Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 566 World Tree

Yuan Shiqiu continued to push away the spiritual energy storm, and with the help of the thrust from the edge of the storm, he quickly moved to the upper part of the Sacred Heart Gourd.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan had already hidden themselves, their bodies hidden behind a thick patch of roots. Unless Yuan Shiqiu walked in front of them, it would be absolutely difficult to detect their traces.

But even so, the two of them did not dare to take any peeps at him, because a strong man like Yuan Shiqiu would most likely have a reaction just by looking at him.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan were not worried that Yuan Shiqiu would find them. After all, the effect of taking the Turtle Breathing Pill had been verified.

However, at this time, because Lu Yu was practicing above, the entire Gourd World was in a state of shock. As long as Yuan Shiqiu was not blind, he would have seen the obvious changes. Will he be aware of Lu Yu's existence because of this?

After Yuan Shiqiu entered this world, he never made any sound. Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan didn't dare to look at him. They didn't know what he was doing specifically, but the strong aura on his body never stopped. exist continuously.

Apparently the strange sight in front of him had fully attracted his attention.

For a moment, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan couldn't help but feel their hearts in their throats.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but take out the Hongluan Sword and held it tightly in his hand.

Seeing this, Ye Weilan also took out the Night Owl dagger and held it tightly in his hand.

However, at this moment, the surrounding spiritual energy storm suddenly changed drastically again, and the amplitude of the shock was even more violent than before.

The two of them couldn't help but be stunned. Finally they couldn't bear it anymore and quietly stuck their heads out.

I saw a strong light and shadow emerging in the void, and not long after, a woman's shadow appeared in this gourd world.

The woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, and it is no exaggeration to say that she is the most beautiful woman in the country.

Yang Chudie's heart moved.

She recalled the appearance of Qin Yanzhen that Lu Yu had described to her, and thought of the inextricable connection between the Sacred Heart Gourd and Qin Yanzhen. She couldn't help but secretly thought: Could this be the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji, Qin Yanzhen?

Sure enough, amid the interplay of light and shadow, Yuan Shiqiu, dressed in black mysterious clothes, suddenly bowed to the light and shadow and said, "I've seen a fairy!"

The illusory light and shadow nodded slightly, without being polite to Yuan Shiqiu at all, and asked directly: "Why are you so anxious to find me? But what's abnormal about the World Tree?"

Yang Chudie couldn't help but feel shocked. She didn't expect that the Sacred Heart Gourd could be used as a means of communication to directly contact Qin Yanzhen in real time.

It seemed that their control over the Holy Immortal Gourd was far beyond her and Lu Yu's imagination.

However, at the same time, she couldn't help but have doubts in her heart...

World Tree?

Are you referring to Qifeng Wutong? Why such a strange name? Is this what the outer world calls Qifeng Wutong?

"Fairy, please see for yourself! Yuan has never seen such a strange sight in the Sacred Heart Gourd!" Yuan Shiqiu's tone was full of shock.

Suddenly, under the guidance of Yuan Shiqiu, the virtual body of light and shadow turned around and looked at the trembling roots above its head.

Yang Chudie couldn't help being shocked.

If Yuan Shiqiu was alone, she could join forces with Ye Weilan to sneak attack the opponent. Even if they couldn't kill him, they would still be able to prevent him from disturbing Lu Yu's practice.

But if it is the reincarnation of the mysterious Fairy Yao Ji, Yang Chudie has no confidence. The opponent's methods are endless, and she cannot predict what methods the opponent will use to interrupt Lu Yu's practice.

Now, Lu Yu is at a critical moment of cultivation. If he is interrupted rashly, not only will he not be able to gather the power of the real wood, but he may also go crazy and fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

"With such violent fluctuations, it seems that the World Tree is about to mature!"

After looking at the light and shadow image at the tree roots above his head for a long time, he suddenly said with emotion.

"Be prepared. In the next few days, there will be a steady stream of visitors from all over the world, coming to make plans for this world tree. Maybe some people will also make plans for the real thing that the underground people want to attract. Before the target appears, the existence of the Sacred Heart Gourd must not be exposed!"

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan were stunned when they heard this, thinking that even the reincarnation of this radiant fairy did not see the clues and misjudged it.

However, the two of them were temporarily relieved because of this. In any case, Qin Yanzhen was not aware of Lu Yu's presence, so they were finally safe for the time being.

Just listen to Yuan Shiqiu's response: "Yuan is following the fairy's decree... However, the world tree matures at this time, which seems to be earlier than the time the fairy had speculated before..."

Qin Yanzhen's light and shadow replied: "I only made a rough estimate before, and the standard I was referring to was the growth pattern of the World Tree in the outer world. This Dakong Mountain is an extremely special area, and it is normal for there to be differences. "

Yuan Shiqiu nodded clearly, but there was still a look of embarrassment on his face.

"It's just that if the time is advanced, many of my arrangements have not yet been prepared...I am afraid that when the real phoenix in the abyss is attracted out, we may not be able to capture it as easily as expected. …”

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan couldn't help but widen their eyes at the same time. They looked at each other, as if asking each other if they had heard it wrong?

Real Phoenix?

Qin Yanzhen and Yuan Shiqiu went to such great lengths to arrange the plan, but the real purpose was to capture a real phoenix!

At this time, Qin Yanzhen glanced at Yuan Shiqiu leisurely and said, "It doesn't matter. We just happen to have an alternative plan... Lord Red Moon is begging for a share, so we can find him something to do!"

"When the Mingfeng comes, let him take the lead, and it's just right to see what kind of ability he, the vanguard of the Lord of the Heaven, has. If he can't even subdue a mere real phoenix, then he has no right to talk about a share!"

Yang Chudie's eyes were wide open now.

Unexpectedly, the news of the real phoenix coming to the world was not the most explosive, and there was actually the mysterious Lord Red Moon! He actually joined this huge conspiracy!

After hearing what Qin Yanzhen said, Yuan Shiqiu couldn't help but reveal a deep fear on his face.

He said worriedly: "Does the fairy really intend to cooperate with the Lord of Red Moon? This person is treacherous and cunning. If we cooperate with him, it is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger. It is really hard to predict what the final result will be..." Qin Yanzhen smiled faintly and said: "How can I not know what you said?" "But this person has a strong background and holds considerable power in his hands. If I don't agree to his request, he will come back to cause trouble for us, which is also quite tricky..." "Besides, for the sake of the Lord of the Heaven behind him, I can't really tear my face with him. After all, one day, I will return to the fairyland. The Lord of the Heaven is quite powerful. Maybe I will meet him at any time, and there may be unnecessary troubles at that time..." "However, if he thinks that he can get a share of the pie from me in this way, it is too naive! In fact, he just judged that it is profitable from the situation, so he wants to take advantage of the fire. It's ridiculous that he pretended to be confident to deceive me. In fact, he didn't know what the ultimate goal of our plan was! "

As he said that, Qin Yanzhen's eyes suddenly flashed with a brilliant light: "When the time comes, I just need to take out something casually, lie to him that this is the ultimate purpose of our plan, and send it away casually!"

Yuan Shiqiu was stunned and said: "The Lord of Red Moon has a lot of connections, and now he has quietly developed many supporters. It's not easy to deceive him. I don't know what the fairy is going to take out to fool him?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled: "So am I not telling you about this in advance? This matter requires your cooperation to make him fooled in the end... It's not difficult to fool him. You can use local materials to get what you need!"

"Local materials?"

Yuan Shiqiu was surprised. He had been dormant under the ground of Dakong Mountain for nearly half a year and was very clear about the situation here.

He knew that there were indeed many rare treasures under the ground of Dakong Mountain, but how could these things catch the eye of the dignified Lord of Red Moon?

But apart from these rare treasures, what else can be shown?

Could it be that Fairy Yao Ji intends to give up the World Tree that she cultivated with great difficulty?

"Of course, I don't mean this World Tree..."

Qin Yanzhen smiled gently, with a look of reminiscence in her eyes, and said:

"I believe you have also heard that this demon spirit world is the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, but many people think that this is just a rumor, illusory, and has no basis..."

"But in fact, I can tell you responsibly that this matter is true! It's just that the specific situation is a little different from what you said..."

"Before the ancient times, there was no Great Wilderness World in this world, and I don't know what this place was originally, but it was It was when the gods and demons from outer space were fighting that a piece of land from outer space accidentally fell into this world, forming the present Great Wilderness world. "

"The war at that time was extremely tragic, and countless gods and demons perished on that piece of land and fell into this mortal world. Therefore, it is not wrong to call this place the burial place of gods and demons. However, these gods and demons are all from outer space, not the natives of your world..."

"Including the real phoenix that we are going to lure next, what do you think is the reason for it to hide in this land?"

Yuan Shiqiu was stunned.

He has lived for thousands of years, but he didn't know that this Great Wilderness world turned out to be like this.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan, who were hiding on the side, couldn't help but be stunned.

Just a piece of land that fell from outer space actually became the entire Great Wilderness world... How thrilling the battle between gods and demons must have been!

Qin Yanzhen continued, "Isn't Lord Crimson Moon very afraid of the power of the eight major sects and has been plotting to overthrow them completely? Then I will hand over such power to him!"

"We just need to dig out one or two incomplete remains of gods and demons from the depths of the Dakong Mountain, and then tell him that the method to destroy the eight major sects is among them, and let him study it himself! In this way, he will definitely not bother us anymore!"

Yuan Shiqiu said blankly: "The power to destroy the eight major sects, is this true or false?"

Qin Yanzhen's eyes narrowed slightly, and her gaze became extremely deep.

"Of course it's real. If you use fake ones, can you deceive him? But it's not easy to achieve such power. He needs to pay a huge price!"

Yuan Shiqiu couldn't help but be in a daze for a while, wondering what kind of disaster Qin Yanzhen's decision would bring to the world and how many lives would be devastated...

However, he soon came to his senses. What did this have to do with him?

He is now a countryless person, and the only thing he pursues in his heart is the supreme road leading to heaven. In the past, he always thought that road was illusory, but now his acquaintance with the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji gave him hope... …

Apart from the Tao, nothing matters.

"Yes! Yuan understands. Yuan will definitely act according to the fairy's eyes!" Yuan Shiqiu bowed again.

Then, the light and shadow in the gourd world changed drastically again, and Qin Yanzhen's image dimmed.

Yuan Shiqiu also quickly exited the internal world of Hulu.

It didn't take long for everything to be restored to its original state.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan re-emerged from the roots and looked at the violent storms of spiritual energy and the trembling roots around them, and were speechless for a moment.

There was silence for a while.

Yang Chudie looked at Ye Weilan and sighed: "If there are no accidents, these people will be our enemies... Do you understand now? How complicated is the situation we are facing..."

"So, I can't help but ask you again now, have you considered it?"

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