Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2277 Struggle in the River

The two of them struggled a lot in the rushing river before finally resurfacing.

Fortunately, during this process, the two never let go of their hands, otherwise it would not be easy to re-confirm each other's position in such a fast river.

"A Feng, here..." Huo Yunru wanted to say something, but before she could finish her sentence, a wave suddenly hit her, causing her to swallow her words back.

"Stop talking!" Lu Yu said, "Leave here first!"

As he spoke, he chose a direction and began to swim toward the shore on both hands and feet.

In fact, with their level of cultivation, they would not be trapped by an ordinary river anyway, but now they are surrendering to this sudden river, but they are unable to control it. This is enough to show that this river is not ordinary.

Huo Yunru was obviously aware of the abnormality in the river. She didn't say anything and honestly cooperated with Lu Yu to swim towards the same goal.

It's pitiful that these two masters who were once all-powerful in the world of Guantian are actually struggling to survive in a river like a dog paddle. If this scene were known to those who used to be in the world of Guantian, they would laugh their big teeth off. .

It can be said that the first moment the two set foot in this new world, they were directly taught a lesson about the special laws here.

The river water was not only extremely fast, but also very turbid, and the waves kept rolling and rushing downstream.

In the field of vision of the two people, they could only feel that the scenery on the shore was moving quickly. It was obviously not too far away, but they could not get closer.

In fact, this section of the river looks very flat, and the difference between the top and bottom is not big. I don’t know why the river here is so fast, let alone where it will eventually flow.

The two of them struggled solely with the strength of their muscles, and almost exhausted all their strength to suck the milk - this time they really exhausted all their strength to suck the milk... With great difficulty, they finally reached a protruding piece of land on the shore. The reef stopped smoothly.

When Lu Yu spent all his strength to climb to the rock, he felt that his teeth were chattering. However, he still couldn't rest, so he quickly turned around and pulled up Huo Yunru, who was holding one of his thighs.

The two of them were spread out on the rocks like two dead bodies, not even wanting to move. At this moment, no one wanted to talk anymore.

However, after just a few breaths, the two of them gradually felt that their strength began to recover. This had never happened before, which further explained the strangeness of this river. It seemed that the turbid river water was still there. It has the effect of accelerating the loss of strength in them.

"It's so strange here..."

Huo Yunru finally finished the half of the sentence that she had not finished before.

Lu Yu looked up at the sky with a thoughtful expression: "There's nothing surprising. If I guess correctly, all of this was designed to look like this, which is equivalent to a way to resist the invasion of foreign enemies. Protection measures... Thinking about it this way, do you still think it’s anything strange?”

"What did you say?" Huo Yunru couldn't help but be stunned, "Is all this artificially designed?"

Lu Yu nodded: "Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? This place is so vast, but we fell into such a river... All this is due to the laws here. In fact, no matter where we enter, we will eventually fall into it. This river... is equivalent to a moat here. If you want to enter it and explore it in depth, you must first cross this moat. "

Huo Yunru was stunned for a long time, and finally digested this shocking fact.

In fact, everything here is a natural scene without any traces of man-made changes. If Lu Yu hadn't said so, she would never have believed such a conclusion.

Her long-term experience has already given her unconditional trust in Lu Yu. Even though the relationship between the two has not been harmonious during this period, this trust has become a kind of inertia.

"Who changed the rules here?" Huo Yunru asked in a low voice, as if she was afraid of being heard by the changer: "Is it the Peacock Ming King?"

Lu Yu sighed: "I didn't sense any aura related to the Peacock Ming King, so there is a high probability that it's not him. We probably missed the point this time..."

Huo Yunru was stunned for a while. She didn't expect Lu Yu to come to a conclusion so quickly... In fact, she could understand the logic behind this. As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If the Peacock King exists here, such a transformation of the law will definitely keep him. There are no traces of him, but since there are no traces of him, it is enough to prove that this is not his territory.

"Then do we want to go back directly? Now send a signal for them to come in directly to pick us up?" Huo Yunru asked.

Lu Yu said: "Do you still have enough energy to send a distress signal now? At least you have to wait until you spend some effort..."

When Huo Yunru heard this, her face suddenly turned slightly red... In fact, Lu Yu's original intention was just to meditate here and rest for a while, and wait for the Ark on the Other Side to send a signal when he regained some of his energy and appeared to be stationary outside the universe. But obviously Huo Yunru misunderstood. She thought Lu Yu It was a hint that it was time for her to open up the ethereal realm.

"Are you here? This place... you can't do anything, why don't we change places first?" Huo Yunru felt that her face was red to the roots of her ears.

Even though it was not the first time between the two of them, and it could even be said that they had quite a lot of experience, it was still very embarrassing to do such a thing.

Lu Yu was slightly shocked. He did not expect Huo Yunru to react like this.

Just as he was about to speak, a burst of wind sounded from afar.

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