Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1965 Looking for You

Ning Wanxuan left quickly.

She is now not only the housekeeper on the other side of the Ark, but she also has to constantly understand the power of the Dragon God so that she can better control the dragon's mimicry.

After all, the environment on the Ark is completely different from the outside. The ability to control the dragon's mimicry is likely to directly affect her status within the Ark in the future. She doesn't want to fall behind in this... Therefore, in fact, she also has Under great pressure.

Lu Yu stopped where he was, quietly overlooking the magnificent city in front of him.

The location he was in at this time was a ring-shaped tower. According to the information he knew, this was actually a watchtower. It could not only observe changes in the enemy situation outside the Ark, but also target and locate the enemy. , used in conjunction with the attack array on the Ark to achieve precise guidance.

These functions naturally require the blessing of the magic circle, and can only be realized after it is restored. At this time, there is only an empty shell left. Lu Yu can see nothing but the dilapidated and huge city in front of him.

Lu Yu gently patted the railings of the tower and couldn't help but sigh.

I don’t know how long it will take to reproduce these functions again...

When he was traveling through the stars, the city had always been dark and quiet, like a dead desert, without the slightest breath of life... But now, it has some faint light, And from time to time there was a rumbling sound - it was the members of the Renaissance Alliance practicing how to control the flame dragon's mimicry.

Everything looks like a spark on the grassland. Although it is still very weak at this stage, Lu Yu believes that one day these sparks will grow into a prairie fire and completely light up this dark city. .

And this day will not last long. Before the next wave of offensive in Bixiao Shrine comes, at least part of it must be lit up first.

Lu Yu's eyes wandered, silently observing every corner of this magnificent city.

In fact, he was not reviewing the current progress, he was just searching for a target in the city... Soon, he determined the target he was looking for, and immediately jumped over the guardrail and jumped from the tower.

In mid-air, his figure turned into flying flowers, flashing several times in a row, until it was blurry and only an afterimage remained. By the time it emerged clearly next time, he had already reached the edge of the delineated range.

It seems that this should be a grand palace - inside the Ark on the Other Side, all the buildings are of extremely large scale. After all, when it was first designed, it served the dragon clan.


As soon as Lu Yu landed, a shout came from inside the hall.

The next moment, a vigilant Fu Jing appeared at the door of the palace. When she saw that it was Lu Yu, she immediately relaxed and couldn't help but roll her eyes: "Why is it you..."

After saying that, without waiting for Lu Yu's response, he returned to the interior of the palace.

Lu Yu could only touch his nose awkwardly.

In fact, he has not formally communicated with Fu Jing since the last quarrel between mother and daughter. Although there have been several opportunities to meet in the meantime, they have never had a chance to talk. Now suddenly, such a It did seem a bit abrupt to come to him quietly.

However, Lu Yu would not be discouraged. When he saw Fu Jing returning to the palace, he followed him in.

"Why did you choose to be here alone?" Lu Yu took the initiative to find a new topic.

"What? Isn't it possible?" Fu Jing said nonchalantly: "Didn't you say that as long as we are within the range you set and let us act as we please, I should not be out of the circle now, right?"

"Of course not, but this place you chose..." Midway through his words, Lu Yu suddenly paused deliberately.

Although Fu Jing knew that he was selling out, she still couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with this place? Is there something wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that it's too good. If it were me who had to choose, I would probably only choose here!" Lu Yu finally said the second half of the sentence.

"Tch!" Fu Jing couldn't help but rolled her eyes again: "You don't need to deliberately cater to me like this. After all, you have been my generation... my biological father!"

Lu Yu could only pretend that he could not escape the resentment in her words, and said: "It's really not pandering... There must be a reason why you chose this place, right? Do you also feel that the power attribute here is very special?"

"I might as well tell you the truth. This palace is actually very special. It was originally called the 'Hall of Heroes' and was originally used to commemorate the sacrificed dragon warriors. There is even a large cemetery on its edge. The entrance!”

Fu Jing couldn't help but be startled when he heard this: "Is it true or false?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said: "I don't need to lie to you on this issue. In fact, this is the place I planned to open in the next stage. Using the special force field formed by the bones of countless giant dragon warriors, we can create a huge illusion. In this way, everyone can further improve their ability to control the dragon's mimicry. As long as they can pass this illusion, they can officially become a master!"

Fu Jing was stunned for a while. He didn't expect Lu Yu to have such a plan.

Lu Yu continued: "That's why I say that the place you chose is very good, because you will indeed have a different feeling here than elsewhere... However, the level of this Hall of Heroes cannot be opened directly yet. It will improve, but it will be counterproductive..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but re-examine the palace in front of her. She felt the dragon's breath here that was completely different from other places, but she didn't realize it was because of this.

"So, you came here this time to prepare to build this

"No." Lu Yu shook his head, "Actually, I came here specifically to find you..."

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