Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 511 Attend the meeting in person

In the next few days, the Huangshan Army actively practiced and gradually eroded away the demonic fog that shrouded Fang City. As a result, the individual strength of the army was greatly improved.

However, the external environment is also changing at the same time. On the outskirts of Fang City, traces of sentinels can be seen everywhere. It is obvious that the major clans are secretly peeking at the reality of the Huangshan Army and making active preparations for the next war.

Even the spies from the Huangshan Army are in the headquarters of the major clans. Signs of an army gathering were detected. But they still stood still. It was obvious that they were coordinating joint operations and marching together.

All signs have shown that the major clans have formed an alliance and joined forces. The scale of standing together or even forming an alliance is not limited to the four major clans. Even some other small clans have joined this grand alliance to defeat the Huangshan Army.

It can be predicted that these clan alliance will soon launch a fatal blow to the Huangshan Army. The situation of the Huangshan Army is already precarious.

At this moment, the little deer general who was alone in danger finally sent back good news. Wu Zhuojun, the leader of the Karasuma clan, was very interested in forming an alliance with the Huangshan Army and turning against the other three clans. , but he hoped that the two leaders of the Huangshan Army, Ming Shuai and Miss Yang, could rush to his camp in person and discuss with him face to face.

"Could it be a scam?"

Suddenly receiving this news, Hu Zun instinctively felt uneasy, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

After these days of continuous digging into the Karasuma clan, he heard a lot about the misdeeds of the Wu Zhuojun. Generally speaking, the leader of the Karasuma clan can be summed up in one sentence, that is So bad.

For example, this guy goes back on his word and has no integrity. Another example is that this guy likes to have sex in groups in the open air. Another example is that he likes to fry and eat the demon children of other clans...

Even Tiger Lord, who is also a demon spirit, finds many of this guy's actions outrageous and unacceptable.

"Even if it's a scam, we have no choice but to give it a try."

As Lu Yu spoke, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"If it is really a fraud, at least it eliminates a dangerous option for us."

"But..." Tiger Master hesitated, "That Mr. Wu Zhuo is really not an easy person to deal with! If the commander-in-chief and the young lady go there alone, it will be a disaster."

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "I never expected him to be a good man and a believer. If he is really a good man and a believer, I would not dare to deal with him now!"

Hu Zun immediately understood what he meant. Only a wicked guy like Wu Zhuojun is the most suitable candidate to be a rebel and destroy the opponent's alliance in one fell swoop.

"My lady and I will personally go to the base camp of the Karasuma Clan to see what Wu Zhuojun is thinking. You don't need to worry about our safety. On the contrary, here in Liaoyang City, you need to be extra vigilant! If you find anything wrong, call us immediately and we will rush back as soon as possible! ”

Lu Yu said as he handed several communication talismans and the commander-in-chief tiger talisman into his hands.

For him, he is not worried about the trap set by the Karasuma clan, but is more worried that this is a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

Hu Zun was startled, took the messenger talisman and the commander-in-chief tiger talisman, and then nodded solemnly: "I understand, I must be very energetic and ensure that the Huangshan Army will not let the Huangshan Army go when the young lady and Mingshuai are away. Something happened!"

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie dressed up in disguise, transformed into demon spirits, and took advantage of the darkness to sneak out of Fang City without anyone noticing.

Then Yang Chudie used Escape Light and led Lu Yu into the clouds, flying quickly towards the base camp of the Karasuma clan.

After comprehending the golden elixir seeds based on the laws of heaven and earth, Yang Chudie's speed of driving light has become even faster, almost no less than a real person.

In less than two hours, they arrived at the headquarters of the Karasuma clan as promised.

When the two men suddenly fell from the sky and appeared in front of Wu Zhuojun's palace, the entire Wuwan clan suddenly felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Stop! Stop! Don't get me wrong, these two are the top leaders of our Huangshan Army, Miss Yang and Lord Mingshuai!"

Just as the two sides were at war with each other, a familiar figure suddenly ran into the opposing formations, dancing and shouting.

This person is the deer raccoon.

Lu Yu looked coldly at the group of demon soldiers and generals of the Wuwan tribe facing the enemy, and said loudly: "Commander Huangshan Army and my Miss Yang San have arrived as promised. Are you still unwilling to show up, Mr. Wu Zhuo?"

"Hahaha, the Huangshan Army is worthy of being able to capture Fang City. Marshal Ming and Miss Yang really had different reactions, and they arrived so quickly!"

Accompanied by a burst of hearty laughter, a tall and muscular demon spirit strode out of the palace.

What Lu Yu didn't expect was that the notorious and evil Wu Zhuojun turned out to be very handsome. Even by human standards of beauty, he could still be called a majestic appearance.

Only from the obvious animal patterns on both sides of his cheeks can we tell that he should be a demon spirit with the blood of a lion demon.

"I am Wu Zhuojun, the leader of the Karasuma clan! I originally thought that this little mouse monster was just talking nonsense, but I didn't expect that you two are really courageous and dare to come to my base camp alone. Aren't you afraid of falling into my trap? In a trap?"

Wu Zhuojun said loudly, just looking at his demeanor, it is really hard to imagine that his behavior could be so unsightly.

Lu Yu chuckled and said: "Wu Zhuojun is a smart man. He should know that the benefits of framing us are greater than the benefits of forming an alliance with us."

Wu Zhuojun was noncommittal and said: "Commander Feng of the Tianhe clan has already said that as long as he can take off the heads of the two of them, he can get Fang City. Another commander Qu promised that whoever can destroy the Huangshan Army can get the Fang City." Under his protection, he entered Dakong Mountain..."

"Tell me, you two, what kind of benefits can you bring to me that can match the conditions they offer?"

Lu Yu sneered and said: "The conditions offered by the two Sky Demon Marshals are indeed quite attractive, but Mr. Wu Zhuo should have thought that it is not a simple matter to remove our heads!"

"Let me not talk about it, what is the strength of my young lady? It is obvious to all! If Wu Zhuojun insists on doing this, at least half of the people present will need to be buried with him, and I can guarantee 100% that the people who will be buried with him will definitely be buried with him. Including Wu Zhuojun!"

"What's more, the Yang family behind us, even if Wu Zhuojun fights to death and succeeds by luck, the Wuwan family will surely suffer the wrath of the Yang family in the future. Isn't this not worth the gain?"

"If you don't believe it, you might as well give it a try!"

Wu Zhuojun remained silent, just staring at the two of them.

Lu Yu showed no sign of weakness and looked back tit for tat.

Yang Chudie stood quietly on the spot, her aura as if approaching an abyss, unfathomable.

For a moment, I don’t know how much psychological game Wu Zhuojun played.

Finally, he finally laughed loudly and said: "I was just joking with you two. In fact, the mouse monster has clearly weighed the pros and cons of this matter for me. If I didn't have any intention on this matter, how could I Invite you two here?"

"You two, please come inside! Let's talk slowly and in detail inside!"

Seeing this, the deer raccoon on the side couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He had been busy for so many days, and both parties were finally willing to sit down and talk. It was only then that the matter became more or less clear...

Lu Yu knew that what Wu Zhuojun did just now was not just a joke.

If they had revealed even the slightest flaw just now, it would have been a completely different scene now.

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