Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2260 Evenly divided

"Ho ho ho—"

"Ah! This is..."

"If I'm not mistaken, this seems to be the power from the underworld!"

"Is this the power of Hades?"

"It's actually the power of Hades!"

"How can there be such a powerful power of Hades... Could this person be the incarnation of Hades?"

Just as Gray Dragon guessed, his people were shocked by this.

Even the envoys from Yongle Immortal Court showed uneasy and puzzling expressions.

There is no doubt that even within the scope of all heavens and worlds, Hades is a powerful god. His mythological color and legend are no less than that of the dragon god believed in by the dragon clan. However, since this era Since then, He has been even more silent than the Dragon God.

But now, there is such an inheritor of the power of the God of Hades, walking in the heavens and worlds again, and even reaching the level of being able to compete with a powerful divine king. What does it mean behind this... Everyone is wondering I can't help but think a lot about this.

"Who are you?" Zhenhong Shenjun asked.

Even he couldn't help but become curious about Huo Siyu's identity, and the whole place was filled with red light.

"There is no way you are from the so-called Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom... Are you interfering in this matter on behalf of the underworld?"

Huo Siyu smiled sweetly: "Do you want to know? As long as you defeat me, then I will tell you everything..."

As he spoke, the ice crystal thorns flew in the air again, and the sharp edges split the void. Countless laws collapsed and separated, and countless laws re-condensed and appeared...

When the power reaches their level, it is difficult for ordinary people to see the specific doorway. They can only see countless laws colliding in the void... In such chaos and turmoil, even if it can only produce a little bit of enlightenment, It is already a very precious thing and has great benefits.

Lu Yu could no longer clearly see the situation at the scene. He could only see the heavy red light that was like the waves in the angry sea, and the bright ice crystal thorn was like a sea-fixing needle. Wherever it touched, the angry waves immediately collapsed and returned to calm.

At first glance, it seems like an even situation…

Before this, this was a result that no one had expected. Even though Huo Siyu faced Zhenhong Shenjun in a red light for a long time, it was not the real move at that time. Unexpectedly, when she really took the move, she could actually The fight with the powerful Shenjun was back and forth, evenly matched.

"Hmph! Sure enough, I have two brushes. No wonder I dare to speak so brazenly... But do you think my strength will be nothing more than this?"

As the words fell, the situation in the field changed again. The figure of Lord Zhenhong suddenly appeared, affecting the edge of the ice crystal prism.

The ice crystal prism penetrated the body and penetrated directly into the heart of the True Red God.

For a moment, everyone's hearts were raised with their throats raised. They didn't know what was going on. Was it Lord Zhen Hong Shen who did it deliberately, or was he trying to forcibly suppress this ice crystal thorn formed by the power of Hades? It turned out to be a mess...

The air at the scene seemed to freeze for a moment. It wasn't until Zhenhong Shenjun showed a cruel smile on his face that everyone suddenly realized that this was really his intention... He just wanted to use his powerful body to forcibly suppress the opponent's ice crystals. Thorns.

However, such a move is undoubtedly very risky. After all, this is a sharp edge formed by the power of Hades. Even if it is the body of a god, it may be irreversible if it is not careful.

The high-risk move brought high rewards. The ice crystal prism instantly lost its agility and changed. It was tightly clamped in Zhenhong Shenjun's hand, making it difficult to move at all. At the same time, a red light wrapped around the ice crystal prism like a vine. Then, it came back towards Huo Siyu.

In this duel, who will win seems to be decided in the next moment.

However, just when the red light was about to wrap around Huo Siyu, a circle of white light suddenly burst out from Huo Siyu's body, instantly suppressing the pressing red light, allowing her to successfully break free from the other party's restraints.

"Huh?" Zhenhong Shenjun showed a surprised expression.

He obviously didn't expect that the opponent would actually hide a back trick in such a high-intensity duel.

Huo Siyu's beautiful eyes rolled around and she smiled sweetly: "Who told you that my strength is nothing more than this?"

As her words fell, the ice crystal prisms in the void instantly shattered, shattered into countless sections, and turned into small ice needles, surging towards Zhenhong Shenjun with a violent wind and rain.

Zhenhong Shenjun laughed back: "It turns out that he is not the real God of Hades, but just uses his own original power to forcibly transfer the power of God of Hades. Although this method is clever, it also makes you lose the real God of Hades. The truth...if it’s just this level, you will definitely lose!”

"Ha, let's withstand this round of my attack first! Don't you think you talk too much?"

"Hmph! Stubborn and stubborn, struggling to the death!"

The offensives of both sides were back and forth, and the fight was back and forth again.

The situation seems to have become deadlocked again.

However, Lu Yu on the sidelines couldn't help but frowned when he saw this scene.

At this time, it seems that the situation is still evenly divided, but in fact Huo Siyu has entered a crisis.

There is no other reason, because her trump card has been grasped by the opponent... The moment she broke away from the red light just now, she used her own Guanlan power.

Although Lu Yu himself couldn't see any flaws, he believed that with Zhenhong Shenjun's level, he must have seen the flaws, otherwise he wouldn't have said what he just said...

If one's cards are revealed in a two-handed duel, it means losing everything.

It seems that with Huo Siyu's strength, he is still unable to challenge a strong man like Zhenhong Shenjun.

There is not much time left for her...

Lu Yu couldn't help but look up at the sky.

I don’t know how prepared the Ark on the other side is...

But the matter has come to an end, and now it's up to him to take action.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu took a deep breath, and then slowly walked into the field.

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