Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 857 Hospitality

Just as Lu Yu expected, the strange phenomenon that appeared in the sky was caused by the visitors from Bixiao Shrine.

Originally, according to the current regulations of the Dali Sword Sect, any outsiders were prohibited from intruding, especially those at the level of real people. However, there were exceptions to everything. The Saints of the Heavenly Palace from the Bixiao Shrine were still visiting Wulao Peak. , naturally we can’t stop people from finding her.

Furthermore, the number of people visiting Bixiao Shrine this time is not small, there are as many as ten real powerful people.

Faced with such a force, if the Dali Sword Sect did not want to completely fall out, it could only give the other party a pass...

Lu Yu ignored the specific contact matters between the two parties. Wuwangdian was usually responsible for similar matters, but now the old man in charge of Wuwangdian Shangge was still recovering from his injury, so he had to leave it to Master Hailing to take over temporarily.

At noon, Master Hailing finally got feedback. He came to the convalescence hall and said to Lu Yu: "The masters of Bixiao Shrine want to see you..."

"Why did they see me?" Lu Yu asked in surprise, "Aren't they here to see Saint Meng?"

"It's true that I'm here to find the Holy Maiden of Heavenly Palace..."

Master Hailing glanced at him: "But the result of their negotiation with the Saint of Heavenly Palace is not very satisfactory. It seems that Her Highness the Saint does not want to go back with them. They blame all of this on you..."


Lu Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "They are really embarrassed... I didn't hold Saint Meng to prevent her from leaving. I even wanted to applaud her to see her off. The saint they trained themselves is disobedient. This Can you blame me?"

"Having said that, but... you'd better meet him!"

Master Hailing sighed, "Their attitude is very tough. If our two families fall out because of this, it will be a bit of a loss. At this time, our Dali Sword Sect will not fall out with Bixiao Shrine again." capital……"

Hearing Master Hailing say this, Lu Yu immediately understood in his heart that this must be the Bixiao Shrine that was putting pressure on him!

It seems that Meng Ting's temper is quite stubborn. This must be because everyone in the Bixiao Shrine failed to persuade him, and he had no choice but to take this step.

As a result, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little mixed.

At least this shows that Meng Ting was not instructed by Bixiao Shrine before. Her purpose of running to Jade Butterfly Peak to find herself was relatively simple.

"Okay... If that's the case, then I'll go meet them for a while!" Lu Yu said helplessly.

So, Lu Yu left the convalescence hall and turned around to the Sutra Storage Tower.

As for why it is at the Sutra Pagoda...

Naturally, it was because after Meng Ting broke up with everyone in Bixiao Shrine, he returned here to avoid everyone.

The Sutra Pagoda is an important place of the Dali Sword Sect. She is a distinguished guest of the Dali Sword Sect, so she has the right to temporarily live here. However, everyone in the Bixiao Palace does not have such privileges, unless they want to completely break up with the Dali Sword Sect. If they fall out, they will have no choice but to wait outside the Sutra Pagoda.

"Elder Bai, Elder Deng and all the elders... long time no see!"

Lu Yu arrived at the scene and greeted everyone carelessly.

Most of these powerful real people are the elders of Tianshu Palace. When he rescued the Saint of Tianshu Palace in Biyun Tianmen and attended the reward dinner of Tianshu Palace, he basically met everyone in person, so he could barely be considered an "acquaintance." ".

However, everyone in the Bixiao Palace has no concept of "acquaintance" with him. It can even be said that they are extremely jealous when enemies meet.

"Lu Yu!"

"The surname is Lu!"

"Well done to you, Lu Yu!"

"It's all because of you, a bastard, who fanned the flames and made our Holy Lady obsessed with you!"

"Tell me! What kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into our Holy Lady!"

Everyone looked at Lu Yu angrily, wishing they could eat him alive.

Lu Yu frowned, seeing that these people had no way to communicate normally, so he decided to find another way...


Die Shuangfei unsheathed his sword brazenly.

The power of the dark stars surged out and condensed into a huge black hole in front of him. The strange and mysterious aura contained in it was so chilling that even the colors in the sky and the earth became dim.

Everyone in Bixiao Shrine couldn't help but be startled and retreated hastily.

The people from the Dali Sword Sect who were accompanying him couldn't help but turned pale in shock, and they all tried to dissuade him: "Lu Yu, don't do it, don't be impulsive!"

Fortunately, Lu Yu's action was just a demonstration with his sword. He showed some restraint and did not cause any substantial harm.

However, after such a fuss, everyone in the Bixiao Palace finally calmed down and no longer wanted to rush up and eat Lu Yu alive.

"Master Hailing! What do you mean by this? Is this the way your Dali Sword Sect treats guests?" Bai Shengyuan asked loudly to Master Hailing on the side.


Lu Yu smiled coldly and said: "So you still know that you are guests? Since you know that you are guests, you should abide by your duties as guests! Or, you can go to Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wu Ya Xian Please ask the people in the pavilion, what will happen if you come to our Dali Sword Sect’s territory and become an uninvited guest?”

Everyone was shocked.

This guy is really a thorn!

I didn't expect that his attitude would be so bad when he first came up. He was even tougher than them, making it seem like he was the one who was in the wrong...

"Lu Yu, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you want to start a war with our Bixiao Palace?" Deng Xianming said coldly.

He then turned to look at the people of the Dali Sword Sect aside: "Everyone, is this the unanimous opinion of your Dali Sword Sect?"

"Don't always talk about starting a war or not..."

Lu Yu said calmly, with an air of pride in his tone, "If a war really breaks out, I can assure you elders that with just ten of you, there is no way that even one of you can leave Wulao Peak alive today..."

"However, our Dali Sword Sect has always believed that peace is the most important thing. If we can't afford conflicts, we will try our best not to have conflicts... The reason why I am telling you this now is just to tell you that our Dali Sword Sect is by no means a person who is afraid of trouble. He is not a weak person to be bullied!”

"If you have any questions, you can talk calmly and slowly. If you think that our Dali Sword Sect is in a difficult situation now, you will be afraid of your Bixiao Palace and let you show your teeth and claws here to take and ask for anything. Then you can say that you are completely defeated. Wrong calculation!"

Deng Xianming snorted coldly: "We didn't come here to have a conflict with the noble sect. If you hadn't bewitched our Holy Lady and took the opportunity to entangle her, how could we have come to question you!"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "Where did Elder Deng start with these words? This time, Her Royal Highness the Saint came to visit on her own initiative. She can stay or go at her own discretion. I didn't force her to come here, nor did I force her to stay and not let her go. How could she be tempted? Talking about entanglement?”

"Even if you don't restrict Her Majesty's freedom of movement, it doesn't mean you don't harbor evil intentions!"

Bai Shengyuan said sternly: "Otherwise, why would you activate the Rainbow Light Bridge and make this matter known to everyone? You even openly proclaimed to the outside world that our Holy Lady is your best friend... This is simply unreasonable for you. punish!"

Lu Yu said innocently: "Is it wrong for us to respect Her Highness the Saint and treat her with the highest standards of courtesy?"

"Besides, whether Your Highness the Saint is my best friend is my personal subjective opinion. Do I need you to help me decide on this?"

"Or, you might as well ask Her Royal Highness the Saint herself to see if she agrees with my statement?"

Bai Shengyuan was so angry that he cursed: "That's nonsense! You are simply arrogant!"

Others also glared at him.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile lightly: "It seems that no matter what I say, you won't believe me... Well, in this case, I can only prove my innocence!"

"Why don't you let me persuade Her Majesty the Saint to follow you back?"

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe this was true.

Lu Yu smiled slyly and immediately added.

"Of course, I have a small condition..."

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