Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 513 News from Black Wind City

The two parties returned to the table again and discussed and agreed on the details of operational cooperation.

Half an hour later, the two sides finally determined the final details of the plan, and Lu Yu and Yang Chudie stood up and left.

"This is seeking skin from a tiger!"

As soon as he walked out of the base camp of the Karasuma clan, the first words Yang Chudie said were infinite emotion.

Lu Yu understood what she meant, and it seemed that she had noticed it too.

This Wu Zhuojun didn't have any good intentions. The greedy look in his eyes when he saw a million spirit stones just now couldn't deceive anyone, but then he suddenly changed his mind and said he didn't want it anymore.

Lu Yu didn't believe that he had suddenly changed his gender. It only meant that he had big plans and was already planning to devour the entire Huangshan Army.

"There is nothing we can do about this..." Lu Yu said.

"However, even if the opponent is a tiger, we are not kind people to be bullied! He at least missed one thing, that is, our Yang family boxing method can already accelerate the devouring effect of the demonic mist!"

"If the other party really wants to take us all down, then they will definitely use the three major clans to bring us down. If this is really the case, I can guarantee that Lord Wu Zhuo will be shocked!"

Yang Chudie nodded.

Over the past few days, she has also noticed the situation in Fang City.

The monsters produced when the Fang City was breached had been absorbed and devoured by the Huangshan Army at a faster rate. All this was due to the Yang family's boxing techniques.

If Wu Zhuojun really plans to use the troops of the three major clans to gradually bring down the Huangshan Army so that he can reap the benefits, then the Huangshan Jun will definitely become more courageous as he fights, and the final result will definitely be beyond him. unexpected.

To put it bluntly, the huge base of the Huangshan Army of more than 200,000, coupled with the Yang family boxing technique tailored by Lu Yu for these demon spirits, brought unlimited possibilities to the Huangshan Army.

What the Huangshan Army needs most now is time, and what they are most worried about is being beaten to death by the major clans joining forces with the force of thunder.

Wu Zhuojun thought that he could use the trick of "a snipe and a clam fight, the fisherman will gain" to plot against the Huangshan Army, but he did not know that this would actually be a big help to the Huangshan Army.

"But...could it be too simple?" Yang Chudie said.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled: "Master, do you think there are any other problems?"

Yang Chudie shook his head and said: "I can't say, it's just a feeling. I always feel like something is wrong..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but show a bit of solemnity. Yang Chudie is now different from what he used to be. He is almost equal to half a real person. If she has any bad premonition, she will have to pay attention to it.

Lu Yu was thinking hard about what he had missed.

But at this moment, a flash of light suddenly flew over, and it turned out to be a messenger talisman.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised. This communication talisman was exactly what he gave to Hu Zun before leaving.

Could it be that something really happened in the fang layer?

But it shouldn't be. Judging from Wu Zhuojun's behavior, it doesn't look like he was trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

"What happened?"

Seeing that Lu Yu had finished reading the contents of the summons, Yang Chudie asked quickly.

Lu Yu put away the communication talisman and said: "Hu Dali said that he found signs that someone wanted to attack the camp, but the other party probably hasn't officially taken action yet. He just gave us a warning in advance to prevent any unexpected events."

Yang Chudie frowned: "Who could it be?"

"I am not sure as well."

Lu Yu said: "Now I have to continue to work hard for you, Senior Sister. Take me and rush back as soon as possible to see who it is!"

With that said, he raised his arm towards Yang Chudie.

Yang Chudie's face couldn't help but blush slightly.

To rush back as fast as possible, the two of them would have to hug her more tightly to reduce the resistance of the wind, which made her feel a little strange inside.

However, she did not hesitate in her actions and immediately grabbed Lu Yu's arm. A strong wind surged around her and turned into a ray of light that shot through the air.

Not long after, Fang City was already in sight.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie noticed in mid-air that there was a troop of Huangshan Army on the ground, holding torches high and moving rapidly in the dark, as if they were fighting with the enemy.

The two men immediately adjusted their posture and flew straight towards the place where the battle took place.

But the situation at the scene couldn't help but make the two of them feel a little surprised.

It turns out that there is only one so-called enemy, and a whole team of soldiers from the Huangshan Army are under the command of Hu Zun to surround that person.

"What's happening here?"

The scene was in chaos, and the two of them could not act rashly, so they came to Hu Zun's side and asked.

"Miss, Mingshuai, you are finally back!"

Seeing the two people appear, Hu Zun couldn't help but have an expression of surprise on his face.

"This person is a great demon. He suddenly appeared near our camp. He claimed to be a young lady and an acquaintance of Mingshuai. He wanted to ask to see you two..."

"I saw that he was acting suspiciously, so I didn't even think about detaining him first. Unexpectedly, he refused to cooperate. He just kept shouting that he wanted to see you two, and he unreasonably wanted to force his way into the coach's camp!"

"In the end, I intercepted him, and then we fought all the way and chased him here..."

After listening to Hu Zun's story, Lu Yu couldn't help but be confused.

He and Yang Chudie got closer together, and when they saw the man's appearance clearly, they couldn't help but be shocked.

It turns out that this person is actually a rhinoceros horn!

Wasn't he captured by the Lord of Black Wind City? How could he suddenly appear here?

Lu Yu was confused and shouted:


All of a sudden, the troops of the Wilderness Mountain Army stopped their offensive and retreated.

"Come here!"

Lu Yu waved to Xijiao again.

Xijiao was panting and staring at Lu Yu and Yang Chudie without blinking.

He also knew that the identities of the two humans who suddenly came must be extraordinary, but unfortunately they were not the people he was looking for.

"Who are you?" He asked with full vigilance.

Lu Yu couldn't help but support his forehead.

This guy is really a fool!

He and his master's aunt only changed their appearance slightly, and he couldn't think of his true identity.

Tiger Lord snorted solemnly.

"Didn't you claim to be an acquaintance of our young lady Ming Shuai? How come you couldn't recognize them even when they were in front of you? What else do you have to say now? Your lie has been exposed, right?"

Looking at Xijiao's confused expression, Lu Yu couldn't help but cough and said, "Your name is Xijiao? Do you know what this is?"

As he said this, he made a hand gesture, which was the hand gesture he used when he taught Xijiao the Tiger Roaring Art.

Xijiao's eyes widened immediately, and his mouth opened so wide that a live chicken could be stuffed in.

" you are the master..."

Lu Yu waved his hand to interrupt him and said, "This is not the place to talk, let's go back to the camp and talk!"

Tiger Lord couldn't help but widen his eyes and said, "Marshal Ming... Is this person really an acquaintance of you and the young lady?"

Seeing Lu Yu nodded, Tiger Lord's face couldn't help but become a little unnatural, and said with embarrassment: "Marshal Ming, I was wrong... If I had known this..."

"Ignorance is not a crime!" Lu Yu interrupted him, "You are doing your duty and doing a good job, what's wrong?"

Then everyone returned to Fangya City.

In the commander's camp, Lu Yu dismissed his left and right, leaving only himself, Yang Chudie, and Xijiao.

"Xijiao greets the master! Xijiao greets the master's aunt!"

Seeing Lu Yu and Yang Chudie who had restored their original appearance, Xijiao finally put aside his doubts and knelt on the ground respectfully.

"Okay, no need to be polite... Weren't you captured by the Lord of Black Wind City? How did you suddenly find this place?" Lu Yu asked.

A wave of grief and anger suddenly surged on Xijiao's face.

"The old witch of the Lord of Black Wind City not only forced my family to hand over the Taoist inheritance of Tiger Roar Jue, but also forced my family to marry her and wanted me to be her 132nd husband..."

"What? Force you to marry?"

Lu Yu was very surprised. He thought Xijiao lived a life of prisoner in Black Wind City, but he didn't expect that he turned over and became the master?

Xijiao nodded, his eyes full of humiliation.

"Not only my family, but also Lao Tu and Lao Huang, also became the 133rd and 134th husbands under her coercion. In addition, she has hundreds of concubines... That old witch is really hateful!"

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie looked at each other.

Both of them couldn't help but think that Wu Zhuojun didn't lie. The Lord of Black Wind City was really tough and ate both men and women, and didn't care about meat and vegetables.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be quite curious. He didn't know what kind of experience Xijiao had in Black Wind City that made him so angry.

However, in front of Master Aunt, he was embarrassed to ask Xijiao too much detail...

Xijiao looked sad and angry, and continued: "How the old witch tormented our family has nothing to do with Lao Tu and Lao Huang, but I didn't expect that she was actually plotting against Master and Master's Grandmother..."

"So, Lao Tu and Lao Huang went through a lot of hardships to cover our family's escape from Black Wind City, just to let us rush over to inform Master and Master's Grandmother that Black Wind City is now gathering troops in a big way, preparing to completely destroy the Wild Mountain Army in one fell swoop!"

Now, Lu Yu and Yang Chudie both understood at the same time where the previous feeling of uneasiness came from.

It turned out that they had overlooked Black Wind City!

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