Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2400: Soul Clone

Lu Yu's words couldn't help but make Fu Jing and her daughter look stunned.

This man is not the Peacock Ming King? Is he fake?

But many of the details on his body are clearly the same as those of the Peacock Daming King on the road before. He even has a strong aura of power of the Peacock Daming King on his body. How can any counterfeit be able to achieve this?

The Peacock King opposite showed great interest and asked: "Why do you say that?"

"Isn't this simple?" Lu Yu said, "Although the aura of power on your body is strong, it is far from strong enough. Your current level is probably not much different from mine. In addition, there is an even more important point. You There is no divine power in his body, the Peacock Ming King I faced before is not like this!"

King Peacock Ming said: "You are really not simple. I didn't expect that you would not be able to understand my narrative. It is true that I am not the original soul. I am just a spiritual clone that was arranged here in advance. The purpose is to deal with some emergencies." The situation is nothing but don't worry, I have communicated with my body, and the information we have is completely synchronized. I know everything you have done before and what you have said to me. On the level of communication, there is no difference between me and the real body. If you really have a hard time understanding it, you can think of me as a mouthpiece for the Peacock King in your mind. My will is completely equal to his will."

Lu Yu did not directly respond to the Peacock Ming King in front of him, but turned to look at Fu Jing and his daughter beside him, and said, "How is it? Is there someone?

A very familiar feeling? "

The mother and daughter could not help but remain silent for a while.

This kind of communication method is not unfamiliar to them. Huo Siyu has used Huo Yunru's body to perform similar methods many times before. However, the subtext of Lu Yu's words at this time is that Huo Siyu is also not simple. He is obviously a god. She has also mastered the power she possesses. Doesn't this mean that she already has power comparable to life?

This undoubtedly further proves Lu Yu's previous guess: Huo Siyu indeed has an extraordinary origin. Before she became the Whispering Emperor of the Guanlan Empire, she was already the reincarnation of the Yuanshen.

Lu Yu had limited information before and could not completely confirm this point. However, after in-depth contact with the Peacock King, he had a deeper understanding of what Yuanshen is. The so-called Yuanshen is fundamentally related to spiritual power. , thoughts, consciousness, divine thoughts, etc. are essentially the same thing, but the degree is different. Yuan Shen is the divine thought that has been refined for countless times. It is a sign of being promoted to a god. .

Now Lu Yu can basically conclude that Huo Siyu also has such a sign, including Fairy Yao Ji back then. They were all gods in the past and had already cultivated into Yuanshen. However, they later chose to be reincarnated for unknown reasons.

"What? Is there any problem?" The Peacock King in front of him obviously didn't know that Lu Yu had thought of other places, and he couldn't help showing a confused expression.

"It's nothing, I just remembered something else." Lu Yu shrugged and turned around again, "You don't have to tell us specifically.

Don't explain, we probably understand what's going on. But what I'm curious about is, where did your body go and what is he busy with now? "

King Peacock Ming looked at him for a moment and said: "He has been busy with a lot of things during this period."

"The first is to destroy the original secondary space, so we set up a suspicion formation to avoid being tracked by the people of the Six Paths Alliance."

"Second, I used the galaxy to clear the way, across the vast starry sky, and sent you here."

"As for third"

Peacock Daming King said, turning his attention to the small white porcelain bottle in Lu Yu's hand: "The third thing is that I went to get this thing specifically."

Lu Yu couldn't help but hold up the small porcelain bottle in his hand: "You said he made a special detour to get this thing? Wasn't it originally placed here?"

"Of course not." King Peacock Ming said, "You should be very clear about its power. Even with layers of seals, it is impossible to completely suppress it. It is not safe to place it here, so it was transferred from other places. As for where it was originally stored, you should also know very well.”

Lu Yu thought thoughtfully: "You mean, a certain multi-dimensional space under the multi-dimensional system of the Immaculate Spring?"

He didn't know how King Peacock Daming collected this small bottle of clean spring, but if it wanted to be able to store it for a long time without causing a strong reaction, he could only put it in the original multi-dimensional system. Down.

"You are indeed very smart, that's right!" Peacock King Ming replied.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

What the other party said contained a lot of information.

Firstly, the body of King Peacock Ming has been placed inside the multi-dimensional system, which is why he has been disappearing; secondly, since this short video was transferred from inside the multi-dimensional system, it means that this place is actually not related to the infinite system. The multi-dimensional system of the Fountain of Stain is connected, and this is another node of the Fountain of Innocent in the vast starry sky.

"It seems that Shangshen has really done a lot during this time," Lu Yu said with emotion.

Not only because of what the Peacock King did just now, but also because of his long-term secret management. Even the Freemasons only knew about his lair in the secondary space, but they didn't expect that he would secretly open it. He found another secret base and hid it in a special way.

"So, he has now fallen into deep sleep again, and I can only communicate with you for the time being." King Peacock Ming said.

"Why?" Lu Yu couldn't help asking, "Shangshen clone, I don't mean to look down on you, but you should know what kind of situation we are facing now. Why doesn't the upper body come out to deal with it on its own and choose to sleep again? He should know I have a way to help him recover his cultivation."

"Do you mean to continue to contribute the power of faith to us?" King Peacock Ming said, "That is indeed a very clever way to copy the power of faith in such a large amount. I have never heard of such a method. This undoubtedly fully illustrates It’s your greatness, but do you really think this is a long-term solution?”

"Uh, what's the problem?"

"Of course there is a problem. Although your method is clever, your power will not be without it after all.

I came here for no reason, even if it’s just spiritual power.” As the Peacock King Ming spoke, he turned to look at Fu Jing and his daughter, “Although you can make up for the shortfall by combining with these two women, have you ever thought about it? Where does the power to overcome these deficits come from? "

Lu Yu naturally knows

In the final analysis, the supplementary effect of the ethereal realm extracts the blood power of the mother and daughter. Although this will cause a lot of consumption to the mother and daughter, the Guanlan clan, as a natural cauldron, can prompt an extremely exaggerated recovery effect. He has also done special research on this. The impact of the ethereal realm on the two of them during the recovery process is minimal, so he dares to use it boldly.

Peacock Ming Wangsi seemed to have seen through Lu Yu's thoughts and continued: "Anyway, this is also a way of fishing for the best. You don't feel it clearly now, but because your cultivation base is still shallow, in the future, as time goes by, As your practice deepens, you will clearly feel that this method is unsustainable, just like a pool of water. At this time, you are just a small fish, and you naturally feel good. But as your body gradually grows, you will eventually feel it. limits."

"It is precisely for this reason that you want to replenish the consumption of my body by repeatedly donating the power of faith. This is also not feasible because your supplement is just a drop in the bucket for me. If the people from the Six Paths Alliance really come back, I won't be able to truly fight against them in this state. Even if I completely wipe out these two women, it will be the same.

In the end, I might as well just put the body to sleep again. This way, you will have better room to perform. "

"Better room for performance?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled. He really couldn't figure out what he could do under such circumstances.

King Peacock Ming looked at the vast vast waters around him and said: "The impure spring here was collected by my body over millions of years with great effort, although there is only one drop. , but as long as it is used properly, it can also exert a very critical effect."

He suddenly withdrew his gaze and stared at Lu Yu with keen eyes.

"Are you ready? It's time to let the lotus seeds in your body begin to bloom!"

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