Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 562 Don’t drag me into this

In the airway, white air rises and clouds billow.

These gases are the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that flows from the sky. They have great buoyancy. Lu Yu wanders in the air channels as if he is stuck in a pile of cotton wool. He does not need to use any force at all, and the whole person naturally floats. He was pushed forward by the rolling spiritual energy.

Lu Yu was really curious and didn't know what kind of methods Qin Yanzhen and Yuan Shiqiu used to seduce such rich spiritual energy from the sky.

At this moment, this airway is undoubtedly very suitable for cultivation. However, at his and Yang Chudie's level, once they practice, the spiritual energy in this airway will inevitably change drastically, and their whereabouts will naturally be exposed. .

After drifting with the airflow for a long time, I finally passed through the thick border fog and arrived at the interior of Dakong Mountain.

At this time, in order to hide its whereabouts, the airway has been turned to the underground, like a bottomless patio.

Lu Yu stopped at the edge of the patio, silently observing the long-famous world in front of him.

What he saw before him was an extremely dense red demonic mist, boundless and permeating the whole area. All the scenery was shrouded in this demonic mist.

It seems that the scene in Dakong Mountain is really strange. Apart from gray fog and demonic fog, there is no clean and refreshing place. Perhaps it should be renamed "Da Smoky Mountain" to be more appropriate.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

At this time, Yang Chudie also followed up. Seeing Lu Yu standing there in a daze, he couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing, I just felt a little emotional when I finally came to the legendary Dakong Mountain in person..." Lu Yu said with great emotion.

Yang Chudie blinked her beautiful big eyes: "What are you feeling?"

In her impression, Lu Yu was not a person who liked to feel sad about the past.

Lu Yu raised his head and looked up at the sky. He saw a hazy red mist, and there seemed to be faint red thunder flashing in the distant sky.

"Senior Sister, do you think the world in front of you looks like the core of a golden elixir?" Lu Yu asked with a deep look.

"Golden elixir?"

Yang Chudie couldn't help but be startled, somewhat keeping up with Lu Yu's rhythm.

Lu Yu continued: "The demonic mist here is so dense, which shows that the power of the law of heaven here has completely bound these spiritual energies here; in addition, I don't think there is a clear distinction between these demonic mist and gray mist, and the two seem to be able to interact with each other. Convert…”

"And not only here, but also in the demon spirit world outside, and even in the entire wild world. The power of laws between heaven and earth transforms spiritual power into demon mist, and the demon mist nourishes demon spirits, forming a complete closed loop. It’s just that the power of the laws of the two worlds outside is much weaker than here..."

"Isn't it said that the golden elixir is an independent small world? Isn't such a peculiar operation method similar to the internal operation rules of a golden elixir?"

Yang Chudie quickly understood what Lu Yu meant, and said thoughtfully: "You mean, this Dakong Mountain is actually a golden elixir, and it is under the influence of the golden elixir that it is passed down layer by layer. Entering the earth to form the Great Wilderness World, the Demon Spirit World, and even the Great Sky Mountain here? "

I have to say that this view is very novel.

In various classics and legends, there have been many descriptions of the demon spirit world since ancient times, but there has never been one with such a strange perspective as Lu Yu's...

Think carefully about the golden elixir core that can affect a world... How is this possible?

Yang Chudie couldn't help but secretly shook her head.

Lu Yu smiled nonchalantly: "I also considered that you said that this place was the burial ground of gods and demons in the past, and also that Qin Yanzhen was obsessed with staying here and had evil intentions, so I made a bold guess as to what the truth is. Who knows?"

Yang Chudie couldn't help but raise her head, looking up at the dark red thunder surging faintly in the sky.

Compared to the result of Lu Yu's guess, it was his guess that surprised her even more.

It is obviously impossible for him to express his feelings for no reason, which shows that he must have more or less sensed the power of rules in this world, which is why he has such emotions...

Now that he has not yet entered the Guihai Realm and is still in the True Yuan Realm, he has already had such an insight, which shows that his talent is simply incredible...

Can even Qin Yanzhen, who is known as the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji, compare to his intellectual talent?

"Where's Xiaolan?" Lu Yu suddenly asked.

He and Yang Chudie had been standing at the edge of the patio for a long time, but Ye Weilan never caught up, so he couldn't help but ask.

Looking at her courage, could it be that she didn't dare to jump down?

Lu Yu was cursing, but unexpectedly Ye Weilan's head stuck out from behind Yang Chudie and glared at Lu Yu fiercely:

"In our Yehua clan, only the elders can call me this. Don't yell at me at such a young age..."

Lu Yu didn't argue with her, and asked curiously: "Why did you hide in the shadow of Senior Sister? This is Dakong Mountain, your lair, a place where all the demon spirits yearn for... Why don't you come out for some air? "

"What's so good about it?"

Ye Weilan was unmoved at all, and said cautiously: "Miss Yang told me just now that this passage was dug by manpower, and the place we are going to now is very likely to be the same as the one who dug this passage. The people in the passage collided I might as well stay in your shadow, it will be safer!"

Yang Chudie turned around and smiled helplessly at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless for a moment. He didn't expect that she would hide and not show up so early.

She probably didn't do this out of fear, but out of the habits of an assassin, striving to be cautious and not wanting the slightest accident.

"But what about those golden elixirs and laws you just mentioned? Is Dakong Mountain actually made of a golden elixir? What kind of golden elixir can be so big?"

Ye Weilan suddenly stretched her neck and asked, her eyes shining brightly.

It seemed that even though the assassin was accustomed to being cautious, her desire for power still made her curious.

Lu Yu shrugged and said: "I have said it all, it is just a wild guess, completely unfounded... As for the golden elixir and the law, this is a long story. When will you be promoted to a powerful celestial demon? Let me explain it to you again!”

So, the three of them stopped making trouble and jumped down again, following the entrance of the patio and going deep into the ground.

Then came another ups and downs along the way.

The underground world is not dark, and many places are blooming with gleaming brilliance. After exploring through spiritual sense induction, he learned that most of these brilliance contain strange spiritual power fluctuations, which shows that these luminous things are obviously It's some kind of rare material.

The path of this passage should have been dug out by Yuan Shiqiu and Qin Yanzhen at will, without any special selection, but even so, so many treasures were dug out... Only then did Lu Yu deeply realize that the resources of Dakong Mountain Wealth is not an empty word.

It's a pity that the time doesn't allow it now, otherwise if he were allowed to explore this channel for ten days and a half, he would probably make a lot of money...

After traveling for hundreds of miles in this way, Lu Yu suddenly felt that the surrounding terrain had become extremely thick. They should have arrived inside the main body of the Dakong Mountain Range.

At this moment, the airway suddenly changed direction and became vertically rising upwards.

Lu Yu felt that this place was not far from the end. He had even sensed an extremely pure and surging power of real wood. If he continued to move forward, he should soon be able to reveal the answer to the mystery.

He was about to continue moving forward, but Yang Chudie suddenly stopped at this time.

She said to Lu Yu and Ye Weilan behind her: "If my guess is correct, the front should be the territory guarded by Master Qiu Zu... To be on the safe side, Miss Weilan, please possess yourself behind Lu Yu. "If something unexpected happens, I hope you can take care of him in time."

Lu Yu wanted to say that he was not that weak, especially after taking the combined elixir of Turtle Breath and Shenglong, even Yuan Shiqiu could do nothing to him without even thinking about it...

But the shadow on the ground shook quickly, and the next moment, Ye Weilan's voice appeared in his ears:

"You kid, you have to be smart and alert. If you see that Qiuzu Master, you should take a detour as soon as possible. Don't drag me into the water with you... Otherwise, you have to give me double the pills!"

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