Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2034 Complaints to each other

"Other people?" Liu Hongxu asked narrowly, "Sir, who are you trying to ask?"

Lu Yu said: "You know what I mean... I want to know everyone's news. This is something I have been worrying about since I left. But if possible, of course I still hope that you can start with the people I care about most." Speaking of..."

"But, Young Master, you haven't said anything, so how do I know who the person you care about most is? I wonder if I am included in this?"

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Don't be joking, it is not easy to maintain such communication and contact. Emperor Sainty said that I only have about three days, let's talk about business first!"

Liu Hongxu was stunned for a moment, then immediately put away his smile, and formally told Lu Yu about the changes after he left...

Since Lu Yu left on the Ark of the Other Side, due to the lack of injection of weapon spirits, Bixiao Shrine's plan to transform the star field weapons was forced to be suspended. However, even so, the situation of the four factions alliance is still precarious. Although the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, Wuya The Immortal Pavilion has been crippled, Shenhuo Xuanzong has also been reduced to a vassal, and among the eight major sects, only Bixiao Shrine is left on the opposite side. But as long as the Chaos God of War is there, the alliance of the four factions cannot be an opponent of Bixiao Shrine.

At the critical moment, Meng Ting stepped forward again.

She went to Bixiao Shrine alone and had a deep talk with the other party. No one knew what they talked about. They only knew that the final result was a truce between the two sides. Bixiao Shrine would not take the initiative to provoke a war, and she was also attracted by Bixiao Shrine. He was taken away by people from Xiaoshen Palace and has never been seen again since then.

It is not difficult to imagine that she must have made a compromise with Bixiao Shrine. It can be said that she gained temporary peace for the entire world with her own sacrifice.

The whole world has indeed been able to spend a period of peace as a result. Although the relationship between the two parties is still tense, Bixiao Shrine has indeed kept its word. They have never taken the initiative to provoke war again, and the relationship between the four major sects has also become more stable. For closeness.

To put it simply, since the unprecedented battle in the Jiuyou Underground, the only real victims were Lu Yu and Meng Ting. Everyone else returned to their original sects, including Chudie, Yudie and Ye Weilan, whom Lu Yu was concerned about, and they also returned to the Jade Butterfly Peak of the Dali Sword Sect.

Everyone is secretly gathering strength, because people know that peace is only temporary and this matter is not over yet.

This naturally includes the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom. The reason why Lu Yu immediately caused the giant dragons to fly away as soon as he arrived was precisely because Liu Hongxu ordered the giant dragons to be sent to develop and construct here.

Liu Hongxu was clear-cut and concise. Although he talked about many things eloquently, he did not spend much time.

After Lu Yu heard that the person he cared about was safe and sound, his anxious heart finally relaxed.

However, it cannot be said that everyone is safe and sound, at least Meng Ting is not among them...

"Meng Ting...where did she go? Was she imprisoned by Bixiao Palace or something? Is there no news at all for so many years?" Lu Yu asked with a frown.

Liu Hongxu shook his head: "In the past ten years, she has been just like you. No one knows her whereabouts... But there is a guess that she was sent away by people from Bixiao Palace and has left this place. One side of the world..."

Lu Yu was stunned: "Sent away? Her cultivation level must not be far enough to ascend, right?"

"Indeed, no, but when does it matter?" Liu Hongxu glanced at Lu Yu: "Young master, you also didn't ascend, but not only did you survive safely in the world outside the sky, you even found a way to come back."

Lu Yu shook his head. This was not a successful example. "Who made this guess? What's the basis for it?"

"Master Yudie said it." Liu Hongxu replied, "As for what her basis is, I don't know, but Master Yudie and Miss Meng Ting have always had a very good relationship. On the eve of that battle, they also Let's build magic weapons together... Before Miss Meng Ting went to Bixiao Shrine alone, she also handed over all her personal belongings to Master Yudie. Maybe Master Yudie knows some special inside information..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

If Yudie's guess is true, then where exactly was Meng Ting sent?

Did he return to the main body of the Great Bixiao Saint's spiritual thoughts like his mother, or was he sent to another place?

Or, what conditions did she use to convince Bixiao Shrine to stop the war?

"Sir, I've said so much, is it time for you to talk now? Where have you been these past few years? What have you experienced?"

Liu Hongxu's words brought Lu Yu's thoughts back.

Lu Yu smiled bitterly and said: "I am now in another star field. The name here is called 'Guantian World'. However, I have not experienced ten years. In fact, in my perception, I feel that I have just left a world." It’s just more than a few years…”

"One year?" Liu Hongxu was stunned: "Is the world outside the sky... so magical?"

"It's not just time that's magical." Lu Yu said, "There are many more magical places..."

Then, Lu Yu also told Liu Hongxu, briefly describing the peculiarities of Guantian World, and briefly introduced his own experience. Finally, he mentioned that he founded the Renaissance Alliance and developed the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill. , and are preparing a restoration plan for the Ark on the other side based on the Renaissance Alliance...

"So, when I come back this time, the second most important thing is to report to you that I am safe. The most important thing is to ask for help!" Lu Yu finally said.

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