Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2279 There is no way to avoid it

Huo Yunru's heart almost jumped into her throat.

At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly reached out and pulled her, motioning her to follow him.

Huo Yunru couldn't help but look stunned. Wouldn't she be completely exposed if she walked out at this time? However, out of the inertia of trusting Lu Yu, she still followed him.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was very close. The unknown monster was several feet in front of them, but the two moved away from the side. At such a close distance, the two should have been nowhere to hide. Coincidentally, there was a rock protruding in front of the monster, which just blocked the other party's sight.

Huo Yunru couldn't help but be curious and glanced at the position of the monster, but only saw the outline of a huge furry body, and didn't see the other party's front. Similarly, the other party couldn't see them.

The timing was just right. Whether it was a shot in the morning or a shot later, it would not have such an effect.

Huo Yunru couldn't help but sigh in her heart. This luck was really good. She was still thinking that luck was not on their side, but now it seems that the situation may not be the case.

However, as soon as this thought came up, she immediately rejected it. The timing of their movement was completely controlled by Lu Yu. Was it really just luck?

Next, Lu Yu answered his question with practical actions.

The two of them kept moving quietly all the way, using the surrounding rock bumps as cover, playing an open-air hide-and-seek game with the unknown monster in front of them. Every move or stop was just right, so that they always stayed in the blind spot of the other party's vision.

Huo Yunru was deeply shocked. It was so that she even had an illusion that they were not facing an unknown and terrible monster, but playing a game of chess and encirclement. Every step they took was carefully calculated.

This was really incredible. Obviously, both of them had little remaining strength and could not resist any frontal attack at all, but Lu Yu played the other party with this God-like perspective.

Finally, the sound of the terrifying monster gradually faded away. At this time, Huo Yunru also understood that the sound that pierced her eardrums before was the sound of the explosion when the monster accelerated. The same sound at this time indicated that the monster had accelerated again and rushed to the next search location.

"Huh, we finally got away from it!" Lu Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "It looks like it won't come again in a short time"

"How did you do it?" Huo Yunru looked at Lu Yu in surprise, "Why do you feel like you can predict the future?"

"This is not a prediction" Lu Yu pointed to his head, "I just put everything into my head. Don't think we walked easily just now, but these are the optimal results obtained after thousands of simulations in my mind. In other words, in my head, the two of us have died thousands of times"

Huo Yunru's eyes were full of amazement: "I really want to open your head to see what it looks like inside!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "You have done such things before"

Huo Yunru was startled and instantly understood what he meant by this sentence. In fact, this terrifying deduction ability, in the final analysis, comes from his powerful mind consciousness, which is the so-called "soul", or "mind". They did have the intention to invade his mind consciousness, which was the experience of accompanying Emperor Siyu to make love with him, but in the end they did not succeed.

Lu Yu's words immediately reminded her of the unbearable scene at that time, and her face turned slightly red. Fortunately, there was a layer of mud on her face, so the other party should not be able to see it.

After saying this, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little regretful. Although he couldn't see Huo Yunru's face, the change in her eyes was clear. For him, there were only fragments of memory in his mind about the scene that happened in the underground of the mausoleum, but this was also what he had never wanted to face.

It was because of that incident that Huo Siyu became pregnant and gave birth to herself, becoming his nominal daughter.

That scene was the beginning of all the chaos, and he was really talking about something else.

"But we are still not out of danger," Lu Yu quickly changed the subject and said, "Remember what I said just now? That river is the first layer of protection in this world, and this can be regarded as the second layer. If my judgment is correct, then the third layer will be next!"

"What should we do now?" Huo Yunru asked.

"Of course, we should find a place to recover as soon as possible," Lu Yu said, "There should still be some time, I hope we can make it in time."

As he spoke, Lu Yu began to observe the surrounding environment again.

Huo Yunru immediately understood that he was about to start deducing in his mind again, so he did not say anything like that, so as not to disturb his train of thought.

After a while, Lu Yu really had another plan and said, "Come with me!"

After that, he led Huo Yunru towards a steep mountain.

However, before taking a few steps, Huo Yunru suddenly exclaimed "Ah".

Lu Yu looked back and realized that the clothes on her body had disappeared because the layer of mud wrapped in them seemed to make the clothes on her body very fragile. At this time, after taking a few steps, she was completely Turned into powder.

not just her

Lu Yu's own clothes were also the same, but his mind was not on it, so he had not noticed the fact that he was already naked and walking in front of Huo Yunru.

Now the two of them were even more naked.

It seems that the problems that I originally wanted to avoid can no longer be avoided no matter what.

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