Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 801 Ten thousand dragons dance

While Lu Yu was moving his fingers like flying, his body was constantly moving around in the sea of ​​fire.

Although this is the first time he has used the triple calcination mechanism, the relevant deductions have been simulated many times in the fantasy world of his mind. Therefore, this operation seems shocking to others, but in his own opinion, it is Step by step, no tricks.

Outside the sea of ​​fire, everyone was watching Lu Yu's every move.

Especially the real people from Baoding Peak, they saw that Lu Yu's operations were getting faster and more complex, so they simply used the "flying goose leaving traces" technique to use special runic spiritual stones to transform the scene in front of them. record it.

But even so, they were dazzled by Lu Yu's operations, and in the end they couldn't understand them at all.

"The first seat..."

Master Fengjia from Baoding Peak had a distressed look on his face and leaned his head next to Master Jin Xiang.

He is the number two person in Baoding Peak, but at this moment, even he can't help but feel more pressure.

If even he couldn't understand it, then among all the people present, only Jin Xiang could understand it...

"First Senior Brother, can you still keep up with his pace?"

Unfortunately, Master Jin Xiang shook his head: "Can't..."

"Then you still..."

Master Fengjia originally wanted to say that you still looked at it so carefully that you didn't even want to blink your eyelids? But I felt that this seemed a bit disrespectful, so I swallowed back the second half of the sentence...

Master Jin Xiang seemed to understand his thoughts and replied: "I'm not looking at him..."

Master Fengjia was startled: "Aren't you looking at him?"

Master Jin Xiang said slowly: "This man's alchemy techniques are inherently unique, such as the extraction method, the collapse method, the disintegration method, etc., which are still difficult to understand. I think this may be related to the uniqueness of his skills... …We don’t have to worry about the details, but should focus on understanding his idea of ​​alchemy. Therefore, what I am observing is the overall state of the entire alchemy furnace..."

Master Fengjia was filled with admiration, and thought to himself that he was indeed the first master, and the angle of the question was truly unique.

"Do you see anything, Senior Brother, Chief?" Master Fengjia asked.

Master Jin Xiang nodded first, then shook his head, and smiled helplessly: "I can roughly grasp the overall situation of the alchemy furnace, but if this continues, the furnace will probably explode soon. I really don't know, Lu Yu Is there any way to make a pill..."


Master Fengjia was surprised: "So fast?"

Although the furnace explosion was terrifying, what surprised Master Fengjia even more was the speed...

Exploding the furnace means high pressure in the furnace, indicating that all the materials in the furnace have decomposed and melted, releasing a large amount of spiritual power and medicinal power.

But from the time Lu Yu started igniting the fire to now, it only lasted two or three quarters of an hour. In such a short time, all the ingredients released their full medicinal power?

This is really incredible!

You must know that the materials Lu Yu refined are all top-notch heavenly materials and earthly treasures. If they were refined normally, it would take seven or forty-nine days to dissolve the materials. According to Master Fengjia, this is a normal thing. , why did you get to Lu Yu so quickly?

"Don't forget, this is triple calcining!" Jin Xiang reminded him.

"Even if it is triple calcining, this is really an exaggeration..." Master Fengjia said in a difficult voice.

Master Jin Xiang shook his head: "If this kid is not bragging, and he can really make elixirs, it will be even more exaggerated later. I am really curious about what method he will use to solve the risk of exploding the furnace... …”

Master Fengjia didn't say anything, but his eyes widened obviously, and he was obviously waiting to see what Lu Yu would do next.

Although the other real people around him did not have the same vision as Jin Xiang, they gradually realized that something was wrong from the changes in the situation at the scene.

I saw clouds and mist continuously spraying out from the edge of the air track of the alchemy furnace, continuously gathering above the sea of ​​​​fire, and gradually gathered into the shape of a mushroom cloud, which was even taller than the mountains around the meteorite crater.

There were even thunders surging in the clouds, which made everyone feel depressed.

Most of the people present were real strong men, and it was not easy to make them feel depressed.

But now, Lu Yu has actually achieved this step just by refining alchemy. It has to be said that there is no one else who has achieved this level of alchemy.

The mushroom cloud is getting higher and higher.

Not only the people present, but also many people in the distance also noticed this strange scene, so more real people came to the scene to observe the magical scene.

Suddenly, several more escaping lights came, but Li Wangji, Master Hailing and other powerful men also rushed over.

"How's the situation?"

Li Wangji asked directly.

Fang Haoran raised his hand and looked at the huge mushroom cloud in front of him, and said with lingering fear: "This kid is having a lot of fun in there, but why do I feel like he is going to lose it?"

Li Wangji carefully observed the situation at the scene, and then looked at Master Hailing and others aside: "Everyone, what do you think?"

Master Hailing smoothed his long beard along his chin: "I think it's better for us to make plans early and put up a protective barrier as early as possible to be prepared, just in case..."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Even Jin Xiangzhen agreed with this approach.

Although he very much hopes that Lu Yu has another trump card that can reverse the situation in an instant, but judging from the current situation, the state of the pill furnace is already in a state of decay and it is difficult to recover. It is more likely that Lu Yu has no way to recover.

This is also normal.

After all, it is the first time to try a new method in such a large-scale alchemy, so it is normal to make mistakes in judgment.

Master Jin Xiang did not dare to look down upon Lu Yu because of this. Instead, he was deeply shocked and felt that this son had a promising future and an unlimited future.

With the combined efforts of everyone, a protective barrier was quickly built on the scene.

In this way, even if a furnace explosion does occur, the loss can be minimized and the mining of surrounding mines will not be affected.

Everyone was about to feel relieved.

At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly pulled out a golden thread from his hand.

This golden thread seemed to have some kind of magical power. It stretched longer and longer, and finally penetrated the barrier that the real people had put up with great difficulty, poking a big hole.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned for a while, not sure what Lu Yu was doing.

There are even some people who have long disliked Lu Yu and almost couldn't help but curse: We have worked so hard to wipe your butt, but what do you mean by this?

However, before they could curse, Master Jin Xiang had already taken the lead and screamed:

"The Five Dragons Golden Thread Method? Is this the Five Dragons Golden Thread mentioned in the "Tai Su Dan Sutra"?"

Before he finished speaking, the golden thread in Lu Yu's hand suddenly burst into flames.

The flames circled along the golden thread, transforming into winding flame dragons.

In the blink of an eye, the huge mushroom cloud was lit like a match, and the whole sky was ablaze with flames, like thousands of dragons dancing!

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