Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2474 Remodeling Failed


The mysterious man looked at the crystal bottle in Lu Yu's hand with slightly surprised eyes: "This one is far less outstanding than the Desolate Moon Holy Physique. It can even be said that he is the worst one among the ten templates."

"What does it matter?" Lu Yu shrugged nonchalantly, "Anyway, I don't really want to be reincarnated. It's just a temporary cover. If it's too eye-catching, it will be counterproductive."

The mysterious man took a deep look at Lu Yu and then nodded: "As you wish, this is your freedom."

As he spoke, he took the crystal bottle from Lu Yu's hand, and then opened the mouth of the bottle. Suddenly, a cold glimmer of light swayed out, like the remaining powder after a star was crushed, splashing towards Lu Yu's face.

Lu Yu felt a cold touch on his face, and an indescribable feeling filled his whole body. He instinctively wanted to tense up, but the mysterious man's voice came over at the right time: "Relax, don't try to resist, you The more you resist the whole process, the harder it will be!”

So Lu Yu suppressed it forcefully again and allowed the cold feeling to sweep through his body.

Suddenly, a magical scene happened!

Originally, in Lu Yu's senses, what was splashed out from the crystal bottle was just a tiny piece of starlight dust. Unexpectedly, when he came into contact with his soul, it turned into huge stars, all pointing towards him. Come on like crazy.

His body was continuously crushed by huge stars one after another, as if all the stars in the heavens and the world were colliding towards him. In this way, his soul was tempered. In just a short moment, he feel

I felt that I had circled the entire universe and had intense and intimate contact with every star.

Lu Yu's heart was shocked. This was the first time he encountered such a powerful force that impacted his life and death. This was obviously not the power that the mysterious man in front of him could possess. Deep down, he couldn't help but become more and more curious. In the end, what was this seventh apostle? Which god is standing behind him?

On the land of the Central World, in addition to the two Immortal Kings, there are such powerful gods. Could this be another version of the "Dayan God King"?

This thought just flashed through Lu Yu's mind, and soon he couldn't think about these issues anymore. His whole body was completely immersed in the violent shocks one after another.

As the mysterious man said, the more he tried to resist, the more violent the attack of Star Collision became. However, once he relaxed and accepted the situation, the attack of Star Collision actually slowed down.

I don't know how much time passed, but finally the attack of stars colliding stopped. Lu Yu's eyes gradually regained clarity, and he returned to the original dark world.

"Not bad, not bad!" The mysterious man looked at Lu Yu in front of him and nodded repeatedly, "I didn't expect that although your cultivation level is not high, your spiritual thoughts are extremely strong. You can actually withstand the impact of the Soul Branding Technique, and you can directly brand it successfully in one step. It’s really rare!”

Xi Mengying on the side couldn't help but change her face slightly when she heard this: "What do you mean? Is there any hidden risk in this soul-burning technique?"

The mysterious man said: "How can a powerful method that directly affects the soul...

Is it possible that there is no risk? But everything is within control. Even if you unfortunately can't withstand the impact of the Soul Branding Technique and your soul is shattered, I can still help you repair it. In fact, I have done this kind of business several times before, and those customers But they are not as lucky as you. I helped them re-glue their souls together afterwards. Some of them even glued them together several times with trouble-free customers like you. This is the first time I have encountered them! "

Xi Mengying only heard a burst of heartache, walked to Lu Yu and asked softly: "How do you feel? Are you okay?"

Lu Yu looked at Xi Mengying in front of him for a long time, then seemed to recognize him again, and said in a weak voice: "I'm fine, but I feel very strange now, as if I'm possessed by something, and it seems like I'm possessed by something. I'm possessed by someone else."

The mysterious man said: "You have just completed the Soul Burning Technique, which means that the inner soul has been completely renewed, so you will have a certain sense of alienation from the external body. As long as you practice the Molting Art again, this alienation will quickly It will be eliminated, and your body and soul will become one again, and no one will be able to see the flaws!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and a page of golden paper appeared in his hand out of thin air. It was filled with dense and shiny small words and was handed to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and was about to catch it, but he didn't expect that as soon as his hand touched the golden paper, the golden paper disappeared with a whoosh, and then a strange paragraph appeared in his mind out of thin air. The words record the transformation

The content of dermatology.

Lu Yu immediately felt a profound, vast, and grand meaning. Only then did he realize that although the name of this shedding technique was ordinary, it was indeed a very extraordinary magical power, possessing the power to dominate the world.

"it's your turn!"

The mysterious man ignored Lu Yu and turned to Xi Mengying. He was still holding the crystal bottle of the Desolate Moon Holy Body in his hand.

"Are you sure you want to use the one he picked for you? Do you need to pick it again?"

"No need!" Xi Mengying shook her head, "That's it!"

The mysterious man said nothing more and directly opened the crystal screen. Just like before, a cold light swayed out, and a substance like starlight dust splashed towards Xi Mengying's face.

Soon, Xi Mengying's whole body was bathed in a cloud of starlight dust, and her whole body entered a state of trance.

Lu Yu watched this scene from the side, with a very novel feeling. He experienced all this as a personal experience, and watched as a third party as a bystander. The two were completely different feelings. Confirmed by the two factors, this scene made He seemed to have more insights.

Time passed minute by minute.

Big beads of sweat appeared on the mysterious man's forehead unknowingly. It was obvious that all this was not easy for him, especially after performing it twice in a row.

Sweat flowed down the mysterious man's face, gradually soaking his clothes, but there was still no sign of stopping.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

When he was experiencing the soul-burning impact before, time was a very blur to him.

It’s a concept, but it shouldn’t have taken this long to come up with it, right?

Could it be that something unexpected happened?

I was really afraid of something happening. Not long after this idea came to me, an accident happened!

I saw a breeze suddenly blowing up from the flat ground, and the starlight dust attached to Xi Mengying's body began to fly in an instant. When the dust particles rubbed against each other, they made a series of crackling sounds like firecrackers.

Lu Yu was stunned for a while.

This sound sounded like a series of clear sounds to his ears, but if it was mapped to the inner world of souls, what kind of turmoil would it be?

Sure enough, in the next moment, all the starlight particles were no longer under control, and suddenly and completely exploded with Xi Mengying as the center, like a huge firework.

Lu Yu couldn't bear the powerful force and was instantly knocked away.

When he finally got up again, he saw Xi Mengying and the mysterious man still standing there peacefully.

However, Xi Mengying had opened her eyes again, while the mysterious man was staring blankly at the broken crystal bottle in his hand, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Lu Yu couldn't help but have a huge question mark in his heart.

What is going on?

Is it considered a failure to cast the Soul Burning Technique?

Even the unknown power of the powerful evil god cannot imprint and reshape the remaining divine thoughts of the Holy Mother of the previous era?

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