Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2241 Qinghui Realm

The black tail fin stirred wildly, and the Ark of the Other Shore reached an unprecedented speed.

Although the tail fin was dark black, it was covered with golden lines, and as it stirred, dazzling light spread along the lines, forming a series of dancing dragons.

This scene was like thousands of dragons pushing the Ark of the Other Shore forward together.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yu felt that he vaguely saw the power of the Dragon God Clan in the past.

"Is this how you were discovered by the wolf smoke?" Lu Yu asked Yu Die beside him.

"Yes." Yu Die replied, "But the light we stimulated at that time was far less powerful than it is now, and the speed was not as fast as it is now... Now it's like this, there is no turning back."

Now the light stimulated by the black tail of the dragon fish can be observed from a faraway star field even with the naked eye. For those strong people in the heavens and the worlds, it is like a torch lit in the dark night. As long as you glance in this direction, you can't help but see it.

In other words, they are now almost telling everyone their current trajectory and the direction they are heading to.

"We already have no way back!" Lu Yu said, "Even if we hide and keep a low profile, do you think those big shots in Qiutong Palace and Yongle Xianting will not know our whereabouts? Now it's just that more people know it... It's good this way, maybe the next Qinghui Realm will be very lively!"

Qinghui Realm is the star field where the Dongxu Dragon Clan is located, and it is also the destination they are going to at this time.

Yudie shook her head and said, "Then you have to think clearly. Our current flying state is achieved by the blessing of the dragon clan of Wanlong Country communicating with the Dragon God. This state cannot last long. Once the energy is exhausted, we can't go anywhere... and according to our current consumption, when we reach Qinghui Realm, it will be the moment when all the energy is exhausted. If we can't get the flying dragon posture at that time, we will be trapped in Qinghui Realm!" Lu Yu said, "It doesn't matter. As the saying goes, you have to survive in a desperate situation. We don't need to leave a way out for ourselves... But then again, this dragon fish black tail will not always be like this after reinstalling it? If we are lucky enough to get the flying dragon posture in Qinghui Realm, do we have to go all the way to the Cancer Star Field in this cool way?" "Of course not." Yudie explained, "The reason why it is like this now is that there is no flying dragon posture as a drive, so we can only use this very wild acceleration method. Once you have the flying dragon posture, the dragon fish black tail will enter a self-consistent state, and the acceleration process at that time will become very "Lu Yu nodded and said, "That's good!" Yu Die looked at him in surprise and couldn't help but said, "Have you thought of a plan? According to Mr. Su, this flying dragon posture is also very important to the Dongxu Dragon Clan. Are you sure you can get it from them?" Lu Yu said, "My plan is to fight against the enemy and cover the water... What a joke, I have never been to Qinghui Realm, and I don't know what the situation is inside the Dongxu Dragon Clan. How can I have a mature plan?"

"In fact, I still wonder why the star field where the Dongxu Dragon Clan is located is called Qinghui Realm? The word 'realm' is generally not used indiscriminately, just like the Daze Realm where Daze Tianjun is located. It is precisely because of the existence of a powerful Tianjun that the Daze star field has become the Daze Realm... Could it be that there is also a powerful Tianjun inside the Dongxu Dragon Clan?"

"Well..." Yudie hesitated, "Only Mr. Su can answer it."

As they said, the two looked at Su Qinghe, who was closely monitoring whether the dragon fish Heiwei was moving stably.

For both Lu Yu and Yudie, they already had a certain understanding of the dragon fish Heiwei, but Su Qinghe was the first time to come into such close contact with this legendary treasure, so he was very curious about everything about it.

Because he was too focused, he did not notice the conversation between Lu Yu and Yudie at all. At this time, seeing the two of them looking at him at the same time, he couldn't help but reveal a confused look.

Until Lu Yu repeated the question again, he smiled and said: "You think the problem is complicated. The Dongxu Dragon Clan is the Dongxu Dragon Clan, and the Qinghui Realm is the Qinghui Realm. In the past years, the Qinghui Realm did give birth to a powerful Qinghui Tianjun, so the original star field became a world of its own and became the Qinghui Realm..."

"But as I mentioned to you before, it is very rare to find a living Tianjun like Daze Tianjun. Most of them have assimilated with the law. This is the case with the Qinghui Realm. The former Qinghui Tianjun has long been annihilated in the reincarnation of the era, and only the laws he formulated are still in operation. Therefore, the Qinghui Realm is still the Qinghui Realm, and the Dongxu Dragon Clan migrated there later..."

"However, this is a very long time ago. There is no way to verify when they migrated there. Perhaps only the Dragon God knows the specific time."

"So that's it..."

Lu Yu nodded suddenly, and soon he realized another flaw: "But I'm afraid your words are not entirely true, right? Since this Dongxu tribe dragon clan can thrive in the Qinghui world, That means they must have been deeply integrated with the laws within the Qinghui Realm. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the successors of the original Qinghui Tianjun. I don’t know if I am right?”

Su Qinghe said: "It is true. The dragon clan of Dongxu Tribe has mastered the power of Qinghui. Within the scope of Qinghui Realm, their power is far more powerful than other dragon clans. This is why they can stand firm there. The root cause of the heel.”

Lu Yu nodded clearly again.

Now he completely understood. No wonder for such a powerful dragon tribe, Yongle Immortal Court and Shenhua Immortal Court just tolerated them on the side of the bed. Even the Shadow Tribe did not come to look for trouble. It turned out that the crux was here.

In fact, it is not only the Dragon Clan of Dongxu tribe, but also the dragon tribes all over the world. They all have some special means to survive in the world.

Otherwise, like the dragon clan led by Emperor Shuntian to the Huangtian world, they will completely decline. Others think that although they have established the Wanlong Kingdom under the leadership of Liu Hongxu, if they cannot find If the fire of the abyss cannot reproduce and reproduce, it will eventually be destroyed sooner or later.

"Then, now comes the problem..." Lu Yu said again, "Since they relied on the power of the laws of the Qinghui Realm to gain a firm foothold and settle down, then in their minds, who is the Dragon God more important? Is it more important, or is the Qinghui Tianjun who is so close at hand?”

"This..." Su Qinghe couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

How could he know the answer to this question?

I'm afraid even the Dragon God himself can't explain clearly...

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter... I think they have seen us by now, right? Let's find out the answer ourselves!"

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