Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2258 Mutual Wanted

Although it has been quite some time since Lu Yu and his companions left the Wolf Smoke Land, you should know that this place is not in the mortal world, but the Heavens and Myriad Worlds composed of many star fields. The distance between the Wolf Smoke Land and here is the other side of the starry sky that people in the mortal world cannot imagine. If it were not for the power of the dragon fish Black Tail, Lu Yu and his companions would not have been able to arrive here in such a short time.

According to the normal development trajectory of things, it is impossible for things to be spread here so quickly, but there are exceptions to everything. If those powerful and powerful people who are high above take action, the result will be different.

However, Lu Yu quickly rejected this idea in his heart, because if it was really the matter of the Wolf Smoke Land that was reported, then the protagonist of this matter was not himself, but the Ark of the Other Shore. The other party should be very wary of the Ark of the Other Shore. The first time they saw the Ark of the Other Shore, they would have treated it as a formidable enemy and responded in advance, instead of discussing the ownership of the Ark of the Other Shore with the Dongxu Department. Their behavior showed that they only saw the trajectory of the Ark of the Other Shore flying towards them in the starry sky, and did not know what happened specifically. Maybe they knew part of it, but it was all old news that had long expired. These thoughts flashed through Lu Yu's mind in an instant, and Lu Yu immediately had some calculations in his heart, and said with a smile: "You are not joking, are you? You said you knew my name, so I would admit it, but the entire Yongle Immortal Court has listed me as a wanted criminal? Don't you think it's too much of a fuss? What merits do I, Lu Yu, have? Do you have nothing to do in Yongle Immortal Court and are too idle?" Zhenhong God sneered: "Yongle Immortal Court has its own rules, why do we need to explain to outsiders? I originally had some doubts about this, but seeing you appear here, so... Everything is reasonable. Since you are here, it means that you are indeed extraordinary. The Xianting’s wanted order for you is definitely well-targeted. In short, the wanted order for you is issued by the Xuanbian Mansion. Even if you run to a remote corner far away from the Central World, you can’t escape! "

Now Lu Yu can basically confirm that the Yongle Xianting’s wanted order for him has nothing to do with the Langyan Land incident. This is another matter independent of the Langyan Land incident. It is estimated that even if there is no Lanyan Land incident, this so-called Xuanbian Mansion will also launch a wanted order for him.

However, Xuanbian Mansion

Lu Yu silently remembered this name in his heart.

I don't know what kind of existence this department is in Yongle Xianting, and what kind of relationship it has with Qiutong Palace. I must find Su Qinghe to find out when I go back.

"Chief Teng, how do you think this matter should be handled?" Zhenhong Shenjun asked coldly, "As the saying goes, ignorance is innocent. You didn't know about this matter before, and you brought the person here by mistake. I don't blame you. But now I have clearly told you that this person is a wanted criminal of our Yongle Xianting. How do you plan to deal with it?"

Chief Teng couldn't help but feel troubled. The reason why he brought Lu Yu in was, on the one hand, to see what kind of ability Lu Yu had, and on the other hand, he didn't want to use Lu Yu's power to suppress Zhenhong Shenjun to increase the bargaining chips. Unexpectedly, things turned out to be so unexpected. Lu Yu's entry has not played any role, but he was forced into a dilemma.

Just as Chief Teng was pondering inwardly, Lu Yu suddenly laughed: "Yongle Xianting is so powerful. The Dongxu tribe has not been officially merged into you, but you have already started to order them around like subordinates?"

"Chief Teng, I suggest you reconsider it seriously. If he treats you like this now, he may not treat you like this in the future! Are you really willing to be his cannon fodder?"

Chief Teng remained silent and said nothing.

Zhenhong Shenjun frowned and was about to speak, but Lu Yu said first: "In addition, I also have a piece of news here. I need to explain to you that our Dakong tribe has been wandering for many years, and finally established a country dominated by dragons in the Huangtian World, Wanlong Country, and this Zhenhong Shenjun happens to be a wanted criminal of our Wanlong Country. I wonder if you can help this trip for the sake of our common belief in the Dragon God and our common blood?"

When this person appeared, everyone in the venue was stunned.

Although they didn't know the truth about the Wanlong Kingdom, no matter what, no one in the world dared to issue a wanted order for a God of Yongle Xianting. Even Shenhua Xianting, which had been confronting Yongle Xianting for so many years, would not easily issue such an order. Where did the high priest named Lu Yu get the confidence to list a God as a wanted criminal?

Even if it was just a verbal attack, it might cost him his life.

Zhenhong Divine Lord couldn't help but laugh in anger: "You want them to help you deal with me? Should I say you are naive or stupid?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Our Wanlong Country is not your Yongle Fairy Court, how can we always think of using others as cannon fodder? What I mean by doing a favor is actually very simple, I just hope that you will not interfere for the time being. As for whether you can finally arrest a wanted criminal like you, it depends on our own ability!"

Zhenhong Divine Lord laughed even louder: "What? You want to arrest me yourself? You don't think that because there is a force field protection here, I will really be like you and can't do anything?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said: "Why do I need to do this myself? To arrest a wanted criminal like you, there are naturally professional investigators!"

As he said that, he took a step back to the side to make room, and Huo Siyu's figure suddenly appeared.

Huo Siyu instantly understood Lu Yu's intention. His purpose was not to let him directly fight to the death with the opponent here, but to find a way to delay as much time as possible so that the other side of the Ark could be fully prepared, so he deliberately created this a chance.

Huo Siyu smiled slightly, and golden hair appeared in his eyes again, showing an unruly aura: "I have always wanted to know what kind of strength one needs to achieve to sit on the position of the Divine Lord of Yongle Immortal Court. I wonder if you can Satisfy my curiosity?"

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