Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 553 Long admired name

When the Black Wind City was destroyed and the news of Lord Wuluo's death spread to the territory of the Giant Spirit Clan, King Motou immediately became excited.

He was keenly aware of the extraordinary implications of this.

After this change, both Black Wind City and the Wuluo clan will be greatly weakened.

Let’s leave Black Wind City aside for now, but the Wuluo clan has always been a major concern for their giant spirit clan. Isn’t this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to deal with them?

Therefore, King Moyan immediately reported the news to the Giant Spirit Emperor, hoping that the emperor could mobilize the strength of the entire clan to seize this golden opportunity.

Although he had joined forces with the Wuluo clan's envoys to capture Black Wind City not long ago, it was just a casual move. In his mind, he had never regarded the Wuluo clan as a true ally.

Unexpectedly, not long after he reported the news, the Giant Spirit Emperor responded quickly, asking him to go to the emperor's palace immediately to discuss the deployment of the Wuluo clan in person.

And the emperor also revealed a particularly important piece of information. This time he would leave his palace and rush to the Wuluo clan's home base - the Wuluo Mountain.

The Nightmare King was suddenly excited and couldn't help but start gearing up.

As he set off for the emperor's palace, he ordered his men to count the soldiers and make preparations for the deployment of the army in advance. He planned to follow the giant spirit emperor to conquer the home of the Wuluo clan in one fell swoop once a decision was made.

But what he didn't expect was that when he arrived at the emperor's palace, the scene he saw was not at all the unprecedented grand mobilization of the clan he had imagined. The giant spirit emperor actually summoned him alone, and only planned to accompany him. The two of them went to Wuluo Mountain alone.

King Mo was immediately startled.

With just two people, they broke into the Wuluo Mountain directly. I have to say that such a decision was too bold!

Even if there is no Lord Wuluo sitting in charge, even if the emperor has dozens of Huntian Hammers by his side, this is still a very risky behavior!

After all, no matter how powerful two people are, they only have four hands. It is impossible to control dozens of Huntian Hammers. Like the commander of the Huangshan Army, there are already a few people who can control two Xuanling Divine Weapons at the same time. A rare anomaly...

However, the Giant Spirit Emperor had made up his mind, and King Mo was unable to resist, so he had no choice but to follow him, and the two of them went to Wuluo Mountain alone.

Along the way, King Motou mentioned the purpose of his trip to the Giant Spirit Emperor in a subtle way, and then the Giant Spirit Emperor revealed the truth to him.

"Lord Chiyue has confirmed the identity of the person he is looking for. Our trip is entrusted by him to meet that person!" The Giant Spirit Emperor replied.

"Lord Chiyue?"

King Motang couldn't help but be stunned and said: "Isn't the person he is looking for already in Black Wind City?"

In his opinion, the wise commander of Black Wind City, who even killed the majestic Lord Wuluo, must be someone with an extraordinary background, and that should be the target Lord Chiyue is looking for.

But the Giant Spirit Emperor shook his head and said firmly: "No, the great sage in Wuluo Mountain is the real target of Lord Chiyue!"

King Motang couldn't help but be filled with astonishment.

The two human beings in Black Wind City are already troublesome enough. Unexpectedly, the person Lord Red Moon is really looking for is the great sage of the Wuluo clan. I really don’t know what kind of sage this great sage is. Could he be more powerful than the two humans in Black Wind City?

Therefore, King Motang had no choice but to accompany the Giant Spirit Emperor to Wuluo Mountain with a lot of questions.

Unexpectedly, the first scene he saw as soon as he stepped into Wuluo Mountain made King Motang want to turn around and run away.

He actually saw Lord Wuluo, alive and intact, waiting for their arrival!

Could it be that all the previous news was false? Lord Wu Luo did not die at all, he just deliberately released a smoke screen to confuse and paralyze his opponent!

After taking another closer look, King Mo Tu realized that he had made a mistake. The demon king in front of him was not Lord Wuluo himself, but his son Yueshan Shaojun...

But this result is even more difficult for King Mo to accept. When did Yueshan Shaojun become a powerful demon king? With this coming and going, doesn't it mean that the strength of the Wuluo clan has not been affected at all?

"Emperor Giant Spirit! King Motou! It's you!"

To King Mo's surprise, Yueshan Shaojun and others were also surprised when they saw their appearance.

The Giant Spirit Clan has been hostile to the Wuluo Clan for many years, and the Giant Spirit Emperor and King Mo are a serious thorn in the side of the entire Wuluo Clan. At this time, when the enemies saw each other, they couldn't help but be extremely jealous and took out their weapons involuntarily. The situation on the scene changed instantly. The situation is tense.

"Long time no see, Mr. Yueshan."

Among the entire audience, only the Giant Spirit Emperor remained calm and turned a blind eye to the tense situation.

"Perhaps it's time to call you the King of Mountain Crossing! I didn't expect you to be even better than me!"

"You don't have to be so nervous. I'm not here to start a war. Otherwise, it wouldn't be just me and Mo Tao..."

"Now, can you tell me where I can meet the Great Sage? She should have known we were coming!"

Lord Yueshan's face was uncertain, and at the same time he couldn't help but have a trace of doubt.

He really did not expect that the Giant Spirit Emperor would come to visit in person, but based on the words of the Earth Giant Spirit Emperor, the Great Sage should not be so worried about facing a powerful enemy, because he already has a strength that is not inferior to the opponent...

"Please come with me!"

Lord Yueshan finally gave way, after all, all this was arranged by the great sage.

He waved for everyone to put away their weapons, then turned around and opened the way, leading the two of them deep into the interior of Wuluo Mountain.

King Motou followed the two powerful demon kings step by step. As he walked, he kept observing the surrounding mountains, and his heart was filled with shock.

He always felt that the surrounding mountains seemed to have some mysterious power, which made him feel heart palpitations involuntarily. It seemed that the deeper he went, the more he felt that he had fallen into the hands of a powerful being.

Not long after, everyone finally reached the deepest part of the mountains and arrived in front of the highest divine peak.

At the foot of the sacred peak, there is a graceful woman standing pretty.

King Motang couldn't help but his heart moved, and he thought to himself: Could this be the great sage? Unexpectedly, he was such a delicate and pretty human woman...

However, compared to the other party's unique appearance, what frightened King Mo Mo more was the other party's temperament.

This great sage naturally exudes a holy aura, which is inviolable and makes people want to worship him involuntarily.

Perhaps it was for this reason that she was regarded as a great sage by the Wuluo clan...

King Motang could not help but become more and more frightened.

"Great Sage, I've brought you here..."

Lord Yueshan respectfully reported to the great sage.

The great sage nodded slightly and said, "You can just stay here, and the others should leave first!"

Lord Yueshan agreed, then turned around and waved his hand, signaling everyone to leave first.

In the blink of an eye, there were only four people left under the divine peak, the Great Sage, the Mountain Overlord, the Giant Spirit Emperor, and King Mot.

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Giant Spirit Emperor, and he said in a curious tone: "Are you the Great Sage? I didn't expect you to look like this..."

The great sage looked solemn and said without any pretense: "You are not qualified to talk to me."

The giant spirit emperor's expression suddenly changed.

He was a majestic demon king, the supreme leader of the giant spirit clan, a figure who would shake the entire demon spirit world if he stamped his feet, but he was not qualified to talk to her?

King Motang couldn't help but feel furious in an instant. The Wuluo clan was willing to flatter her and worship her as a great sage. That was the Wuluo clan's own business. How could the majesty of the Giant Spirit clan allow her to humiliate her like this?

But before the two of them had time to get angry, Qin Yanzhen spoke again:

"Now, let Lord Chiyue come out to see me!"

As she spoke these words, the surrounding mountains echoed continuously, the scene roared, and the whole world was filled with the echo of her voice. It was as if the mountains were furious with her momentum.

The Giant Spirit Emperor's face suddenly turned pale.

Cold sweat broke out involuntarily and dripped down his temples.

In an instant, it was as if the power of the entire world was imposed on him, making him feel like an ant at the feet of an elephant.

Only then did he realize that the person who could be so valued by Lord Chiyue was indeed not an easy person.

"I...I know..."

The Giant Spirit Emperor nodded and said with difficulty.

Qin Yanzhen then withdrew the aura of blessing from the mountains.

The Giant Spirit Emperor was immediately relieved, but now he no longer dared to make mistakes easily.

He looked up at the sky, followed a technique taught by Lord Chiyue, used the demon pill as a guide, mobilized all the strength of his body, and then exerted force violently.

Suddenly, an aura of momentum shot through the clouds and into the sky.

I don't know what the momentum was connected to, and a half-blood-red moon suddenly appeared in the sky between the mountains.

Everyone was stunned.

It was obviously broad daylight at this time, but where did the red moon come from?

The next moment, the red moonlight poured down and shone directly on the Giant Spirit Emperor.

His body immediately underwent tremendous changes, with red moon marks constantly appearing on his head, face, torso, limbs and even all parts of his body.

Even his temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes. When he lowered his head again, his eyes had turned red, just like the red moon in the sky.

For a moment, King Motang suddenly felt that the emperor who was so familiar to him in the past suddenly became extremely strange.

Qin Yanzhen, who was opposite, chuckled at this moment:

"Long respected name, Lord Chiyue!"

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