Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 871 Diving into the sea to chase the enemy

Master Jin Xiang helped Lu Yu up from the dust.

At this time, Master Kunpeng's escaping light was already several miles away.

Master Jin Xiang couldn't care less about Lu Yu's injuries, so he quickly said: "No! Shi Zhiquan did not escape towards Wuya Immortal Pavilion. Please notify Master Mao Ye quickly and ask them to go west to intercept!"

Lu Yu let out a long breath of turbid air in his chest and said, "I think it's better not to trouble Master Maoye and the others. Let's go after them ourselves!"

Master Jin Xiang was stunned and looked at Lu Yu in surprise: "What do you mean by this?"

Lu Yu didn't answer, but raised his hand, and the power from his body surged out. Suddenly, a ray of light flew from the sky and landed steadily in his hand.

It turns out to be the Arowana Blacktail!

This treasure was recognized by Lu Yu with blood. Just like the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, it is firmly bound to the owner's spirit.

The only difference is that when the Nine-Life Divine Coffin fell into Lu Yu's hands, Wei Zhihan's summons to it had no effect, but when Lu Yu summoned the Dragon Fish Black Tail, it immediately broke free even though it was several miles away. The control of the other party returned to Lu Yu's hands.

The gap between the two people's thoughts and consciousness makes the judgment between them high and low.

"Master Fan, what are you waiting for? If you don't hurry up, you won't even be able to see their shadows anymore!"

Lu Yu said, putting his hand on the back of Master Jin Xiang. At the same time, the black tail of the dragon fish turned into wings and spread out. A huge force suddenly burst out, pushing Master Jin Xiang and rushed out together.

After all, Master Jin Xiang is the leader of Baoding Peak, and his cultivation is unfathomable. He quickly adjusted his breath in the air, and his true energy surged out, and the dazzling light showed up and swayed behind the wings.

Although it was the first time for the two of them to fly together in this way, they unexpectedly cooperated very well, and their speed was actually much faster than when they were separated.

"What do you mean by what you just said? Don't Master Maoye and the others come to respond?"

Master Jin Xiang was still worried about what Lu Yu had just said, so he turned around and asked in the light.

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Actually, they are all fake... Not only is the incident in Wanshui City a fake, but my Da Luo Sheng girlfriend is also a fake. As for the fact that Maoye Zhenren and others are ambushing nearby, this is even more fake... …”

"I'm not a god. I was just suspicious of Kunpeng, so I came up with this method to test him. I wasn't 100% sure beforehand, so I didn't dare to call everyone here in a big way!"


Master Jin Xiang was shocked: "You, you, you, you are really..."

He gaped at Lu Yu, and after being stuck for a long time, he finally uttered the second half of the sentence.

"You are really amazing!"

At this time, Master Jin Xiang's heart was full of flaws, and after much thought, he could only sum it up in this sentence. As for the fact that he was also kept in the dark, he had no power to pursue it.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Jin Xiang said in confusion.

Although the true identity of Kunpeng has been found out now, if he is allowed to run away without being captured alive, this will not be a good thing for the Dali Sword Sect, and it may even turn into a murderer. Bad thing.

After all, Master Kunpeng has been lurking in the Dali Sword Sect for many years, and is even set up to be the leader of Tianlan Peak. After a person of his level escapes to Wuya Immortal Pavilion, the subsequent changes that will be brought to the Dali Sword Sect are simply incalculable. .

"What else can we do? Go after them and capture them!" Lu Yu replied without thinking, "They now think this is a trap set by me, so they don't dare to run directly in the direction of Wuya Immortal Pavilion. What a great opportunity for us! ”

"But... can we catch up?" Master Jin Xiang said doubtfully.

Although he and Lu Yu cooperated tacitly and escaped faster than usual, the two people in front were obviously not efficient lamps. It is not known what methods they used, but the distance between the two parties was obvious. Getting further and further away.

And this is only temporary. Once Master Kunpeng comes back to his senses and uses the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape again, they may not even know which direction to pursue them by then.

He was chasing but unable to catch up, and there was no one to help him. In this situation, Master Jin Xiang really couldn't figure out how Lu Yu could capture the opponent.

However, Lu Yu's answer was full of confidence: "Don't worry! I specifically chose this place for a reason. It would be too stupid to let them run away so easily!"

Master Jin Xiang was confused and confused, but at this moment, the two of them flew out of the mainland and arrived at a sea area.

"Master Fan, sit tight!" Lu Yu suddenly shouted.

Master Jin Xiang was stunned and thought to himself, wasn't he just flying away from the light? Where does the word "sitting" come from?

Just as he was thinking about it, Lu Yu suddenly exerted force behind him, holding his shoulders and falling downwards. Before Jin Xiang had time to ask what was going on, the two of them had already fallen into the sea water.

The wings behind Lu Yu changed rapidly and turned into the appearance of giant dragon's tail fins. At the same time, a powerful thrust came, and the two of them suddenly jumped out like sharp arrows, and their speed was actually faster than before. Several times more!

Master Jin Xiang's face was full of astonishment, and then he realized what Lu Yu meant by "sit tight"... At this time, the bodies of the two of them had been floating on the sea level. This was not "sitting" on the sea surface. Up?

He quietly looked behind him and saw a total of ten tail fins of the giant dragon distributed behind Lu Yu, and he couldn't help but feel horrified again.

This is equivalent to having ten giant dragons pushing them behind them!

No wonder Lu Yu was so calm when Wei Zhihan half-joked about exchanging his treasure. If he had such a treasure, he wouldn't want to exchange it with him.

"Master Fan, why don't you keep an eye on their location, while I control the black tail of the dragon fish to dive into the water. How about we suddenly emerge from the water later and scare them?" Lu Yu suddenly said again.

"Is this still possible?" Master Jin Xiang asked in shock.

Lu Yu smiled: "To be honest, I haven't done anything like this with Arowana Black Tail, but I'll tell you if it works or not if you try it?"

After saying that, the two of them dived down again, submerged under the water in the blink of an eye, and completely disappeared from sight.

The sea suddenly became calm.

No one knew that in the depths of the sea, there were two astonishing figures lurking secretly, cruising rapidly in the deep sea at a speed completely beyond the scope of normal understanding.

Master Jin Xiang's thoughts and consciousness stretched out to the sea level, firmly locking on the escape light that was getting closer and closer in the sky.

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