Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2089 Vulnerable

Aboard the Regal.

Although the Tianwei Legion won the final victory after a lot of fighting, it was far from what it looked like on the surface.

Originally, according to the plan of Lord Tianwei, he could directly use his great supernatural powers to capture the entire Ark on the Other Side. Unfortunately, during the battle, the opponent's counterattack was so fierce that some accidents occurred, and he had to Abandoning the original plan, he instead dragged the entire Ark of the Other Shore away, planning to regroup and then study how to use the Ark of the Other Shore for his own use.

But what he didn't expect was that an accident happened again during the process...

Originally, they had only achieved a miserable victory. In addition to their colleagues who were like hyenas and couldn't be driven away, there was also a Thousand Eyes King hidden in the dark, who also needed to be on guard at all times. These two threats were already involved. With all his attention... who would have thought that at this time, the Ark on the other side, which they had clearly regarded as a piece of meat, would actually start up again!

"Oops! Don't let it escape!" Lord Tianwei shouted loudly.

The sound was actually transmitted in an absolute vacuum and entered everyone's ears clearly.

It was then discovered that this was not a real sound, but a wave of thoughts that spread directly to the entire area.

Lord Tianwei only regrets that now his Junwei has become the leader of the entire fleet, and there is a lot of distance between it and the Ark on the other side, otherwise he could personally take action to keep the other party behind.

At this moment, what he was thinking about was how to keep this dragon treasure as his own, and he was not aware of the danger involved.

Not only him, but the "hyenas" around him also became excited and approached one after another.

Originally they thought their chances were slim, but unexpectedly, such a turning point suddenly occurred. If the Ark of the Other Side could cause some chaos to the entire array of the Tianwei Legion, then their chance would come again...

What no one expected was that the Ark on the Other Side only started up for a moment, and after struggling to fly a certain distance, the decks on the ship suddenly opened up piece by piece.

Like a giant dragon, its scales suddenly stood up in an offensive posture.

Seeing this, Lord Tianwei couldn't help laughing: "Go up! Block it!"

He was extremely confident in the three swords he struck. It was an indisputable fact that the liquid true energy protection of the Ark on the Other Side was broken by his three swords.

Even if the three swords did not cause serious damage to the Ark of the Other Side, the accompanying offensive was not something that a group of natives who often hide in iron boxes could withstand.

What's more, there will be various attacks coming next, and even the Regal he is sitting on may not be able to withstand such chaos.

Therefore, in the view of Lord Tianwei, even if the Ark on the Other Side still has some remaining strength at this time, it is just at the end of its war effort. If the other party is smart enough to use this little remaining strength to escape, then he will still be a little worried. After all, This will cause many unknown variables...but if the other party wants to launch a desperate counterattack, then this is simply wishful thinking!

The subordinates of Tianwei Legion obviously have the same thoughts. In their opinion, this Ark on the Other Side is indeed the Dragon Clan's treasure. It can still remain intact in such a fierce collision without any bumps or bumps. This is enough to prove its huge reputation. ... But the treasure has to be divided into who uses it. The group of natives who came out of Guantian World do not think it can pose any threat to themselves.

Otherwise, if they really have powerful methods, why didn't they use them before?

At best, it's just relying on the strength of the ship's hull and using brute force to run rampant, just like the two intercepting star warships that were damaged before... But it requires a certain distance to accelerate to create such an effect, but now there is no such thing. This distance gives it momentum.

Just when everyone was full of confidence and thought that the Ark on the other side would be pushed back to its original position soon, suddenly the two star battleships that initially engaged in the battle disappeared in an instant.

Then came the third ship, the fourth ship, the fifth ship, the sixth ship... one by one, they were reduced to ashes, without any sound, without any room for struggle, everything was as silent as a mime!

Compared with the initial destruction of the Iron Hand Master, the Ark on the other side has made greater progress at this time, and the power of the first level of Kuang Sha launched is naturally more powerful than before!

Kuangsha destroyed more than ten starry sky battleships of the Tianwei Legion in one blow. It was not until they encountered the deputy captain's battleship, commanded by Gangya and Red Fox, that they finally encountered some resistance.

I saw a dark evil spirit whistling in the space, causing the two star warships of Gangya and Red Fox to tremble violently, and they were erratic, like two withered leaves shivering in the cold wind.

In the end, the two battleships did not last long and suddenly turned into ashes and completely fell apart.

However, this process was finally seen clearly by people, and everyone was immediately shocked. What kind of terrorist offensive was this?

And with the disintegration of the two star battleships Gangya and Red Fox, the next Kuangsha offensive has arrived in front of the Regal.

Standing on top of Cambridge, holding a giant sword, Godly Lord Tianwei was the first to bear the brunt.

"It turns out... you are the culprits who killed Tie Shou!" Lord Tianwei looked solemn.

He didn't realize this until now, but it was too late.

"No...this is impossible!"

Finally, Lord Tianwei gave a mournful cry, and the remaining fluctuations of his thoughts were like lingering sounds, shaking the entire universe and starry sky.

The Regal, which embodies his lifelong cultivation, only lasted a moment longer than Gangya and Red Fox's vehicles. In the end, it could not escape the fate of being completely destroyed.

The so-called existence that is almost like a divine king is still vulnerable to a blow from Kuangsha.

After enduring it for so long, Ark from the Other Side finally showed his sharp fangs in front of everyone for the first time.

The surrounding star warships that were approaching suddenly stopped and turned around and fled in a hurry.

They originally thought there was a bargain to be found, but how could they have imagined that this would be the result?

It turns out that the prey in the lion's mouth is not dead prey, but a living dragon! Anyone who dares to get close will be devoured by it, including the "lion" who thinks he has the upper hand.

In an instant, the entire universe and starry sky became as quiet as the realm of ghosts.

In that splendid galaxy composed of countless battleship wreckage, only the ark on the other side is left to wander quietly in it...

Just when everyone thought that everything was about to end here and things could finally come to an end... suddenly, another wave of thought was clearly transmitted from the Ark on the other side:

"Where is Mr. Thousand Eyes?"

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