Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2317 The lotus grows outside the lotus

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Fu Jing finally woke up from the numb feeling throughout his body.

She no longer dared to look at her mother's condition on the other side, because she knew that she must be in a very embarrassing situation at this time, and the situation on the other side would only be even more unbearable...

She didn't know what this guy had done to make her feel like this... The moment she just experienced was an experience she had never experienced before, which meant that during this process, Lu Yu also It must have accomplished an unprecedented feat.

"This is……"

Fu Jing looked around and saw another red lotus flower appearing in addition to the original lotus-shaped golden elixir.

This brand new red lotus is located outside the original red lotus. It is formed by connecting the extension lines of the original red lotus. It covers a larger area. Looking around, there is a bright red color in front of them. The area they are in at this time Almost the entire space is covered by it.

In this way, the original red lotus flower has become the heart of the flower. If they are considered as a whole, all the changes outside are derived from this "heart of the flower".

Even so, the changes outside were more complicated. Fu Jing only took a glance and felt a sense of dizziness.

She had been in a similar situation before, that was when she tried to understand Lu Yu's "Infinite Circle" spell... This showed that the mysterious changes in it were beyond the scope of her understanding, far from it. Her mental and mental capacity can bear it.

"This is derived from my original golden elixir reality, combined with all my new understanding of the true meaning of multi-dimensionality. I temporarily named it 'Lotus Externally Born Lotus'..." Lu Yu introduced.

"Its complexity has far exceeded that before. It involves a total of more than 360,000 change nodes, which is more than six times the original number. When dealing with the impact of the opponent's power, there are at least hundreds of millions of multi-dimensional variables that can be shared. Path...that is to say, if handled properly, it can reduce the opponent's offensive power to one part in hundreds of millions. "

"One in a few hundred million?" Fu Jing opened her mouth. She could no longer imagine such a concept.

Lu Yu said: "Of course, this is only a theoretical state. In actual combat, it is impossible for my opponent to give me the opportunity to fully utilize every multi-dimensional path. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve such an effect in actual combat."

"That's an exaggeration, okay..." Fu Jing shook her head with emotion, "Even if it's a tenfold discount, one in tens of millions, it's still infinitely close to zero..."

"It can't be calculated like this..." Lu Yu said, "The opponents we are facing now are too powerful. No one knows what kind of powerful methods they will have. I can share it with others at a ratio of one in tens of millions. The power of others, maybe others have similar means to strengthen the power thousands of times, by then I am afraid that such a sharing method will still be insufficient..."

Fu Jing said: "This hypothesis of yours cannot exist. If someone really has such a method and can strengthen his power hundreds of millions of times, then his power must have already unified all the worlds. It is impossible for Shenhua and Yongle to exist today." The situation of the Great Immortal Court resisting the law... Therefore, your lotus is the strongest defense that is invincible today!"

"Invincible, how is this possible..." Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh, "Although the entire lotus system can achieve an apportionment effect of one in hundreds of millions, when the apportionment is actually carried out, each apportionment path must first endure Only after strong pressure can be apportioned, as far as the paths I have constructed so far, their endurance has its limits, and they have not yet reached a level that is sufficient to cope with any force... Unless this problem can be solved, there will be no way Maybe it’s an invincible defense with no flaws…”

Fu Jing thought for a while and gradually understood the meaning of Lu Yu's words... Although he has built an extremely large and exquisite system, this system is now made of cotton threads. If it can be replaced with iron Threads, steel wires, and even golden threads, this system can truly exert its theoretical effect.

"Is the key to solving this problem lies in the Fountain of Innocents?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu shrugged and said: "If I can use the Innocent Spring to completely complete the construction of the golden elixir in my body, it will indeed greatly improve its effect. It may not be able to achieve the state of invincible defense you mentioned. It depends on the specific situation. Case……"

Fu Jing said: "There is no chance to get the Fountain of Innocence now, but even in its current state, it should be more than enough to deal with the strange power of the God King, right?"

"It's hard to say..." Lu Yu said, "After all, we haven't really fought yet, so how can I dare to say it all... Again, it depends on the specific situation. You will know when the next real battle happens!"

He paused for a moment, and then continued: "But in the meantime, you two had better find a way to improve your cultivation. Otherwise, what should you do if you two are still like this when they actually fight? I don’t want outsiders to see you like this…”


This sentence immediately made Fu Jing blush.

Originally, she was still a little lucky. Lu Yu must have exhausted all his thoughts to complete such a complex and huge construction. He must not have noticed the embarrassing scene between himself and his mother just now.

Unexpectedly, this perverted guy would still notice it under such circumstances...

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