Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 527 Why should I sleep?

"Tell me! What happened?"

As her appearance recovered, Black Widow's spirit also improved, appearing calm and capable.

"Lord Black Rose, there is an urgent report coming from the direction of Xichuan. The Huangshan Army has a great victory. The coalition forces of all the major clans have been completely annihilated. Lord Litian, Lord Tieshan, Lord Fenglang and others have all died in the battle..." A man named Reporting for Hou Yehui in Baohou.

"These three self-righteous guys are finally dead?"

When Black Widow heard this, not only was she unmoved, but she also showed a bit of disdain.

"I have said before that these three guys are just silver-like wax spearheads. Their strength is very high... Although they are powerful demons, they only know how to use their own brute force without any Taoism. Support, if they really want to fight head-on, their strength may not be as good as the few of you!"

"Look at how they have been unable to do anything about Fang City for so many years. This shows their level of strength! They are just content in the land of Xichuan and have not encountered any real difficulties, so they have always been prosperous!"

Several people couldn't help but look at each other in silence for a moment.

After all, they were three powerful Heavenly Demons, and they had countless subordinates under their command!

In their eyes, this was already a huge event, but they didn't expect it to be such an understatement in the eyes of the city lord.

"Huh? Isn't that right? Aren't there four major clans in the land of Xichuan? And where is Lord Wu Zhuo? Did the Huangshan Army just let them live?" Black Widow asked in confusion.

"Well, Wu Zhuojun...he defected to the Huangshan Army. It was precisely because of his defection that the allied forces of the major clans were completely defeated." Baohou replied.


Black Widow couldn't help but chuckle: "This Wu Zhuojun may not be very strong, but his mind is very fast... It is true that good people do not live long and cause harm for thousands of years, so I never intend to be a good person!"

Everyone was speechless again.

I didn't expect that she could still find reasons for her various weird behaviors in this matter...

"Lord Black Rose...but, those are hundreds of thousands of demon spirits after all!"

Badger Hou was silent for a moment, feeling that he still had to remind her.

"Since the Huangshan Army was able to achieve a great victory, it must have stepped on the corpses of these major clan alliances and received a great improvement! The Huangshan Army at this time is completely different from the enemy we had previously expected!"

"It is indeed very different..."

Black Widow nodded, but there was a sense of arrogance in her eyes.

"To be honest, I didn't expect the Barren Mountain Army to be so powerful...but so what? Do you think that our Black Wind City's 100,000 elites can't defeat a mere Barren Mountain Army?"

Badger Marquis said quickly: "The Huangshan Army naturally cannot be our opponent in Black Wind City, but this way, it is already different from our army's vision..."

"Originally, we planned to let the Huangshan Army and the major clans fight until both sides were injured, and then we would clean up the mess and capture the entire land of Xichuan without any effort..."

"But now, although we can still capture the land of Xichuan, it is absolutely impossible to do so without any damage..."

Black Widow's eyes flashed, she glanced at him and said, "Then what do you mean? Is it possible that we have traveled such a long way just because we need to pay a price, so we can just call it a day and withdraw our troops?"

"Of course we can't just retreat."

Badger Marquis continued: "However, attacking the land of Xichuan and annihilating the Huangshan Army is the request of Feng Shuai of the Tianhe clan. If there is no need to pay any price, it is not a bad idea to facilitate this matter, but now it requires us in Black Wind City to pay a heavy price." In order to do this, they should also provide us with greater assistance!”

"You mean to negotiate a price with them first?"

As the Black Widow spoke, she looked at the other princes and said:

"Is this what you all mean?"

Everyone nodded.

Marquis Kuang said: "Although Feng Shuai of the Tianhe clan threatened to attack us together with the Huangshan Army, we in Black Wind City are not idle people. How could he tell this matter to the second young Jun Yingqiu? Calculate?"

Baohou also said: "The foundation of our Black Wind City is because of our strong strength. It is precisely because we are strong enough that the three top clans are afraid of us... If our strength is due to the destruction of Huangshan, If the army is damaged, Black Wind City’s status will immediately be unstable.”

"I see...this is how you view this matter..."

Black Widow nodded, with a strange smile on her face.

"I can't blame you for this, I just blame me for not telling you the truth..."

"Do you really think that it was because I was threatened by the Tianhe clan that I traveled thousands of miles to this land of Xichuan to conquer the barren mountains of the south?"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Could it be that there are other secrets behind this matter?

Just listen to Black Widow continue to say: "The reason why I traveled thousands of miles to come here is not because of Feng Shuai's threat. We are all powerful demons. He just has a more powerful backer. You Do you think I’m really afraid of him?”

"The reason why I led everyone here is because of the promise of the giant spirit clan. The monster king of the giant spirit clan promised me to complete this matter for him and eliminate the two human commanders of the Huangshan Army. You can give a treasure to us in Black Wind City forever!"

As she spoke, Black Widow suddenly turned her hand over, and a giant hammer wrapped with purple electricity appeared in her delicate hand.

"This is...Huntian Hammer?"

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. The Huntian Hammer is a magical weapon unique to the Giant Spirit Clan, just like the Commander-in-Chief Tiger Talisman unique to the Tianhe clan. However, the Huntian Hammer is much more powerful than the Commander-in-Chief Tiger Talisman. Not only is the power of the Commander-in-Chief Tiger Talisman, Several times that of Fuhu, and it does not require the accumulation of power like the Dushuai Tiger Talisman. The range of applicable situations is much wider than that of the Dushuai Tiger Talisman.

It is said that this object is made from the body and blood essence of the giant spirit clan. It is extremely rare and rare. Only less than ten pieces have been made over thousands of years. It has always been personally controlled by the giant clan. According to rumors, I didn’t expect that one of the Hun Tian Hammers would fall into the hands of the Black Widow.

"But...why did the giant spirit family want to destroy those two humans?"

Badger Marquis was stunned and said: "Besides, even if those two humans are to be eliminated, why don't they do it themselves? Instead, they have to pay the price of a Huntian Hammer and ask us to do it for them?"

Black Widow smiled and said: "The three top clans are now fighting for the sacred object in Da Kong Mountain. All their forces are trapped in it, and they can't focus on other things. This gives us a chance..."

"As for the reason why the giant spirits want to kill those two humans..."

"Maybe it's because they have a feud with the family behind them, maybe it's because they threaten the interests of the giant spirit clan invisibly, or maybe they just don't like them..."

"None of these are actually important. What's important is that this Huntian Hammer is in my hand at this moment!"

Everyone was convinced.

Indeed, the tangible benefits have already been achieved. As for the specific reasons, it is actually completely unimportant...

Everyone's thoughts couldn't help but get excited. Now that they have an artifact like the Huntian Hammer in hand, no matter how the Huangshan Army improves, how big a wave can they make?

"Do you still have any doubts in your mind now?" Black Widow asked with a smile.

"No doubt!"

"Lord Black Rose is wise, but we were reckless!"

"Now that we have an artifact like the Huntian Hammer in hand, there will definitely be no more variables in this battle!"

"I'll retreat now and won't disturb Lord Black Rose's rest anymore. Just march as usual tomorrow!"

Everyone was about to run away.

Black Widow suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked, and their hearts suddenly became agitated. Could it be that she wanted to settle the matter at this time?

The black widow asked: "My 132nd husband, the one who quietly escaped a few days ago, is said to have also escaped towards the land of Xichuan. Is there any news about him?"

This is what I was asking...

Everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is news about him..."

Baohou replied: "The Lord Xijiao has now joined the Huangshan Army and has become the second general of the Huangshan Army. It is because of his contribution that the Huangshan Army can break the coalition of major clans. Among them, Lord Litian is dead. In his hands...he is now a strong demon!"

"Has he been promoted to Heavenly Demon?"

Black Widow couldn't help but her eyes lit up.

"As expected of the man I fancy, he certainly did not disappoint me!"

"Then what are you waiting for? I don't even sleep anymore, so why are you sleeping? Wake up everyone quickly and set off now, immediately, immediately! We wiped out the Huangshan Army and killed my 132nd husband. Get it back!"

"As long as I find my 132nd husband, I won't hold you accountable for waking me up in the middle of the night..."

Black Widow kept swallowing as she spoke.

After a while, the entire camp completely woke up.

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