Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2385 Six Paths Alliance

Looking at the woman with an incomprehensible look of horror, Lu Yu's heart was filled with thoughts.

Judging from the current situation, there are at least two groups of people who have sneaked into this area to target King Peacock. One group is the woman with ribs in front of him, and the other group is the so-called Old Ghost Hu. Of course, in addition to this, the possibility of other third and fourth waves cannot be ruled out.

Lu Yu didn't know the specific origins of these people, nor did he know what kind of grudges they had with King Peacock, but it was obvious that in order to solve this matter perfectly, he must have more information. Just fine.

After a moment of silence, Lu Yu decided to retreat instead of advancing, and sneered proudly: "Who do you think I am?"

His performance just now, coupled with these words, seemed to be so confident that "the woman with spare ribs" was a little unsure. She stared at Lu Yu's face for a long time before she was sure. said: "Are you from He'an Road?"

Hop On Road? Where did this come from?

Lu Yu couldn't help but sneered, and was about to admit it easily, but at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the woman's eyes staring at him unblinkingly, and there seemed to be a hint of deep meaning in her eyes.

So Lu Yu immediately felt a warning sign in his heart, and suddenly changed his words: "What is He'an Road? Do you think they are worthy?"

As soon as these words came out, the color in the depths of the woman's eyes changed again: "Is it possible that you are Pantian Dao?"

Lu Yu secretly exclaimed that it was very dangerous. Sure enough, what he said just now was a trap. He didn't expect that in such a situation, this woman would still think of other ways.

She tried her best to test her, but it turned out to be extremely cunning, and he was almost deceived by her.

However, with this experience, Lu Yu will no longer expose his trump card easily. He will make mistakes if he talks too much. The highest level is to say nothing at this time and make the other party feel unpredictable.

"Don't try to reveal my trump card!" Lu Yu said with a stern warning, "I've already warned you, before you want to know the identity of others, you must first identify yourself. You can't understand people, can you?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu's tough tone further confirmed the woman's judgment. She said with emotion: "You are indeed from Pantian Dao! Sorry, I should have revealed my identity earlier. We are our own people. I am Zhu Yan Dao." My name is Chen Miaoxin.”

As she spoke, the woman reached out and wiped her face, causing ripples to appear on her face, revealing a stunning scarlet face.

This is naturally not her true appearance, but a power similar to a totem. Just like the peacock totem driven by Lu Yu just now, he can feel that it is a power originating from another god. It seems that the so-called Zhuyan Dao and Pantian Dao should represent a powerful god behind them.

"The Road of Zhuyan"

Lu Yu muttered to himself and repeated something, but he couldn't help but feel anxious in his heart. Unfortunately, even to this day, he still has little understanding of the division of forces in the heavens and the world, and he can't figure out what the so-called Zhu Yan Dao is. origin

"I didn't expect that even Pan Tiandao would take action this time. The Peacock Ming King will definitely be unable to escape this time!"

Chen Miaoxin smiled happily and said, "Speaking of which, our Zhuyan Dao has the closest relationship with your Pantian Dao. If I had known earlier that it was your Pantian Dao who was coming, I wouldn't have been so impulsive just now. But the flood really washed away the Dragon King Temple."

Lu Yu was noncommittal and just looked at her with a sneer.

"Uh, senior brother, I really know that I was wrong. Can you stop looking at me like that?" Chen Miaoxin said cautiously with a pitiful expression, "From now on, I am willing to obey senior brother!"

"Senior brother?" Lu Yu was suddenly shocked.

Not to mention the age gap between the two parties, the other party's cultivation level alone is obviously several levels higher than Lu Yu's. Even Lu Yu suspects that she has a strength close to that of a god. Just like this, these two senior brothers She can also pronounce the words.

But Chen Miaoxin was not bothered at all, and said with a sweet smile: "Our League of Six Paths has always respected Pantian Dao. Although I am a few years older than you, there is no problem when my senior brother calls me. Don't talk about me, Zhu Yan Dao. Even if it were any other person here, who would dare not call him "Senior Brother"?

Lu Yu remained silent on his face, but he couldn't help but feel a surge of confusion in his heart, not because of the other party's attitude, but because of the other party's words, which finally revealed part of the information that made him right.

Six Dao League

He had heard this name from Su Qinghe. Under the rule of Yongle Immortal Court, the most powerful force was Bixiao Shrine, and the core organization was Qiutong Palace, which was born out of Bixiao Shrine. But Yongle Immortal Palace Tingxiong dominates all the heavens and all realms, and its internal composition cannot be just

There is only Bixiao Shrine. In addition to Bixiao Shrine, there are many other powerful forces.

For example, the previous Shence Mansion

Another example is the current Six Dao Alliance

Although the Six Paths Alliance is not as famous as the Bixiao Shrine, when it comes to the composition of its forces and its role within Yongle Immortal Court, it is not inferior to the Bixiao Shrine at all, and it also makes Shenhua Immortal Court extremely painful.

Now, Lu Yu finally knew the specific origins of the Zhuyan Dao, He'an Dao, and Pantian Dao who were looking for trouble. They were actually branches of the Six Dao Alliance, equivalent to the various peaks of the former Dali Sword Sect.

However, as a result, new questions also arise one after another: What kind of grievances and grievances does the Peacock King have with the Six Paths Alliance?

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