Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2290 Mine

"Is this a mine?" Lu Yu asked.

After all, Lu Yu is no longer Wu Xia Amon. When he was young, there were many mines in the Lu family's industry. Although the Lu family's mines are not comparable to this one, some clues can still be seen from them. and made accurate judgments accordingly.

"Not bad." The short black man replied.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a large-scale mine in a remote place. I wonder what kind of minerals it looks like here?"

The short black man looked at him, his eyes full of deep meaning: "Do you really not know?"

"Oh, should I know?" Lu Yu asked.

The short black man pondered for a long time and said nothing.

Lu Yu suddenly couldn't help but feel something in his heart: "You don't think I'm here for your mine, right? My so-called search for someone is actually just an excuse?"

"Well," the short black man said ambiguously: "This is not something I can decide. Your Excellency also said just now that I can't be the master here. It's useless to tell me this. You should wait for the commander to come and make a decision! Two Please wait here!"

After saying that, he cupped his hands and left.

Only the two natives, who did not speak the same language, continued to stare at the two men.

Of course, these three people cannot be the only ones in this huge mine. There are more people around who also noticed the arrival of the two. They all cast curious and unfriendly glances at Lu Yu and Huo Yunru. Among them Full of aggression.

These people kept whispering to each other, talking about the two people, and some even ran over to ask the guard in charge.

The two people came to Sihu Market to inquire about the specific situation. Unfortunately, they all spoke in jabbering aboriginal language. Lu Yu and Huo Lu couldn't understand the specific content at all.

"What are they talking about?" Huo Yunru asked in a low voice.

Because she found that the eyes of the people around her were becoming more and more unfriendly, as if they were about to be eaten half alive.

"I guess it's because the two people next to me told them about our great achievements before, and they knew about us killing the mammoth," Lu Yu said.

Huo Yunru was surprised: "Are they fighting for the injustice of that mammoth? Are they going to seek justice from us?"

Lu Yu nodded: "This is normal. I originally thought that monster was just responsible for patrolling, but now that I have seen this situation, I am afraid that is not the case. It also has a very important job here. Now there is no such giant mammoth." , these tasks will most likely fall on them, otherwise, they wouldn't be staring at us like this, wishing to take off our clothes. "

"What should we do?" Huo Yunru hugged her fur coat tightly and shrank unconsciously.

Although these people are only at the bottom here, their strength is already quite impressive. If they rush forward directly, Huo Yunru will not be able to resist them.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Why are you so worried? There is good news and bad news now. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Is there any good news?" Huo Yunru asked eagerly, "Can you stop being so pretentious and say what you have to say quickly?"

"The good news is that judging from the situation here, the previous

Although the mammoth is important, it is not irreplaceable. Wanting to avenge the mammoth is just the wishful thinking of these people. The mastermind behind the scenes here probably will not think so. "

"What about the bad news?"

"He doesn't think so, but it doesn't mean he won't care. He will probably still make a fuss about this matter and deliberately cause trouble for us."

Huo Yunru was slightly startled: "What should we do?"

Lu Yu spread his hands: "What else can I do? Ask for a high price, pay back the money while sitting on the ground, make empty promises and never fulfill them, that's it!"

Huo Yunru couldn't help being speechless for a while. This guy really took his shamelessness to the extreme.

But seeing this guy's mentality so relaxed, her mentality also relaxed a lot.

"Actually, this is pretty good."

Huo Yunru suddenly said such a sentence out of nowhere, causing Lu Yu to turn his head and look at her in surprise. He didn't know what she was trying to express with this sentence without beginning or end.

"I actually felt a little sorry at first. After all, we killed other people's pets for no reason, but now that I see this situation, I feel that this seems to be a good result."

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, she realized that she had seen the scenes of enslaving various giant beasts in the surrounding mines, which made her feel sad and felt that death might also be a kind of relief for the mammoth giant elephant, so That’s why I felt like this.

Regarding her thoughts, Lu Yu could only shake his head: "The idea of ​​letting go of all your monsters is not at all like the style of Emperor Siyu that you admire. Let's take care of it first."

Let’s talk about other things ourselves! "

Before he finished speaking, another black cloud suddenly formed from the center of the mine and quickly swept towards the direction of the two of them.

Lu Yu suddenly couldn't help but perked up, and he immediately cheered up. He knew that the real owner here was finally here!

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