Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2011 Borrowing seeds

"Are you... Emperor Siyu?" Lu Yu said uncertainly.

After saying that, he couldn't help but look back at Huo Siyu behind him, as if he wanted to confirm further through her.

Huo Siyu did not answer, but walked straight to the side of the coffin. At the same time, the beautiful girl in the coffin also sat up straight, and the two stood side by side.

"Yes, it's me - Huo Siyu." They both said at the same time, with exactly the same tone and tone.

Lu Yu stared blankly at the two faces in front of him.

Although it is obviously not the same face, it gives people a similar feeling.

Obviously, the inner part of this beautiful girl is the main body of Emperor Siyu's spiritual thoughts. Although Lu Yu has been dealing with "her" for a long time, this is his first encounter with the main body of Emperor Siyu's spiritual thoughts. Before this, Lu Yu thought about many possibilities, but he never thought that the other party would appear in such a way.

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and soon he took a clear look at the beautiful girl in front of him...

First of all, this is a real girl. She was not transformed from the body of Wu Qibin after devouring the power of a group of gods, or someone else. She is a pure and original girl.

Secondly, this girl also has extremely pure Guanlan bloodline power. To a certain extent, she can be regarded as another Fu Jing in this world.

"It seems that you have found a suitable body, Emperor. It seems that you no longer need my help here..." Lu Yu said.

"Who said that?" The bright girl raised her arms and looked at her body. "This body is indeed very good, but it is far from what I expected, so I still need your help!"

"But, hasn't 'she' already absorbed all your essence and blood?" Lu Yu said in confusion.

In his opinion, the pure bloodline in the girl cannot be cultivated, because according to what Huo Siyu said before, Fu Jing is the most outstanding masterpiece in the entire series of cultivation plans, and it is also her last work, because in this After that, she fell into a deep sleep, and did not wake up again until the seal was loosened...

But at this time, the purity of the girl's blood has reached a level comparable to that of Fu Jing. In this case, there is only one explanation, which is that the girl in front of her has taken the pure drop that Huo Siyu left behind thousands of years ago. The essence and blood have been completely integrated and absorbed, so it is in this state.

The girl did not deny Lu Yu's statement and said directly: "But this is far from enough. Although my attempt to finally awaken a thousand years ago ended in failure, it made me more aware of my shortcomings. At that time, the external interference factors were only one aspect, but even if there was no interference from the Temple of Hades at that time, I would not be able to successfully awaken in the end, because there is no way to solve the shortcomings... Therefore, I need more powerful power, and only more powerful A strong body can carry more powerful power!”

"This touches on my blind spot of knowledge..." Lu Yu rubbed his brows and said, "Obviously you are the authority in this regard. You are the one who has the most say on how to achieve a successful awakening... But what exactly do I do? How can I help you?”

"It's very simple. Work with me to create a more powerful body, and then all problems will be solved." The girl replied.

"Are you serious?" Lu Yu said in shock, "I don't have any experience in this area, so aren't you afraid that I will mess up your plan?"

"Who said you have no experience?" The girl looked at "Huo Siyu" beside her, "Judging from the information she brought back, you have a lot of experience in this area... However, in fact, it is not easy to accomplish these things. It only requires your experience and your instinct.”

"Instinct?" Lu Yu thought about the other party's words carefully, and couldn't help but have a very bad premonition in his heart. His face suddenly changed: "What do you mean by this?"

"Isn't the meaning obvious enough?" The girl straightened up and stood up from the coffin.

A pair of slender thighs stepped out of the coffin, and stood slimly in front of Lu Yu. Then, in front of Lu Yu, he gently unbuttoned the hem of the skirt. Suddenly, the long skirt made of gauze material fell out of his body, and it was white. The wonderful scenery of snow peaks, secluded forests, and rolling mountains was displayed in front of Lu Yu without reservation.

Before Lu Yu had time to be surprised, at the same time, "Huo Siyu" on the side also made the same move. In the blink of an eye, he stripped himself completely and showed himself in front of Lu Yu without any reservation.

The girl smiled softly, took Lu Yu's hand and put it on her heart: "Do you understand now?"

That seductive smile formed a sharp contrast with her innocent face.

And "Huo Siyu" on the side was not idle either. She knelt on the ground and got directly between Lu Yu and the girl. Then she skillfully took out Lu Yu's vital parts and told Lu Yu the truth about "her" in a more direct way. need.

This was the first time for Lu Yu to experience such a battle. The same consciousness controlled two bodies at the same time to "violate" him. Although he knew clearly that all this was not simple, the male body instinct still gave the other party the most primitive love. respond.

Until this moment, he had completely understood the other party's intention.

In fact, the so-called help is just to use his body to get the other person pregnant. This method has a very down-to-earth name among the people - borrowing seeds.

The other party had been planning for so long, luring him here step by step just to borrow seeds from him.

Before coming here, Lu Yu had thought that this trip might be a trap, but he never thought that it would end up being such a trap.

"Wait! Wait a moment..."

Lu Yu still wanted to make a final struggle, but at this moment, the two people facing each other sincerely had already wrapped themselves around him like beautiful snakes. The girl even kissed his lips, her eyes looking at his close at hand. Eyes, Lu Yu suddenly felt a little dazed.

"Shh, if you have anything to say, let's wait until later..." After a moment, the girl let go of Lu Yu's lips and said softly.

At this moment, Lu Yu felt as if two sharp swords were inserted into his mind, killing his last remaining rationality.

His last thought was that he finally knew what method the other party used to instantly defeat the lingering ghosts of those giant dragons when they were underground in the Temple of Hades, and now all of this was happening in his sea of ​​consciousness. among.

Next, rationality completely withdraws, and desire begins to rise and rage.

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