Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2305 It’s all under control

God King...

Under the current mainstream cultivation system framework in the world, there is no such level.

When Su Qinghe introduced it last time, he only said that there are three levels in the realm of kings, namely the divine king, the heavenly king, and the true king and king... There are currently only two true kings and kings, which correspond to the two major immortal courts today. The monarchs - Immortal King Shenhua and Immortal King Yongle.

But this is just the mainstream name. In some non-mainstream cultivation system frameworks, the "Immortal King" is also called the "God King", but these are relatively old system frameworks, such as the most obvious example. That is, the Storm Clan who created the myth of Heaven in the previous era, and their leader at that time was called the Storm God King.

To put it simply, in the world below, the title "God King" was still used indiscriminately. For example, the Hades Temple in Guantian World once called the Peacock Ming King the "Peacock God King"... But in In the category of all heavens and worlds, the word "god king" will not be used indiscriminately. It definitely represents the most top cultivator and has a very strong old-school style.

Lu Yu originally wanted to test it out, but he didn't expect to get such shocking news out of the other party's mouth... He still didn't know who the "god king" in the other party's mouth was referring to, and which old faction it represented. , but it cannot be seen from the other party's attitude that he is extremely respectful and pious to this "God King", even to the point of fanaticism.

Could it be that in addition to the two Immortal Courts of Shenhua and Yongle, a third party force has suddenly emerged that can compete with the two Immortal Courts?

As soon as this idea came up, Lu Yu immediately denied it in his mind... It is true that the new army has emerged, but it has definitely not reached the point where it can compete with the two immortal courts of Shenhua and Yongle. Otherwise, the two immortal courts would never be so calm. , are still competing with each other to incorporate the Dragon Clan of the Dongxu Tribe...

This title of "God King" may have a lot of water content. Just like the leader of the Tianwei Legion, his strength has not yet reached the level of a God King, but in order to curry favor, his subordinates still forcibly gave him the title of "God King". "Godly Lord of Mighty God", and he himself took advantage of the situation and regarded himself as Lord of Mighty God...

In any case, even the "God King" injected with water has fully demonstrated that this person has extraordinary strength. Otherwise, if his own strength is not strong enough,

These thoughts just flashed through Lu Yu's mind in a flash of lightning. At this time, he was facing Jialuo Tendo's sudden attack, and the situation was already in danger...

It's a pity that he can't tell the other party the truth now. In fact, he has nothing to do with Akitonomiya. This identity is completely fake to fool people... Even if he told the other party, he would definitely not believe it.

Therefore, facing the opponent's overwhelming offensive, he could only face it head-on at this moment.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and gently picked it up, as if he had picked it up at random. A red thread was held between his fingers, and he faced the overwhelming Shura Purgatory head-on with this thread.

Huo Yunru saw this scene from behind and felt that her heart was about to stop beating... In her opinion, Lu Yu's move was tantamount to hitting an egg against a stone. How could such a weak thread be able to withstand such a huge offensive?

Now, I'm afraid it's going to be completely ruined... It's all because this guy is too trusting. Why do you want to rush up alone to show off? Isn't it better to just stay in the real lotus scene?

Although in Huo Yunru's view, even the actual golden elixir of Jiujiu Liansheng cannot stop such a huge offensive from the opponent... But no matter what, as long as it can be delayed for a moment, there will be a chance to turn defeat into victory. After all, the Ark on the Other Side Support should be arriving soon.

However, what happened next completely overturned Huo Yunrudao's worldview.

When the opponent's power, which was like the appearance of Shura Purgatory, collided with the red thread in Lu Yu's hand, the red thread did not collapse at the touch, but suddenly shook, and more energy exploded on the thread. Threads come out.

The trajectory of those threads exploding was exactly the same as the trajectory of their bodies shattering into dust when they entered the light group!

At this moment, Huo Yunru already understood that this was a multi-dimensional change... She didn't expect that Lu Yu had mastered such a change, and she couldn't help but be stunned.

Just as she was stunned, the trajectory of those threads bursting out had been transmitted to her body. These multi-dimensional bursts of threads were combined with the real scene of the lotus on her body, and the two quickly merged into one... Next Within seconds, she felt her body shift and move to Lu Yu's side along with the real scene of Lianhua.

In this way, Lu Yu was no longer alone. He was once again under the cover of the real lotus scene. He used the real scene of the lotus golden elixir born from the Nine-Nine Lotus to confront the opponent head-on with an explosion of terrifying power.

Only then did Huo Yunru react belatedly. It turned out that this guy was not relying on Da Da, but that he had already mastered the means to instantly change the lotus's real scene. All of this was still under his control.

After understanding this, Huo Yunru didn't know what to say for a moment, and she felt mixed feelings in her heart... It seemed that it was exactly what he said, and he had never stopped thinking for a moment.

At this time, the opponent's offensive is still overwhelming, and all kinds of terrifying images are emerging one after another. They are like thousands of troops in the Asura Hell, constantly charging towards them. The real scene of the red lotus golden elixir looks precarious...

But at this moment, Huo Yunru was no longer worried. She believed that the man in front of her must have planned all the backup plans. Even if the situation was extremely critical, the layman was always under his control.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Although the situation looked very bad, Lu Yu remained calm and calm.

While he was constantly repairing the multi-dimensional lines that made up the real Jindan scene, he would eject part of the threads from time to time...these ejected threads were not mistakes made by him in a hurry, but a kind of guiding wire, which was equivalent to a guiding wire. Point the way to the other side of the ark.

Lu Yu didn't know exactly who would come to the rescue, but he believed that the other party would definitely understand his intentions.

The fighting between the two sides lasted for a full quarter of an hour.

Despite the opponent's full burst, they still couldn't break through the red lotus' golden elixir.

The more the fight continued, the more frightened Garo Tendou became. He had already made up his mind to sacrifice, with the purpose of dragging the other party to death together... But in the end, he couldn't even achieve this idea. So was his sacrifice still meaningful?

At this time, Huo Yunru beside Lu Yu was also sweating, her face was pale, and she seemed to be about to collapse completely... The real scene of Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir has always been supported by her strength, so naturally His consumption was far greater than that of Lu Yu.

"Can you still hold on?" Lu Yu asked, "Keep on holding on, they should be here soon!"

"Yes!" Huo Yunru nodded with all her strength. At this time, she could only grit her teeth and persist. She didn't even have the strength to say a word.

Sure enough, not long after finishing this sentence, a bright light suddenly appeared in the sky, and a gap suddenly appeared in the originally overwhelming land that seemed like an endless Asura Hell.

Figures of giant dragons appeared outside the gap.

Seeing this scene, Huo Yunru's lips unconsciously raised a smile.

She knew that in the end, it was the man next to her who had a deeper plan that made them laugh in the end.

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