Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2230 Seeing things and missing people

Yudie was still full of questions, but Lu Yu didn't have time to explain to her too much, and took Huo Siyu into a closed cabin again.

Next, he not only has to rely on the ethereal realm to restore his vitality, but also uses her identity as a spiritual clone to get in touch with the "Huo Siyu main body" on the other side of the ark, and then communicate more detailed details.

Of course, to enter the ethereal realm, the two of them will inevitably have to have very close and ambiguous contact, which Lu Yu is very resistant to in his heart... But there is no way, the distinguished guest from Qiutong Palace is coming soon, He didn't have much time to dwell on it.

"What happened to you today?"

In the secret room, Huo Siyu suddenly raised his head with a blushing face, looked at Lu Yu with blurred eyes and said, "Why haven't you responded for so long? This shouldn't be the case in the past..."

Lu Yu frowned and looked at her: "This must be your intention, right? Did you expect such a situation when you first set out? But what is your purpose of doing this?"

Huo Siyu smiled slightly: "Don't think too much about it, okay? I just want to draw our relationship closer. Haven't you always resisted the father-daughter relationship between us? Then I will try another relationship... …”

Lu Yu said: "I can't help but think about you like this..." After a pause, he continued: "How about you change to Yunru and come out again. After we complete the recovery, you can come out again?"

"What do you mean?"

"There's no other meaning. It's just that I know it's you, but I'm standing in Yunru's face. This will distract me and prevent me from entering the state..."

"Distracted? You mean, you want me to serve you with my true self? Haha, he is indeed a duplicitous guy!"

As she spoke, her image changed rapidly, and soon she changed from Huo Yunru to Huo Siyu.

"How's it going? Is it okay now? Does the sight of the legendary empress surrendering under you make you feel very happy?"

Lu Yu still looked indifferent: "The pleasure of wool... You will only put more psychological pressure on me. Before you refuse to tell me your true purpose, do you think I will open my heart to you?"

Huo Siyu chuckled and said: "I don't need your heart, I only need your body..."

However, after some hard work, I found that it was still useless.

"Eh, that shouldn't be the case. I don't believe you would put any psychological pressure on me... Could it be because you just saw that Jade Butterfly? I didn't expect you to still like to play the innocent game..."

As she spoke, her image began to change again, this time she turned into a jade butterfly.

"Is this okay?"

Lu Yu was shocked and said: "What are you doing? Why did you become like her? Change back quickly!"

"Jade Die" looked pleasantly surprised: "Sure enough, she responded. You are so duplicitous... Don't resist. You can't hold it back. It seems that you have accumulated a lot of desire for her. Just let me come again." Fulfill your fantasy for once!”

Regardless of whether Lu Yu wanted it or not, the two of them finally entered the ethereal state. Under the influence of the Miaoling Qiyu Body, their injuries and vitality quickly recovered.

Soon after, the cabin door opened and the two of them came out again, but they were already full of energy and high spirits.

"You...what did you do?" Yudie looked at the two of them and said with a look of surprise.

Lu Yu rarely dared to meet her gaze, and lowered his head in shame.

Yudie's eyes instantly became more severe: "Fu Jing has just explained to me that the bloodline of the Guanlan clan and the Miaoling Seven Jade Body are indeed very miraculous. But according to her, it seems that you only need to stay close to each other. , You don’t really need to do anything... But your reaction now gives me every reason to doubt... You guys really did something, right?"

"Of course not!" Lu Yu quickly denied.

"No?" Yudie raised her eyebrows: "If not, why do you look guilty?"

"Because..." Even with Lu Yu's wisdom, he couldn't help but run out of words.

During the previous confrontation in the secret room, Huo Siyu had indeed broken through his defenses and brought out the most secret and dark corners of his heart.

"Of course it's because I saw you seeing things and thinking about people..." Huo Siyu came over from behind and took the initiative to say: "Just now my father told me all the experiences between you two, and then I realized that there was such a person in his heart. My beloved woman, maybe he hasn’t come out of his emotions because he confided too much!”

"Is that so?" Yudie's eyes were filled with suspicion.

Huo Siyu chuckled and said: "Actually, I used some tricks just now. The process of his confiding just now was not completely voluntary, so now he can't hold it back for a while. Is this understandable?"

Yudie narrowed her eyes: "What a coincidence, Fu Jing also told me a lot about you just now..."

"Oh? What then?"

Yudie said: "Of course I agree with her point of view and will keep an eye on you together with him in the future! No matter what your purpose is, as long as you come with malicious intent, you will not succeed in the end!"

Huo Siyu smiled and said: "Then you can do whatever you want, but no matter what your plans are, you have to wait until you pass this level first... Can we start?"

The last sentence was already spoken to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu took a deep breath and calmed down: "Let's get started!"

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