Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 828 Do your duty

"What exactly is going on? Please tell me in detail!"

Maoye Zhenmei frowned and said.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "Actually, the process is very simple. There is nothing to say. The instruction Tianmiao received from Master Lan Jian of the Wuya Immortal Pavilion was to have the Dali Sword Sect defeat the two factions in a joint attack. Next, be sure to use the Litian Sword Canon..."

"There is a bigger conspiracy involved behind this. Master Lan Jian has a more far-reaching plan, but what Tianmiao knows is not comprehensive. If you want to know the whole thing, I'm afraid you have to ask Master Lan Jian Or Lord Chiyue will do..."

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent again.

Master Lan Jian is the supreme leader of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, and Lord Chiyue is even more elusive, with his identity a mystery. These two people are not so easy to deal with...

"Wuya Immortal Pavilion has always liked rare treasures from the Internet world. Is their plan to rob us of our town sect's treasure?" Master Huanyuan, the leader of Zixia Peak, said.

Master Jin Xiang shook his head and said: "If Wuya Immortal Pavilion had any idea about the Litian Sword Code, they should have made some changes in the past tens of thousands of years, and they would not have waited until today to suddenly take action... Furthermore, if If it is just to seize the Litian Sword Code, it does not matter if the Litian Sword Code is activated or not. This should not be used as a strategic goal..."

All the real people expressed their opinions one after another, but for a while, no one had a clue, and they couldn't figure out what kind of connection there was.

"Master Master, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at Li Wangji again.

Li Wangji stroked his beard, looked deeply, and slowly said one word: "Parade sign..."

Parade sign?

Everyone couldn't help but look puzzled.

Li Wangji continued: "The Litian Sword Canon not only contains the endless inheritance of our Dali Sword Sect, but also condenses the purest essence of the secret of swordsmanship..."

"Once the cultivation level has grown to a certain level, such as reaching the Tiangang realm or above, these mystical essences that have the same origin will react with each other. Whether they are traveling in the nine heavens or soaring beyond the nine heavens, they will interact with the sword. The essence of the mysteries above the scriptures echoes each other..."

"From a certain point of view, the existence of the Litian Sword Code is equivalent to a coordinate point for our senior masters of the Great Li Sword Sect to sense the direction and find the way back."

"Once the Litian Sword Code is activated and its divine power is exhausted, and the sword code needs to replenish its divine power again, these connections will be clearly revealed. For people with our level of cultivation, it is naturally difficult to perceive anything... "

"But for those who are above the Tiangang Realm, they can use the fetters of the Sword Code to replenish their divine power and accurately locate the coordinates of the ancestors of our Dali Sword Sect!"

Everyone was immediately surprised.

Unexpectedly, there was such important information hidden in the Litian Sword Code.

"The Seventh Ancestor of Wuya!"

At this time, Master Maoye's eyes narrowed and he suddenly said: "Among the major sects, Wuya Immortal Pavilion has the largest number of existing ancestors above the Tiangang realm. According to the available information, there are currently at least seven Above... Could it be that the Seventh Ancestor of Wuya is planning to use the Litian Sword Code to replenish his divine power and prepare for our ancestor to attack?"

Everyone was shocked and suddenly became angry.

"They are so brave!"

"How dare you attack our ancestor!"

"I wonder which ancestor they are planning to attack?"

"Does this need to be said? If it were not the ancestor of Yunxiao, why would they bother to do so?"

"That's right! The news that Ancestor Yunxiao is alive just came back not long ago. They must also know about it, so they suddenly turned against him!"

"However, does this also indicate that there is a spy within us? Otherwise, how could the news that the ancestor of Yunxiao is still alive leak out?"

"Frankly speaking, if it is the ancestor of Yunxiao, I think even the seven ancestors of Wuya combined are not enough... After all, our ancestor of Yunxiao already has a lifespan of three thousand years!"

"You can't say that. You have to know that it's not just the Seventh Patriarch of Wuya who is doing evil in the dark, but there is also a very evil Lord Chiyue!"

Li Wangji waved his hand and signaled everyone to stop talking: "Please be patient, this matter is just my personal guess. What is the truth? We need more information to make an accurate judgment!"

"Where should we get more information now!"

"I don't know if the fight has started back at Yuewan. At this time, I will send a summons to Dao Brother Zifu and ask him to capture Master Tiansheng alive. I wonder if it is still too late?"

Li Wangji said calmly: "Why bother looking for something far away from the near? If Master Tian Sheng knows the information, I think Lan Qianqiu and Xue Zhentao should also know it!"

"Master Master, what do you mean... we will continue to attack the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's floating fleet?"

Li Wangji said: "The floating fleet is too maneuverable, like a sharp sword hanging above the head. If we don't get rid of it, the disciples of the Dali Sword Sect will have trouble sleeping and eating day and night!"

"But if you can't use the Litian Sword Code, how can you annihilate the local floating fleet?"

Li Wangji couldn't help but fell into deep thought for a moment.

He had witnessed the terrifying defense of the floating battleship with his own eyes.

Although they have a total of more than 60 real strong men at this time, and they are fully armed and have considerable combat power, the number of enemy floating battleships is also very large. If you compare the two, in fact, more than 60 real strong men are not enough at all. look……

However, Li Wangji did not lose confidence, after all, he was in the active position at this time.

With calculated calculations and unintentional calculations, and with the cooperation of more than 60 fully armed real strong men, as long as the strategy is right, there may not be no chance.

The key is to have a proper strategy…

At this time, Lu Yu suddenly said: "Actually, even if you don't activate the Litian Sword Code, there is still a chance..."

Everyone was startled and turned to look at him.

"What good ideas do you have?" Li Wangji said happily.

Lu Yu looked at Master Jin Xiang aside: "Master Fan, this requires your generous donation!"

As a result, everyone's attention shifted from Lu Yu to Jin Xiang.

Master Jin Xiang smiled bitterly, turned over his hand, and immediately took out two pills from the Qiankun Bag.

One red and one green, crystal clear, with a strange beast totem swimming in it... It is surprisingly the Turtle Breath Falling Spirit Pill and the Shenglong Exploding Yuan Pill!

At the same time, Lu Yu also pulled out a Shenglong Baoyuan Dan.

"You actually still have this elixir?"

Everyone was astonished.

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Don't get excited... I'm not enriching my own pockets. These pills are the materials that Fan Shouzuo rummaged through every corner of Baoding Peak and finally managed to make this. One and a half..."

"If I remember correctly, the first master should still have one and a half pairs left in his hand. Together, there are exactly three pairs. Although not as good as the six pairs of Master Zifu, it is still enough to fight! "

"Master Fan, I wonder if you are willing to donate this set of elixirs from your Baoding Peak?"

Master Jin Xiang sighed and said: "Under the overthrow of the nest, how can the eggs be intact? Even if you don't want to let go, you must let it go! Fan knew that his attainments in swordsmanship were far behind those of everyone present, so he offered this elixir It’s wise to go out!”

So, Master Jin Xiang handed the two pills in his hand to Lu Yu's hand.

"In this way, we have three sets of elixirs for the three main attackers... Lu is not talented, and with the power of the Lingxi Pot and the Star Sword Art, I would like to be one of them!"

Lu Yu did not hesitate and directly drank the Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill, and continued: "The master's magic power is so great that he is naturally one of them!"

"As for the last one... of course it must be Master Maoye who wields the Hate Water Sword!"

With that said, Lu Yu handed an extra pill to the hand of Maoye Zhenren.

Li Wangji didn't say anything, and silently took the Guixi Dan together with Master Maoye, which was regarded as acquiescing to Lu Yu's arrangement.

"What's next?" Master Caiwei asked curiously.

"The next step... of course is to find out the exact location of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect first!"

Lu Yu took out the Lingxi Pot and began to draw mana from it to restore his vitality.

"As for the specific strategy, I still need some time to deduce it again... Don't disturb me!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes.

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