Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1921 The ability to interpret inscriptions

"Maybe I should call you Lu Yu!"

Xu Zhiyang also landed on the top of the sacred monument, staring at Lu Yu: "Did you kill our chief palace master?"

Because he left one step ahead of time, he did not see the scene where the main hall master was killed with a sword like Zheng Shensi and others did, but he heard clearly what Qian Yanyan said later, even though he had already It was expected that Lu Yu would win the game of thoughts, but he did not expect that the final result would be like this.

"Now that you know, you still dare to come here alone?" Lu Yu said lightly.

Xu Zhiyang chose the timing and location of his landing very well. It happened to be that Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru had just cleared the entire platform. The offensive could not cover the gap at his position again. It would take some time to recover before they could launch another offensive against him.

The first moment Xu Zhiyang met Lu Yu's eyes, he instinctively showed a hint of fear, but he quickly recovered.

In any case, the Thousand Eyes King coming in the distance is his greatest confidence. In addition, the surrounding sky has also lit up many escape lights, and they are speeding towards this side. As long as he can delay for a moment, this person on the opposite side will The two of them will be beyond redemption.

"You are indeed hiding something secret. I admit that I was wrong last time...but do you think you can still leave now?" Xu Zhiyang sneered, "It would be fine if you chose other landing points. But you chose this Cancer Monument. Maybe you don’t know that I was in charge of this Cancer Monument back then, so it is equivalent to my home court here!”

As he spoke, he lightly stamped his foot, and the entire monument suddenly shook.

Countless characters engraved on the surface of the monument began to move, and the displacement of these characters affected the changes in the formation. In the blink of an eye, a huge array was formed on the top of the monument, covering the sky above the monument like a gladiatorial arena.

Judging from this change alone, Xu Zhiyang is undoubtedly much stronger than the previous guards. If the previous wave of guards had such abilities, they would not have been able to be invaded so easily by Lu Yu and Madam Ru. .

Xu Zhiyang never thought of leaving the two of them alone. Even the supreme leader of the Hades Temple had failed. Naturally, he would not make such an attempt again. He only hoped to use this formation to temporarily delay the other party for a moment. Even if If you can't delay it, it's good to use it up.

After all, this is the core hinterland of the Temple of Hades, and support from all over the surrounding areas has arrived quickly. As long as they can delay the opponent for a moment, it is enough to put the opponent in a tight siege. There is no need to fight forcefully.

Unfortunately, he made a mistake. Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru chose to land here not as a transit point on their way to escape. In fact, they had not figured out Lu Yu's true purpose from the beginning to the end.

The sacred monument here is the real goal of their trip, and the circle they went around to the main altar is the transit point.

"So the name here is the Cancer Monument?"

Lu Yu showed a thoughtful expression and ignored Xu Zhiyang's actions as if he were facing a formidable enemy.

He did not struggle with this issue for too long. He shook his head gently and told Mrs. Ru beside him: "He leaves it to you!"

After saying that, without waiting for Mrs. Ru to answer, she followed Xu Zhiyang's appearance and lightly tapped her foot.

Mrs. Ru was still in trouble. At this time, the formation on the monument was obviously controlled by Xu Zhiyang. Without getting rid of the other party, what could he do to get in touch with the Peacock King in the world through this monument... …

Unexpectedly, as he stamped his feet, the characters on the monument suddenly moved again. The formation that Xu Zhiyang had gathered was instantly disintegrated, and turned into a brand new formation in Lu Yu's hands.

Not to mention Xu Zhiyang, even Mrs. Ru was shocked.

This place is obviously the territory of Hades Temple. As the former leader, Xu Zhiyang should have far more authority than Lu Yu, but he didn't expect that the situation is completely reversed now.

"How, how do you control the formation on the monument?" Xu Zhiyang said dumbfounded, "Where did you steal the secret from?"

"Is this difficult? Do you still need to steal?" Lu Yu spread his hands and shook his head helplessly: "To me, these words are just child's play!"

After saying that, he ignored the two of them, glanced at the peacock armor in his hands, and continued to deepen the formation in front of him.

For most people who see these words for the first time, they will find them obscure and complicated. However, as long as you understand their true purpose, it is not difficult to decipher them.

No matter how complex and profound these characters are, the ultimate goal is to connect with other galaxies further out.

But Lu Yu has already had the experience of traveling in the void, and also has practical experience of using the Star Gathering Pearl to lock in a specific star field. Even when the golden elixir law of Jiujiu Lotus in his body is activated, he can directly gather a small amount of starlight...

Therefore, all of this is actually not unfamiliar to Lu Yu. The characters on the sacred monument are just its appearance. The principles are the same. Moreover, Lu Yu has already mastered part of the starry sky language. On this basis, interpreting the sacred monument It is actually not difficult to write words, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is like a child.

Xu Zhiyang couldn't help but choked hard at Lu Yu's words.

In fact, within the Temple of Hades, interpreting the words on the monuments is an extremely important task. The meaning of the existence of the Temple of Hades is to communicate with the gods left behind in the sky through these monuments. The more important it is to interpret the words on the monuments, The more profound you are, the smoother you can communicate with the gods. This ability to interpret words is directly linked to your status within the Temple of Hades.

The old man who dueled with Lu Yu on the main altar was called the "General Palace Master" because he was familiar with every divine monument in the Hades Palace and could control and preside over every divine monument. monument.

However, even he, Xu Zhiyang believed that it would never be possible for him to be as skillful and smooth as the Lu Yu in front of him, as if he could just pick them up... At this time, Lu Yu's way of controlling these characters was something Xu Zhiyang had never seen before, but they happened to be in the same way. They were put together more efficiently and exploded with more powerful power. Xu Zhiyang felt that his world view had been completely overturned.

Finally, when Lu Yu looked at the peacock armor in his hand for the third time as a reference, Xu Zhiyang thought of a possibility and said loudly: "Are you going to pay homage to the Peacock God King? Do you want to use his power to supplement this armor?"

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