came to an abrupt end.

At the same time, the flame dragon on the opposite side was growing rapidly.

This flame dragon was not controlled by Lu Yu, but by Madam Ru. In the previous battle, her flame dragon could only passively defend, and Fang Jianwen did not make any special response to her... But now there has been such a change!

All this originated from Lu Yu, who stood between the two of them.

It turned out that this was Lu Yu's plan. He used himself as a transit point to hijack Fang Jianwen's core channel!

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