Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2379 Test

"Peacock King Ming?" Fan Yunle said in a curious tone.

Hearing his tone, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat... It didn't look like he was faking it. Could it be that he had never heard of the Peacock King?

If this is the case, then this question is a bit unresolved... After all, the Peacock Ming King has already made his name in the starry sky. In terms of the qualifications of Fan Yunle, the second master of Freemasonry, it is impossible for him not to know someone who is active in the Cancer Star Territory. The god, especially when this god has also been exposed to the Fountain of Innocents.

Lu Yu hesitated for a moment and decided to reveal more information, so he raised his hand and used the power of the red lotus to simulate the power mark of the Peacock King on his palm, and a golden peacock totem light and shadow slowly appeared.

"So you are talking about him..." Fan Yunle suddenly said, "He has been having a bad life recently... But unfortunately, he is not a member of our Freemasonry. Even if I want to help, I can't help him."

"Isn't he really not a Freemason?" Lu Yu asked doubtfully, "Second Master, you have neglected your duty... I once heard Jia Luo Tiantong mention that the purpose of Freemasonry is to unite and help each other. To jointly resist the two major celestial forces in the central world, regardless of whether what he told me is true or not, the Freemasons will inevitably grow and develop... You didn't even bring such a powerful person into the big family? "

Fan Yunle glanced at him and said: "It seems that you still don't know enough about our Freemasonry. Who the Freemasonry recruits is not decided by me, but by His Majesty the God King... Besides, how do you know? We haven’t tried it?”

Lu Yu was stunned: "What do you mean? Have you already tried to get him to join the gang, but failed?"

Fan Yunle nodded: "To be more precise, he is not in harmony with His Majesty the God King. Although he has good basic conditions, it is a pity that he cannot understand His Majesty the God King's inspiration... So, in the end we had no choice but to give up. "

Lu Yu said: "Giving up means..."

"Don't get me wrong." Fan Yunle said, "We didn't add insult to injury to him, we just cut off contact normally. After all, he was already a god at the time, and we didn't want to cause trouble."

Lu Yu nodded. He still believed what the other party said... After all, King Peacock Ming once told him that he had a deep hatred with Yongle Immortal Court. It was on this basis that he was willing to help him at that time. Dealing with the Thousand-Hand Divine Lord ultimately resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of years of cultivation and the body fell into deep sleep.

And now this mysterious and unpredictable God King Dayan obviously can't deal with Yongle Immortal Court, and even he can't deal with Shenhua Immortal Court, so he wants to seek a new rise outside the two Immortal Court systems... In this way Under the premise, he indeed had no reason to be at odds with King Peacock Ming, and the two sides even had some tacit understanding of helping each other.

Perhaps it was for this reason that God King Dayan allowed King Peacock Daming to settle on the multi-dimensional system of the Immaculate Spring, allowing him to master a considerable part of the secrets of the Immaculate Fountain.

"You said he has been having a bad life recently...what happened to him?" Lu Yu asked.

Fan Yun said happily: "Some time ago, for some reason, he suddenly fell into a deep sleep. It must have been that he encountered some unexpected situation while wandering in the starry sky, which caused his cultivation level to drop significantly... But at this moment, his enemies sent someone to come to the door. coming."

"Enemy?" Lu Yu had a suspicious look in his eyes.

He knew exactly why King Peacock Ming's cultivation had declined. Although it had been a long time, compared to the bodies of gods like them, this time was just a flick of the finger. How could it happen? An enemy came to your door so soon?

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Fan Yun said happily: "It's such a coincidence."

Lu Yu didn't believe it, and he had a strong thought in his mind that the ghost behind this was probably the one who had fallen to the Freemasons...

After all, the Peacock King Ming should occupy an excellent geomantic treasure land in the multi-dimensional world derived from the Fountain of Innocents. The King Dayan wanted to help him. It was already an idea a long time ago. Now as time goes by , the situation may well have changed.

"Then you just watch helplessly? You don't even want to help others?" Lu Yu asked, "No matter what, he should be your neighbor, right?"

Fan Yun said happily: "The neighbor is nice, but the problem is that his enemy is not easy to deal with... Especially when the secret of our Freemasonry cannot be exposed for the time being, there is no way to help him... What? Do you want to Want to help him? How did you meet him? "

Lu Yu glanced at him: "Didn't your Majesty the God King tell you? Since he is so powerful and knows the purpose of my coming here, he should know everything about this matter!"

Fan Yun said happily: "This is your secret. His Majesty the God King did not tell me this..."

Lu Yu sneered: "I think he has told you a lot!"

Fan Yunle did not answer and asked directly: "So, do you really plan to help him? If that's the case, then I can help you!"

Lu Yu wondered: "Didn't you just say you couldn't help? Why are you willing to help now?"

Fan Yunle said: "He can't help, that's for him. If you want to intervene, then I'm looking forward to your performance. Just treat it as a trial for you to join our Freemason family!"

"Trial?" Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch his mouth, "You seem to be a little too excited. I haven't agreed to join your Freemason family yet... Let's take a step back. Even if you are very optimistic about me, what if my final performance is the same as that of the Peacock King? After all, isn't there a ready-made example of failure?"

Fan Yunle smiled and said: "You will never be the same as the Peacock King... In addition, we don't really want to intervene at all, but we don't have the right means to intervene... Now, you will not expose our secrets, and you can intervene effectively. Who is more suitable than a quasi-member to do this?"

Lu Yu fell silent.

He didn't know whether what Fan Yunle said was true or false, and how much sincerity there was in his words.

Will all this be a bigger trap?

But no matter what, he had to take this risk... After all, Peacock King had helped him before, and now was the time when Peacock King was in trouble. He had to repay him for his kindness and reason.

"Tell me, in what ways can you help me?" Lu Yu asked.

Fan Yunle said: "Since you just asked me about Peacock, it means that you don't know his exact location at all. I can tell you where he is now, and I can go a step further and send you directly to him..."

"Send directly?" Lu Yu blinked, "How do you send it?"

Fan Yunle said: "Of course, I will break through the laws of time and space and send you directly to the area where he is now."

"Is it true?" Lu Yu was surprised: "Second Master, you actually have such skills?"

Fan Yunle looked at him meaningfully: "It's not enough to rely on my strength alone, but also rely on the power of His Majesty the God King... This is actually a process of testing your appeal to His Majesty the God King. Are you willing to try?"

Lu Yu's heart moved.

The call of His Majesty the God King...

Don't think this sentence sounds light, but in fact it hides a very terrifying power... Before, Jialuo Tiantong and Changqing Gujun had once fallen into a state of madness. Now thinking back, it should also be a process of accepting the call of His Majesty the God King.

If I also accept such a process, what will happen?

Will my thoughts and consciousness be directly defeated by the other party, or will I be able to transcend and master more powerful power?

It can be foreseen that this is definitely a very dangerous thing. After all, from the first moment he saw Fan Yunle, he did not hide the intentions of the Big Eyed God King towards him. There must be their conspiracy...But it must be said that all this is a fatal temptation for Lu Yu!

This feeling is like knowing that there is a very powerful opponent, but you just can't help but want to wrestle with him, even if you will be hurt...

"Okay!" Lu Yu finally nodded and agreed, "But this matter is too dangerous, I'm afraid I can't handle it alone, so I have to bring two more helpers... How many people can you send with the help of His Majesty the God King?"

Fan Yunle looked at him and said, "The helpers you mentioned are your two female companions?"


"That's no problem." Fan Yunle replied, "I can send all three of you to the target location at the same time... Of course, the premise is that you can lead them to respond to the God King's call together. If you can't do this, I will not be responsible for any accidents on the way."

"Then how should I respond?"

"It depends on you. This problem can only be felt by you. No one can help you." Fan Yunle said.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything else. He fell into thinking.

"How about it? Are you still determined to go with three people?" Fan Yunle asked again.

"Of course, we must go together as three people." Lu Yu said, "But this is a matter for three people after all, so we need to discuss the specific plan and make plans, is that okay?"

"No problem." Fan Yunle replied, "Then you can discuss it slowly. After the discussion, you can come to me at any time. I will wait for you at the Trade Council in Heiliang City... I have to remind you that you'd better hurry up, otherwise the Peacock King may not be able to hold on for that long!"

After saying that, he smiled mysteriously at Lu Yu, said no more, and left in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the sky.

Until then, the surrounding scenery fluctuated, as if the real world reappeared.

It turned out that the shielding barrier had been set up during the conversation between the two people before. It was not until this time that Fan Yunle left and the real world returned.

"Ah, Brother Lu, finally appeared...What happened just now? Where is that person? Why did he suddenly disappear while talking?" Shenmu Wang Ding asked in a chattering manner.

Lu Yu looked at the Heiliang City floating above the clouds for a long time without saying a word.

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