Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2275 Candidates

Finally, Lu Yu decided to go down and find out personally.

After all, he was the only one who had ever dealt with King Peacock, and only he could judge whether the person hidden under this special force field was the real master.

After learning about Lu Yu's decision, everyone couldn't help but become a little worried.

"Master Priest, the situation here is not yet clear, and there are unknown dangers hidden there. Why do you need to take risks yourself?" Gray Dragon persuaded very sincerely, "Why don't I go and find out what's going on on your behalf? According to what you said , that Peacock Ming King’s divine power is not particularly powerful, even if he has already made his name in the starry sky, I should be able to escape unscathed..."

The strength of the gray dragon has originally reached the level of a divine king, but its situation is similar to that of the immortal dragon king in the Great Swamp Realm. It belongs to the realm of forcible improvement under the blessing of laws. In fact, it has not yet truly made its name in the starry sky. However, according to Lu Yu, the Peacock Ming King is now in a dormant state, so it is sure to be able to break into the opponent's territory.

However, Lu Yu shook his head: "It is precisely because you are strong enough that I cannot let you go... There is one thing I forgot to explain to you. Although this Peacock Ming King has never met me, he has helped me." I am doing a big favor and can be regarded as my benefactor. We come with the greatest goodwill this time and try not to cause any disturbing behavior. Therefore, it is most appropriate for me to go in person..."

The dim star in front of us is also a small world. If a strong person like Gray Dragon breaks into it, it will be equivalent to the meeting of two strong people, and their laws will collide... If it were normal, that would be fine, but this time At that time, Lu Yu knew that the Peacock King had fallen into hibernation, which was likely to have immeasurable consequences.

Lu Yu's cultivation level is low at this time. If he enters quietly, it will be equivalent to a wisp of dust falling on the water, but it will not make any waves...

This situation is the same as those who have become gods and are unable to enter a big world. However, the dim star in front of them is an extremely small world, and its endurance is much smaller.

Gray Dragon and others wanted to talk more, but Lu Yu waved his hand directly: "Okay, I'm not discussing this with you, I have already decided on this matter... If you really feel uneasy, then you can stay here and be on standby at any time. , anyway, at such a close distance, if there is any trouble, you can arrive at any time, right? "

Seeing his resolute attitude, everyone couldn't say anything else.

Yudie said: "They are too strong to act arbitrarily, but if they were replaced by someone who is not so strong and will not cause the opponent's force field laws to backfire, there would be no such worries... like this It’s better to be here soon, so you can fight alone?”

Lu Yu turned to look at her: "You mean, do you want to act with me?"

Yudie curled her lips: "I would like to, but in this case, I probably can't help you much... If you go to fight, I can use the colorful sword to help you, but in this situation, I don't What space you have to play is not as big as staying on the Ark on the other side..."

"What do you mean?"

"Although I can't help, someone can!" Yudie chuckled, "Didn't someone leave a gift for you before leaving? Isn't that gift just right for this situation? Play a role?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

Of course she was talking about Huo Yunru...

Huo Siyu had told herself before that she had further developed Huo Yunru's body and transformed it into a form more suitable for assisting recovery, similar to a walking Shenhua coffin. She regarded this as a gift to Lu Yu...

Huo Siyu naturally had bad intentions and harbored evil intentions when he did this. Once upon a time, Jade Die also had great opinions on this matter. Why has his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees now? Please take the initiative to let Lu Yu take Huo Yunru with him?

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but be confused. What did he mean?

Unfortunately, there were so many people at the scene at this moment, but Huo Yunru did not show up...

Lu Yu didn't say anything, but grabbed Yudie's arm, pulled her aside, and asked in a low voice: "What on earth do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Yudie blinked.

"Stop being so careless!" Lu Yu glared at her, "You know what I'm asking..."

Yudie smiled and said: "Actually, it doesn't mean anything special. Although we have strong opinions on Emperor Siyu, the people she left behind are indeed innocent. If Mrs. Ru is really useful, why can't we take her away?" Come and use it? This can be regarded as a reinforcement of strength, isn’t it?”

Use her...

Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He always felt that Yudie's wording was a bit strange and could easily lead to ambiguity, but he wisely didn't say anything.

"Don't think too much. Even if people are dissatisfied with this matter, it's not my turn to be jealous..." Yudie added, "I really consider your safety. After all, your life is very precious now. A whole starship is led by you. If her existence can improve your safety probability, why can't we use her..."

"That's what you say..." Lu Yu looked at her suspiciously, "But I always feel like something is wrong... Aren't you worried about the trap left by Huo Siyu?"

Yudie said: "I am indeed a little worried, but she has already left. If we continue to be so timid, we are giving her too much face!"

Lu Yu looked at her expression, thought for a moment, and suddenly realized in his heart: "I understand, so this is your purpose... You are worried that she will be Huo Siyu's back-up, just like last time in Wolf Smoke Land , Huo Siyu left a trace of spiritual energy on her body, do you want me to try what she looks like now? "

Yudie did not deny it, but asked with a smile: "Aren't you curious?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but fell silent.

Indeed, he was also curious in his heart, or was he deliberately trying to get Huo Yunru to his side. Was it really just to help him?

If there is any secret hidden in her, then this secret is likely to involve Fu Jing, and he has to pay attention to it.

"So, you'd better take her with you!"

Yudie finally said, "This is for your own safety, and at the same time, you can touch her bottom. Anyway, in this situation, she can only rely on you. No matter what, she can't harm you here... …As for Fu Jing, I’ll explain it to you!”

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