Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2087 The first wave of impact

After cutting off the communication channel, Lu Yu could no longer observe the external situation from a God's perspective.

However, from the scene just before the communication was cut off, he had already foreseen that the offensive of the starry sky thieves was close at hand.

To be on the safe side, he didn't delay at all and directly borrowed the power from Fu Jingjing to activate the real scene of Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir.

Everything was the same as before. Fu Jing had no defense against him and was ready to take advantage of his intrusion. Everything seemed to fall into place.

After a moment, a red lotus flower that seemed to have substance appeared on the two of them, not only completely wrapping their bodies, but also firmly pressing on the engine array.

In this way, they were like a ballast stone, firmly protecting the entire engine array.

After doing all this, Lu Yu turned around and realized that the expression on Fu Jing's face was a little subtle, and a pair of watery eyes were looking at him unblinkingly.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Yu was a little surprised, but he didn't think deeply about it. While observing the surrounding situation, he comforted: "Don't be nervous, we have successfully resisted even the most powerful catastrophe in the world, and we can only deal with the current setbacks." It’s a small scene, even if it’s the engine array at your feet, protecting it shouldn’t be a big problem…”

"I'm not nervous..." Fu Jing whispered, her expression a little nervous.

Lu Yu then looked at her seriously: "What's going on?"

Fu Jing's face turned slightly red and she said softly: "It's nothing... I just feel a little happy inexplicably..."

"Huh? Happy? It can't be for no reason, right? Is it because I rejected Huo Siyu just now?"

Fu Jing's face suddenly turned redder, and she felt her chest pounding.

Originally she didn't want to respond, but after all she couldn't stand Lu Yu's intimidating eyes, and finally said softly: "Well, a bit..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "What's the matter? You are too easily satisfied..."

Fu Jing glared at him angrily, raised her chin and said, "I don't care, I'm just happy anyway!"

"Okay, okay, you can do whatever you want..." Lu Yu said with a smile: "Since you are so easily satisfied, then I will reject her in front of you a few more times in the future! Let her know that she, the most powerful person, is actually nothing... In my heart, you are the real supreme power!"

Fu Jing knew that his words were mostly joking, but she still couldn't help but feel sweet in her heart. She turned around and smiled sweetly at him and said, "Actually, the real reason why I'm happy is not entirely because of her..."

"When I teamed up with her and my mother before, I can honestly say that the feeling of Guanlan's bloodline intersecting in one place was very attractive to me. It seemed that there was a desire rooted deep in the bloodline that suddenly It’s like waking up…”

"But now, after joining forces with you again, I find that this way of joining forces fascinates me even more... because this feeling of being able to trust someone without reservation is really good..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly shocked, he didn't expect that she would say such profound words.

He was about to respond, but at this moment, a violent shock suddenly struck him.

The two of them felt that the entire city under their feet seemed to jump suddenly, and then the two of them instantly turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, becoming heads and feet.

There was a loud rumbling sound everywhere in my ears.

Buildings that collapsed from the dragon city were flying everywhere. Although they were not the key core parts, they made the entire Ark a mess, as if the end of the world was coming.

Lu Yu and Fu Jing were protected by Jiujiu Liansheng, so they naturally did not suffer any harm. Even the engine array under their protection was fine.

However, in this chaotic situation, all the pressure was placed on the real Jindan scene of Jiujiu Liansheng. Even after multi-dimensional transformation and sharing, a considerable part of the pressure was still placed on Lu Yu in the end, making him feel better. I couldn't even hum for a long time.

At this time, Lu Yu couldn't help but discover that even the real scene of Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir had an obvious shortcoming...that is, in the face of such a complicated situation, it needed to make timely adjustments, otherwise it would be with him. It's the same now. On the contrary, when we faced the most powerful calamity, although the pressure was greater at the time, because it was a stable and continuous pressure, it was easier to deal with it than in such a complicated situation.

There are only two ways to solve this shortcoming. Either you have more powerful thoughts and consciousness, and you can make local fine-tuning of Jiujiu Liansheng at any time.

Or you can truly create the golden elixir of Jiujiu Liansheng. In that case, you can rely entirely on your own strength and naturally there will be no need for adjustment.

However, neither of these two solutions can be achieved in a short time. For now, this is the only way to live.

After a while, this wave of shock gradually subsided.

But Lu Yu and Fu Jing both knew very well that this was just the first wave, and the competition outside would definitely not end in such a short time...

"Damn... I don't know who did it, but you're so rude, and I'm not afraid of destroying this billion-year-old dragon treasure..." Lu Yu couldn't help complaining.

He was not just complaining, he was also paying attention to the situation around him while complaining.

At first glance, the situation inside the Ark was simply miserable at this time, but the main part of the Kuangsha attack array did not suffer any damage, and even the dragon mimics activated by various members were not damaged.

Lu Yu finally felt a little relieved.

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