Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 568 The most cursed method

In the Wuluo Mountain.

The mountain-crossing king carefully walked into the deepest part of the peaks.

This is the place where he has lived since he was a child. He was originally very familiar with every plant and tree, but since the great sage settled here, it has undergone earth-shaking changes. Even he does not dare to be arrogant here.

He always felt that the place was full of solemn and solemn atmosphere, which made him couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence in his heart.

"Go over the mountain and come here to see the great sage!"

The mountain-crossing king arrived at the foot of the highest peak and bowed respectfully to the towering mountain in front of him.

After a moment, a ray of divine light descended and a figure walked out of it.

However, this person is not the Great Sage himself, but the Great Sage's senior sister, a human woman who calls herself Concubine Hua.

Lord Yueshan could not help but be slightly startled, clasped his fists at her and said, "Your Majesty the Soul Envoy..."

In fact, the strength of this human woman is not among the top, but because the great sage attaches great importance to her, the king of Yueshan naturally does not dare to neglect her.

Concubine Hua smiled seductively: "What's the matter with Lord Yueshan? The great sage is in retreat preparing an extremely important thing. It's not convenient for him to show up. If there is anything, let me tell you!"

Lord Yueshan was startled, and was secretly surprised. He didn’t know what exactly the great sage had to prepare for retreat at such a critical moment. He thought it must be something very extraordinary, and maybe it could be the final word to end the entire Da Kong Mountain. The ultimate solution to all chaos...

He suppressed the surprise in his heart, calmed down, and said: "The giant mountain beast has entered Shenyou Valley, and defeated the troops of the Gray Horn Clan and the Long Ear Clan in one fell swoop. Now it is constantly digging the ground with its claws, as if it is trying to destroy them. Qifeng Wutong was dug up directly by its roots..."

"It doesn't matter, the great sage said that it can't succeed, because it won't be long before other giant beasts come to interrupt." Concubine Hua responded calmly.

Lord Yueshan said: "This is another problem I'm worried about. There are signs of giant beasts appearing everywhere in Dakong Mountain, and the people of the Tianhe clan even took the initiative to guide the way for these giant beasts, leading them towards Qifeng Wutong. Gathering in the same direction...will this move affect the great sage’s plan?”

Concubine Hua smiled softly: "The Lord of Tianhe is really unwilling to be lonely. He has already learned about the existence of the decisive formation. He knows that he is controlled by others, but he still wants to struggle... It doesn't matter, the great sage said, let him No matter how hard you try, it’s hard to overcome any trouble!”

Lord Yueshan said: "So, what should we do now?"

Concubine Hua smiled and said: "You don't need to do anything now. You just need to follow the instructions of the Great Sage and wait and see what happens. When the Wuluo clan is really needed, the Great Sage will naturally let you know."

Lord Yueshan nodded understandingly and cupped his hands again: "In that case, I will take my leave first!"

With that said, he turned around and left.

Concubine Hua suddenly stopped him at this moment: "Master Yueshan, please wait a moment!"

Lord Yueshan turned around and looked at her doubtfully: "I wonder if your Excellency, Soul Envoy, has any other advice?"

Concubine Hua smiled and said: "How dare I give advice to the Great Lord Yueshan? The Great Sage has a question and asked me to ask you..."

Lord Yueshan said hurriedly: "Your Excellency, Soul Envoy, please speak."

Concubine Hua said calmly: "Prince Yueshan Lord once said that he would follow the Great Sage to the death, but I don't know whether it is true or not?"

The Lord Yueshan immediately stood upright and solemnly said: "You are not joking, it is true!"

"So, as long as it is an instruction issued by the Great Sage, no matter what it is, you will unswervingly execute it?" Concubine Hua asked again.

Lord Yueshan nodded solemnly: "The great sage has shown kindness to me, the Wuluo clan, as long as it is beneficial to the great sage and the entire clan, even if he asks me to die, I will not frown! "

"What if the Great Sage asked you to kill a powerful being with such a wedge-shaped mark?"

As she spoke, Concubine Hua suddenly took off the wedge-shaped jade hanging from her neck, grabbed the rope of the pendant with one hand, and displayed it in front of the King of Mountain Crossing.

The Lord Yueshan could not help but be stunned.

The shape of this wedge-shaped mark is the ancestral totem of their Wuluo clan. If there is a powerful existence with such a mark, doesn't it mean that this person is the ancestor of their Wuluo clan?

But, how is this possible?

The ancestors of the Wuluo clan have long been lost in the long river of history. How could they suddenly reappear?

What does the great sage mean by asking this question?

Could it be that when prehistoric giant beasts appeared, their ancestors of the Wuluo clan would also appear?

Or is the great sage hinting that the ancestor of their Wuluo clan was actually a prehistoric giant beast?

For a moment, Yueshan Maharaja could not help but fall into endless thoughts.

Concubine Hua opposite him had been looking at him quietly, unhurriedly, unhurriedly, with a faint smile on her face, and her eyes were always as gentle as before.

"I will unswervingly carry out the instructions of the Great Sage... because I believe that the Great Sage will not harm us, and she will definitely bring prosperity to our clan!"

Finally, Lord Yueshan finally answered sonorously and forcefully.

Concubine Hua suddenly laughed happily: "Very good, the great sage has understood your intention, you can go about your own business first... However, before leaving, I still can't help but want to say something to you: Congratulations, Lord Yueshan! You have won the future for the Wuluo clan!"

Lord Yueshan looked solemn and asked: "Will there really be a powerful existence with a wedge-shaped mark by then?"

Concubine Hua smiled and said noncommittally: "Who can say what will happen in the future? However, if such a situation really occurs in the future, then I hope that Lord Yueshan can remember my next words. In my mind—"

"The totem mark can only represent the past of the Wuluo clan, but what the great sage controls is the future of the Wuluo clan!"

After saying these words, Concubine Hua turned back and walked back into the divine light. Then her figure gradually became dim and disappeared from the place after a moment.

Lord Yueshan stood there blankly, silently chewing on the last words that Concubine Hua said.

After being in a daze for a while, he finally turned around and left, with a look of deep approval on his face...

On top of the divine peak, brilliance shines.

Qin Yanzhen stood quietly on the top of the divine peak, her eyes closed, her face peaceful, as if she was asleep.

Concubine Hua's figure reappeared, bathed in brilliance, and walked quickly towards Qin Yanzhen, who was standing silently.

She walked in a hurry, not dodging or dodging, and she ran straight into Qin Yanzhen's body.

After the two collided, Qin Yanzhen suddenly opened her eyes, but Concubine Hua fell to the ground exhausted as if she had collapsed.

It turns out that the Concubine Hua who just appeared in front of Lord Yueshan was just a shell, and her true identity was Qin Yanzhen herself.

This was just a spell possessed by the soul. Now Qin Yanzhen returned the soul to her own body, so Concubine Hua naturally fell to the ground.

After returning to her true body, Qin Yanzhen tried to move her hands and feet, only to find that everything was like this.

"It seems that Junior Sister's method was successful. As a powerful demon king, Yueshan didn't see any flaws!"

At this time, Concubine Hua climbed up from the ground and said.

When she was possessed by Qin Yanzhen's soul, she could not make any moves to control her body, but she was still aware of everything happening around her, so she knew the conversation between the two clearly.

Qin Yanzhen shook her head, with a still dissatisfied look on her beautiful face: "It may be enough to deal with Yueshan, but if you are dealing with people like Lord Chiyue and Lu Yu, your flaws will still be seen... "

Concubine Hua couldn't help but show a surprised look on her face: "As for Lord Chiyue, that's fine, but what kind of virtues and abilities does that little pervert surnamed Lu have? My junior sister thinks so highly of him that she even talks to Chiyue about him. Comparable to the Lord?"

Qin Yanzhen glanced at her and said, "Don't underestimate him. If he was really so worthless, he wouldn't have attracted Lord Chiyue to pursue him with such fanfare..."

"Besides, senior sister, haven't you personally seen how powerful he is? Senior sister's charming body has been greatly modified by me using my skills. Originally, ordinary means could not control you at all, but last time in Black Wind City, you Aren’t you still following his rules?”

Concubine Hua couldn't help but be speechless.

Thinking of her last experience in Black Wind City and the thrilling torture, she still felt her heart wavering until now.

Perhaps, it is precisely because Qin Yanzhen has extensively modified her body that it is difficult for her to experience ordinary human consciousness. Whether happiness or pain, she has gradually become indifferent, and the last time she fell into the hands of Lu Yu The unique experience made her feel as if she was alive again...

"Okay, stop thinking so wildly!"

Qin Yanzhen suddenly interrupted her thoughts at this moment, and said solemnly: "I need you to recall, of course, how he did it to you, and what exactly he did..."

As she spoke, she opened Concubine Hua's clothes and wanted her to demonstrate it with her own body.

Soon, Concubine Hua was disheveled and full of fun.

She glared at Qin Yanzhen angrily: "Junior sister, are you really not retaliating against me?"

"Yes, I did seduce your man...but, I swear! I really didn't sleep with him...Why do you keep targeting me like this?"

Qin Yanzhen said expressionlessly: "Sister, I'm overthinking it. I just want to understand the mystery of his skills... If you really went to bed with him, you would have done me a great favor. That way It makes it easier for me to get to know him better!"

Hua Fei asked curiously: "If that's the case, why don't Junior Sister go and see him in person? Then wouldn't you understand something? What you are doing now... with all due respect, it is just like scratching an itch that is far behind you. !”

Qin Yanzhen was silent for a long time, and then sighed slightly: "It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't... He is also a person with a great background, and he knows the biggest secret about me, so he will definitely be wary of me. If he If I don't want to, it will be difficult for me to understand the true details of his skills..."

"On the contrary, a naturally charming beauty like Senior Sister can easily make him relax his vigilance, allowing him to get in touch with the most 'authentic' version of him..."

Concubine Hua couldn't help but become more curious: "What is his origin? What is Junior Sister planning to do to him?"

Qin Yanzhen said helplessly: "If I knew it, would I still need Senior Sister to provide me with information here?"

"However, I always feel that a guy like him will definitely not be restricted by my arrangements casually. It's okay that he doesn't know our existence. Now that he knows, he will definitely rush out to cause trouble this time. For To be on the safe side, I have to be on guard..."

"It just so happens that on the sacred mountain here, various spell characters have been completed. I plan to use the information provided by my senior sister to tailor a powerful spell for him!"

Concubine Hua nodded suddenly: "That's it..."

After a moment, a long and gentle snort sounded from the top of the divine peak...

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