Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1957 True God

Half an hour later, Lu Yu completed the collection of Red Flame Dragon Control Pills and put all the pills suspended in the air into a large box made of white jade.

This big box was naturally made by him using the purple and white plants in Suyu Yunchi. Compared with the previous small wooden box, the capacity was more than dozens of times larger, but even so, it was still full, at least for a short time. There is no need to worry about the consumption of Red Flame Dragon Control Pill.

It was precisely because of this setback that it took Lu Yu nearly half an hour to complete the finishing work.

When he returned to the place carrying the big white jade box, he found that Cui Zhenzhen had fallen asleep on the ground.

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh. Even though she always looked energetic, in fact, her body was already exhausted. She just lifted it in one breath. Now that she relaxed, she was immediately swept away by fatigue.

This is understandable. Even Lu Yu felt a little tired after such high-intensity learning and operation. What's more, Cui Zhenzhen had persisted for several days and nights before this. If she stayed up and completed another elixir refining, then Lu Yu would will be surprised.

Lu Yu didn't wake her up. He just swept the wind from his palm and lifted her up with a gentle force of energy. He placed her whole body on the white jade box, and then carried her and the box out of the Canyon of the Dead.

Outside the canyon, Ning Wanxuan was stunned when she saw Lu Yu walking out like this.

"What's going on? Sister Zhenzhen...what's going on?" Ning Wanxuan said with a suspicious look on her face.

Lu Yu couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Why are you looking at me like this? I didn't do anything. It's just that she was exhausted after staying up for several days..."

Ning Wanxuan giggled: "Why are you so loud? I didn't say anything... You can't blame others for being suspicious. Who told you to be as strong as a bull every time you do that? It makes sense that Sister Zhenzhen is so delicate that she cannot bear to be attacked..."

Lu Yu saw a black line on his forehead, rolled his eyes, and simply didn't bother to pay attention. This kind of thing will only get darker and darker.

"Move your mansion over here!" Lu Yu ordered.

"What to do? Do you want Miss Zhenzhen to go in and rest? Yes, she has worked hard for so long, so she should find a comfortable place for her to have a good rest... Frankly speaking, I really admire Miss Zhenzhen, and only She has been able to keep you company for so long, but even Wanqing and I couldn't do it together..."

As she spoke, she reached out and made a move, and Feitian Mansion suddenly rose from the mountains and flew in front of her in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yu didn't bother to explain to her. When he arrived at Feitian Mansion, he immediately jumped up and entered the mansion's courtyard. Then he put the box on the ground with Cui Zhenzhen and said, "Put Zhenzhen and these pills in place, and then send them Give me a ride!”

As he spoke, a red lotus flower appeared on his body. At the same time, a beam of starlight fell from the sky and shone directly on his body. After a series of refraction and surroundings, it was converted into powerful kinetic energy and blessed Feitian. Above the mansion.

Ning Wanxuan was stunned and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Return to Feng Hezhou!" Lu Yu replied without looking back.

After saying this, he closed his eyes, bathed in the starlight and fell asleep.

Cui Zhenzhen stayed up for several days and nights in a row, but he had rushed all the way to get here. He never stopped for a moment. It was time for him to take a good rest.

In the absence of an ethereal realm to rely on, this arrangement is undoubtedly the most time-saving and labor-saving way.

Ning Wanxuan originally had many more questions to ask, but seeing that Lu Yu quickly entered a state of "trance", she had no choice but to endure it.

She first determined the flight direction of Feitian Mansion, then took Cui Zhenzhen into a room inside the mansion to settle down, and finally came out to move the white jade box full of pills. Out of curiosity, she couldn't help but open the box. Take a look.

However, as soon as the box was opened, a strong pressure of spiritual energy suddenly hit her face. Even with her level of cultivation, she couldn't help but feel an inexplicable palpitation...

Ning Wanxuan's expression suddenly changed, and she quickly closed the box, not daring to look any further. Only then did she realize what an incredible thing was in the box.

"It seems that this guy really wasn't lazy before. Did he blame them wrongly just now?" Ning Wanxuan murmured to herself.

She also understood in her heart that Lu Yu handed this box of pills to her without any special instructions. The trust contained in it was self-evident... Thinking of this, she only felt that So sweet.

"Asshole... Then don't worry about what happened this time!" Ning Wanxuan said, biting her lower lip.

Immediately, she carefully moved the white jade box into the interior of the mansion, and made extensive modifications to the interior of the mansion in order to protect the entire box more safely and securely. After struggling for a while, she was finally satisfied.

Maybe this is just a trivial matter to Lu Yu, but the more trivial it is, the more cautious she becomes, because if even a small matter goes wrong, she will still get him when something big happens in the future. Trust?

Feitian Mansion galloped all the way, like a comet streaking across the sky.

Under Ning Wanxuan's careful care, Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen were not disturbed in any way and slept quietly like babies.

Even until Feitian Mansion arrived at Fenghe Prefecture and landed in front of Fenghe Prefecture Government Office, there was no disturbance.

This time, the "settled" state lasted until Lu Yu woke up naturally.

He stretched for a long time and felt refreshed for a while, all the fatigue had been swept away.

"Are you awake?" Ning Wanxuan twisted her waist and walked up to her.

"Well...where are we?" Lu Yu said in confusion before he understood the situation.

Ning Wanxuan smiled and said: "Where else can we go? Of course we will follow your instructions... We are already home!"

Lu Yu was slightly startled, then stood up quickly and opened the door of the house.

As the door opened, the barrier originally arranged around it failed, and noisy sounds immediately came in from the outside.

I saw that many people had gathered outside the mansion. The top figures from the Ye family, the Ning family, the Jin family, and many other forces... were all waiting outside! Perhaps it was because they didn't meet each other when Lu Yu came back last time, so this time they all waited outside.

As soon as Lu Yu appeared, the originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet, as if the barrier had taken effect again.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Yu.

Then they knelt down one by one, kowtowing silently, with pious expressions on their faces.

" going on?" Lu Yu said in shock.

"Don't wonder why they look like this. Even after I heard about your deeds in Hades Temple, I couldn't help but want to kneel in front of you..." Ning Wanxuan said with an emotional look on her face, a pair of His eyes were about to overflow with water: "My good sister-in-law, from now on, you are the only true god in my heart!"

Lu Yu was stunned for a while, and then he burst into laughter: "I see..."

His eyes swept over the faces of everyone around him one by one, and he said with emotion: "In fact, how can I be considered a true god? In the battle with the Hades Temple, although I took a slight advantage, it was far from being able to completely defeat the opponent. The enemy is still very strong, and we must continue to work hard..."

"Next, let me take you to see the real God!"

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