Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2307 We are both fallen people from the end of the world

"I don't know about this either..." Shi Guangkai replied.

Seeing that Lu Yu didn't say anything, he hurriedly explained further: "I really don't know... You should have seen that the people here are actually very xenophobic. Although Jialuo Tiantong values ​​my ability, he doesn't trust me 100%. After all, I am just an outsider... This is the first time I've heard about the God King. To be honest, I'm also surprised..."

Lu Yu still didn't say anything, but in his heart he was inclined to believe Shi Guangkai's statement.

First of all, Shi Guangkai didn't need to hide anything from him on this issue.

Secondly, judging from Jialuo Tiantong's previous reaction, the existence of the God King was a pious belief for him. If he didn't announce this matter to Shi Guangkai Station, he would not have reached the qualification to contact the God King.

"What about the organization behind him?" Lu Yu asked again, "I see you are the second in command here. What kind of people does Jialuo Tiantong usually deal with? What is done with the minerals here after mining? Where are they sold? What kind of distribution channels are there... You must know these things, right?" Shi Guangkai said: "I know some of these, but they are quite limited... Behind Jialuo Tiantong is an organization called Freemasonry. After the Hengsha here is mined, it will be distributed through the Freemasonry channels. The main purpose is to exchange resources with some forces outside the domain. A small part is also used for forging and refining. Equipment, but this part is not much, after all, it involves these

The use of Hengsha is a very high-end equipment forging technique, and there doesn’t seem to be too many talents in this remote star field... "

"And this Freemasonry is actually a very loose organization, a group of people who have fled to this remote star field to keep each other warm and fight against the pursuers from the Central World... Of course, this was originally just my personal understanding, and now it seems that the actual situation should not be just this. "

"These are all the truths I know, and I have absolutely not concealed you. "

Shi Guangkai added at the end.

Lu Yu did not comment, and said: "So, if I plan to occupy this place, there should be some trouble next?" Shi Guangkai said: "That's for sure. Putting aside the factor of the God King, before I came here, Jialuo Tiantong and the Freemasons had been dealing with each other for at least tens of thousands of years. They have already formed a very stable and solid supply channel. Now that the owner of this place has suddenly changed, it will definitely attract their attention..." Lu Yu said: "Then... if I continue to mine Hengsha here in the future and supply them with the same low price, is there a way to make them How about we replace Jialuo Tiantong? "

"This..." Shi Guangkai hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head, "It shouldn't work. Although this is a remote star region, the situation behind the scenes is very complicated. As I said just now, Jialuo Tiantong has been dealing with the leaders around here for tens of thousands of years. They have a deep personal relationship with each other, and many details of the supply are negotiated by them personally. Except for Jialuo Tiantong himself, no one knows the specific details... You want to replace him silently, this is an impossible task. " "So, we have to fight a few tough battles?" Lu Yu said with a headache, "It seems that even if I want to be lazy, I can't..." Shi Guangkai looked at him in surprise: "Are you really going to take this place for yourself?" "What? Is there any problem?" Lu Yu spread his hands: "Although I don't know what these Hengsha can be used for, I think it should be a very important resource. This is clearly a treasure mountain... Do you want me to go to the treasure mountain and return empty-handed?" Shi Guangkai said: "This place does have extraordinary value, but it also hides huge risks... Excuse me for being blunt In other words, you are not suitable to occupy this place now. Even if you put aside the factors of the God King and Freemasonry, your actions are equivalent to destroying the rules and tacit understanding here, which will make you the target of public criticism. If you insist on occupying this place, I am afraid that there will be no more peaceful days in the future! "

Lu Yu smiled lightly: "Isn't it better this way? One punch is better than a hundred punches. If you want to occupy such a treasure mountain, how can you not fight a few hard battles? It just so happens that I don't have too much time to waste here. It's best if they can come all at once, so that I don't have to waste a second round of hands and feet!"

Shi Guangkai was stunned when he heard this.

It was not until this moment that he understood that the guy in front of him was either an unprecedented strong dragon or completely crazy...

"How is it? Lao Hei, since the words have come to this point, I won't beat around the bush

... I will occupy this place for myself, but I definitely don't have so much time and energy to take care of it here. Are you willing to help me?" Lu Yu asked again.

Shi Guangkai smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, I actually have a name..." Lu Yu said, "I know your name, but don't you think it's more intimate this way? And if I remember correctly, when I asked you your name before, you were still hesitant, which means you don't really want others to know your name, and you also know that your name means huge troubles... But if I say that one day in the future I can solve these troubles for you, so that you don't have to worry about saying your name openly?"

Shi Guangkai looked up in surprise and looked at the other party in astonishment... After experiencing the prosperity of the Central World, if there is a choice, who would be willing to become an exile and live in this remote place?

He naturally hopes to return to the Central World with dignity, and it can be said that this is his constant expectation in his heart... But is it really possible?

"Who... are you?" Shi Guangkai asked with a trembling voice.

"Me?" Lu Yu laughed at himself, "In fact, my experience should be similar to yours. I am also a person who cannot integrate into the Central World... Although I have never really set foot in the Central World, my name should have been hung high by them, because we just killed the Dusk God and the True Macro God not long ago. I believe you should be familiar with their names... So, you should understand how bad my current situation is..."

Shi Guangkai showed an unbelievable look on his face.

Killed the Dusk God... and the True Macro God... What kind of existence would make such a big move?

This was even more shocking than the news about the God King he had just heard... Even if it was a true God King, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so generous!

"The only difference between me and you is..." Lu Yu continued, "Even though my current situation is so bad, I have full confidence that one day, I will walk into the Central World with dignity..."

"Shi Guangkai, are you willing to come with me?"

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