Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 738 The promised scenery

Soon, Lu Yu, under the guidance of Yu Xiaoyu, met Yang Chudie on the edge of the town.

In addition, Ling Yufei, Bi Qiu Shuang and others are also gathered here.

It can be seen that Yang Chudie seems to be teaching a certain formation to everyone. When Lu Yu and Ye Weilan arrived at the scene, they were still practicing, and Yu Xiaoyu also joined the practice. It can be foreseen that if If she hadn't gone to greet Lu Yu, she would have been practicing here.

After practicing once, Yang Chudie motioned for everyone to stop and rest. After Lu Yu smiled and greeted several female disciples of Bixiao Shrine one by one, he followed Yang Chudie to the side to talk.

"I heard that you were in the limelight again a few days ago?" Yang Chudie asked Lu Yu sideways, then turned to look at Ye Weilan aside: "You didn't say you would care about him?"

Ye Weilan lowered his head, his face was full of embarrassment, and he didn't know how to answer.

Lu Yu touched his nose and changed the subject: "How is Senior Sister's situation here?"

Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him and said without further investigation, "Yu Fei and the others have been very helpful in the past few days..."

"They all have the experience of going deep into the Netherworld, and they are very popular in this candlelight town. Every day they will break up into pieces and join various adventuring teams, and they have collected a lot of secret information..."

"After they come back, they have to cooperate with me in gathering information and practicing the 'Flame Heart Formation' together. Their daily workload is even greater than mine, but they are all very diligent and have no complaints... It seems that these people you kidnapped back here , are all good seeds..."

Lu Yu originally listened well, but when he heard the last sentence, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

What does it mean to be kidnapped? He talks like he is a human trafficker...

"Fire Heart Formation?" Lu Yu asked curiously, "Is this the formation that was practiced just now?"

Yang Chudie nodded: "Many years ago, I had the idea of ​​​​conceiving such a formation. However, the number of talents in Jade Butterfly Peak has been declining, and there are simply not enough manpower to implement it, so I have shelved it..."

"Now that I have seen Yufei and the others, and combined with their own strength and characteristics, I have further perfected this idea..."

Lu Yu scratched his head: "It turns out that the formation was created by my aunt. No wonder it's so... different!"

"You mean it doesn't look very offensive, right?"

Yang Chudie saw through his mind at a glance and slapped him again angrily.

"There are too many people here and it is naturally impossible to show the real offensive here... Moreover, the true power of this formation is not only reflected in the offensive..."

Lu Yu saw a somewhat proud look flashing in her charming eyes, and his curiosity was suddenly aroused, and he wanted to ask further questions.

Yang Chudie suddenly changed her tone and became serious: "Have you really decided? Do you want to go to the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords now?"

Lu Yu paused, and his expression became solemn: "It has been so many days since the competition ended, and the contact person has not shown up. I think we can't wait for him, so I went to the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords to have a look in person... ...Perhaps we can find clues in it as to why my father went deep into the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords back then..."

"I can understand how you feel...but now is not the best time to enter the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords."

Yang Chudie said bluntly.

Her eyes flashed with a sharp edge: "Through these few days of secret investigation, we have found a lot of clues and have locked in one of the forces. They are probably the ones arranged by the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect in Mingjian City. A secret chess piece, and even the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's infiltration into Mingjian City was completed through them..."

"During this period, they have had a series of strange movements. Especially after you defeated twelve swordsmen in one fell swoop and completely changed the situation in Bright Sword City, their behavior was very suspicious..."

"Now, I have every reason to believe that the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect have united again, and they are brewing a huge plan! Although the specific content of this plan is not yet clear, it is extremely important. It may be an action that will rewrite the entire world of cultivation!”

"If we leave at this time, I'm afraid there won't be any power to stop them..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

In fact, he had also noticed the undercurrent in Mingjian City, and it seemed that a huge storm was brewing, but he did not expect that the problem would be so serious.

He couldn't help but fell silent, raised his head slightly, and looked at the endless darkness in front of him.

At this moment he seemed to hear his own heartbeat.

"I still decided to go to the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords."

he said calmly.

"Because I have an intuition that something is calling me there. This matter is very important to me. Even if there are major changes in Mingjian City, it is not as important as this matter!"

Yang Chudie was startled for a moment, then smiled again.

"Well, in that case, let's go to the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords first!"

Lu Yu said in surprise: "I can go to the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords by myself... Since Senior Sister is not worried about the situation here, then you just stay here and keep an eye on it. With you here to keep an eye on it, I can feel more at ease." ...Otherwise, maybe when we come back, even our escape route will be blocked..."

Yang Chudie shook his head: "Just leave it to Yu Fei to keep an eye on it. Anyway, if there is really a big conspiracy between the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, I can't do it alone." What, why not follow you to the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords to see..."

"Besides, isn't it something we have agreed on a long time ago to explore the Nine Netherworld together and appreciate the strange scenery in the Nine Netherworld?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel soft in his heart.

When he broke the dragon curse for Yang Chudie and revealed all his secrets to her without reservation, they had agreed that one day they would travel to the Jiuyou Land to find a way to save his mother. When traveling, don’t forget to take her with you...

Unexpectedly, this was just a casual remark that she said back then, but she still remembered it.

Lu Yu suddenly felt warm in his heart, and he hugged the two beauties in front of him at the same time: "Okay, then I'll go together! No matter what kind of danger, we can't be separated!"

The two women were so embarrassed that they quickly turned to look at the disciples of the Bixiao Shrine not far away. Fortunately, it was dark here and blocked by shrubs, so the two of them looked more natural.

"Give me half a day, I'll tell them some things, and then we'll set off together!"

Finally, Yang Chudie stopped struggling and leaned into Lu Yu's arms and said.

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