Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2216 Five dragons gather together

"Who is this guy?"

"He stole our dragon soul!"

"He has a total of five dragon souls in his hand!"

"No matter who he is, kill him first and then talk!"

Everyone had a tacit understanding, and with concerted efforts, the cooperation reached a whole new level, and the fierce offensive swept towards Lu Yu like a tide.

How dare Lu Yu continue to delay?

Ignoring the severe pain all over his body, he quickly activated the Galaxy Sword in his hand and quickly left the place.

Originally, he could use the newly conquered blue dragon soul in his hand to offset everyone's offensive and then move away, but at this moment, he could not even do this. He could only fight the risk of injury and continue to attack. After carrying it several times, he tumbled in the air and fled hastily.

Fortunately, he had messed up the situation enough before, and there was still enough space for him to act without being completely cornered.

During the entanglement, Lu Yu was chased by these strong men for at least hundreds of miles. Finally, his body gradually recovered some strength, and he once again drove the dragon soul to launch a fierce offensive, and then forced the pursuers behind him to retreat. .

"'s finally safe!"

Lu Yu controlled the Galaxy Sword and landed in a dark red forest, and he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

He carries four dragon souls on his body. For him, with the power of these dragon souls in his hands, it is not difficult to suppress other dragon souls. What is difficult is to deal with those around him who are also coveting the dragon souls at the same time. Many strong men.

"I don't know how Yudie did it. When we were on that big river before, there seemed to be no other companions..."

"I think it's probably related to her backdoor device... Tsk, this woman, she even said she wanted to compete in a competition, but it turned out she was trying to trick me!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved.

But now, he has no better way. He can only restore his strength as soon as possible, learn from it, and perform well next time.

Now, he already has five dragon souls in his hands...

The total number of dragon souls here is eighteen.

Eighteen again...

Lu Yu couldn't help but think that the total number of secrets of the stars was also eighteen... Does the number eighteen have a special meaning for all the heavens and worlds?

This thought flashed through Lu Yu's mind. Before he had time to delve into it, his thoughts were quickly attracted by another thing.

He saw that the five dragon souls wrapped around his arms showed signs of being entangled with each other. However, this entangled trend did not last long. When they got close to a certain distance, they quickly repeled each other. They are like two magnets with the same pole.

This process repeats itself over and over again.

Lu Yu couldn't help but become very curious about this.

While driving the power of red lotus to continuously heal his body, he carefully observed this strange phenomenon...

After a while, when his body had almost recovered, he finally gained some clues from this wonderful phenomenon.

To a certain extent, this is similar to the aggregation of the mysteries of the stars. After the mysteries of the stars are gathered together, they can form a powerful Galaxy Sword Art. On the surface, these dragon soul powers are independent individuals, but in fact They can also be arranged and combined in different ways to complement each other and further enhance their power.

This is not a sword art, but it has a similar pattern to the formation of sword art.

Lu Yu frowned and thought for a moment, then took off the pieces of dragon soul from his arm and let them slowly wrap around in front of him.

The first was the golden dragon soul... This dragon soul had the same attributes as the power of Emperor Shuntian. Lu Yu had the deepest understanding of it, so it was most appropriate to start with it.

This is the dark red dragon soul... Its power attribute is the background color of this sealed world. Although Lu Yu's understanding of him is not as good as the golden dragon soul, he still has a considerable level of understanding.

Lu Yu added the dark red dragon soul to the swirling golden dragon soul, and suddenly there were two dragon souls in front of him, one gold and one red, connected end to end, circling continuously, but this state of exclusion was not stable. Lu Yu needed extremely strong control to barely maintain this state without collapsing.

Before this state completely collapsed, Lu Yu quickly added dragon souls of three colors: green, blue, and purple.

Finally a stable state was achieved.

Red, gold, cyan, purple, and blue, five different colors of dragon souls together formed a stable loop, slowly surrounding Lu Yu's palm, and Lu Yu took it back to his arm, still keeping it Same status.

Although Lu Yu didn't know exactly what this state was, it was foreseeable that it must be more powerful than before.

Now, he no longer has to worry about the problems he will encounter from his peers.

He even had a hunch that he could hit wherever he wanted next, and this time he could just throw it anywhere and completely subdue the remaining dragon souls.

Yudie thought that her little trick could defeat her, but she could only say that she had made a wrong calculation!

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