Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 873 A Thin Difference

This is the first time Lu Yu has seen the Great Fog Hidden Sword Technique with his own eyes.

When it comes to this sword technique, the most famous ones are the experts from Baiyun Peak.

Due to the special terrain conditions of Baiyun Peak, the disciples of Baiyun Peak have a unique advantage in understanding this sword art. Therefore, the leaders of Baiyun Peak in the past are all proficient in this sword art. The various essences of this sword art are in their hands. It is displayed vividly and can be regarded as Baiyunfeng's special skill.

However, what Lu Yu didn't expect was that Master Kunpeng was also so proficient in this sword technique.

At this time, he unfolded his sword, and it seemed that even the heaven and earth were moved by it. The scenery and things in the sky became illusory, and everything seemed so unreal. This shows that the essence of this sword has shaken the foundation of the laws of heaven and earth. !

Although Lu Yu had never seen the scene when Du Tingyuan of Baiyun Peak used this sword, he thought it should be unparalleled.

Obviously, Master Kunpeng has hidden his true strength. Before this, there had never been any rumors that Master Kunpeng was good at the Hidden Mist Sword Technique.

The fog dispersed, completely covering this world.

On the surface, this large expanse of white mist seems harmless to humans and animals, but in fact, there are countless sword edges constantly moving through it.


In the mist, a sword struck.

Lu Yu quickly raised his hand to block, but what he didn't expect was that the sword was clearly coming from the front, but the part that was finally hit was his back, and the red lotus power gathered in his hands also followed. It came to nothing.

Blood flew everywhere, and a deep wound with bone visible was exposed on Lu Yu's back.


Before Lu Yu could deal with the wound on his back, another sword struck him head-on.

This time he learned his lesson and did not block rashly again. Instead, he chose to dodge. However, what he did not expect was that even though he had already dodged, the sword still hit him accurately.

This shows that the sword was originally thrust in the direction in which he was dodging, and what he saw at first was just an illusion...

The sword energy penetrated from his left rib and directly penetrated his body.

With Lu Yu's current strength, this level of damage was not enough to make him fall.

But this situation is not optimistic. According to his estimation, the blade hidden in the fog at this time is probably no less than a thousand blades. The reason why Master Kunpeng has not launched a general attack is just to test. Once he is accurate, Seize your own flaw, then thousands of offensives will attack you, and you will be completely dismembered with the same force as a cook and an ox!

What he pursues is not just to inflict serious damage on himself, he wants to complete the victory in one battle and completely obliterate himself with just one sword!

Only in this way can he solve all the problems once and for all and leave safely.

After realizing Master Kunpeng's intention, Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

There is not much time left for him...

For the current plan, he can only take a gamble!

Attack is the best defense. Although Kunpeng's real body is now hidden in the mist and cannot be traced at all, he can make a blind guess. Once his attack accurately hits the opponent, everything will be lost. All problems will naturally be solved.

And if you don't guess correctly, the situation won't be worse anyway...

So, Lu Yu held the butterfly tightly and flew together, and swung his sword towards the mist on the left.

The true energy in the body roared past like thousands of horses galloping.

The power of the dark stars surged out and gathered into a huge black hole in the mist.

Although this sword is much less powerful than the sword just now, it is more than enough if it can hit Master Kunpeng accurately.

However, what Lu Yu didn't expect was that after the black hole appeared for a moment, it was suddenly hidden by the mist and gradually disappeared...

Lu Yu couldn't help being extremely shocked.

When this sword was launched, he imagined countless scenes in his mind, but he never thought it would end like this...

The intersection of two such powerful swords did not make any collision sound. This is really incredible. He has never encountered such a situation when he used the Dark Star Sword Technique for so long!

At the same time, the voice of Master Kunpeng suddenly came from the mist: "Hahaha! Brat, it seems that you know nothing about the secrets of Kirigakure! In this case, then today is the day of your death!"

Before he finished speaking, a "swish, swish, swish" sound came from the mist.

Lu Yu's expression suddenly changed.

Obviously, countless sword blades are turning their direction, gathering momentum, and the general attack of the Great Mist Hidden Sword Technique has finally launched!

Countless sharp blades flew in and out, but before they even reached his body, Lu Yu felt cold all over his body.

At the critical moment, he suddenly felt blessed.

The strongest point of the so-called Kirigakure mysteries lies in its "hiddenness".

When all offensives are hidden under the mist, hidden but not revealed, this is when it is at its strongest!

At this time, due to the launch of the general attack, the momentum was so fierce that it completely disrupted the balance of "Hidden", allowing Lu Yu to understand the secret of "Kigakure" at this moment.

At this moment, he suddenly understood completely.

In fact, "Kirigakure" not only hides his own whereabouts and offensives, but also the offensives launched by his opponents.

Even the offensive launched by the opponent can be selectively ignored and temporarily hidden. This is the highest state of the secret of "Kirikaku".

Therefore, the sword that Lu Yu blindly guessed just now should have accurately hit the opponent, but was temporarily "hidden" by the opponent.

However, this kind of "hiding" is not without cost. It only delays the settlement time, and does not completely resolve the original offensive. That's why Kunpeng will immediately launch a general attack, because if he doesn't launch it, he will be "hidden". Go down.

At this moment, it is indeed an excellent time to launch a general attack.

But that is only for ordinary people. Lu Yu is the one who masters the secrets of the starry sky. Since he has seen through the mystery of "Kirigakure", how can he let it be manipulated at will?

After all, the secret of "Kirgakure" only changes the laws of this area of ​​heaven and earth, and under the projection of the stars outside the sky, everything will reveal its original shape.

So, at the last moment, when he was about to be pierced by countless sharp blades, Lu Yu closed his eyes instead.

At this moment, he blocked his physical senses and "watched" the sharp edges of Kirigakure around him with only a wisp of his mind and consciousness.

Finally, he completely "seeed" through the fog and found the true identity of Master Kunpeng.

Lu Yu pointed out, and activated the power of the red lotus. Among the countless sword edges, his fingertips accurately pressed one of them.

Suddenly, the edge of countless sword blades disappeared, and the mist in the sky dissipated.

Between the sky and the earth, there was a clear sky, leaving only a sharp sword facing Lu Yu's fingertips, and Master Kunpeng holding the sword in his hand but with a stunned look on his face.

"Good boy! I really have you!" Master Kunpeng said with regret.

He was only a little short of finishing this guy who had made him completely passive, but just this slight difference was like a chasm, making it difficult for him to make any further progress.

"But do you think you've won now? You might as well look over there!"

With that said, Master Kunpeng withdrew the sword in his hand and pointed it at Master Jin Xiang aside.

On Master Jin Xiang's side, the domain is being filled with thousands of real deer swords. Although this move makes him look like a steel barrier, it is also very heavy and heavy, making it difficult for him to escape flexibly.

Following Master Kunpeng's move, the power of the dark stars suddenly surged out, all attacking into Master Jin Xiang's domain.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look shocked. He didn't expect that the Great Wu Hidden Sword Technique could still be used in this way. The Dark Star Sword Technique that had just been "hidden" by Master Kunpeng was actually transferred to Master Jin Xiang's body.

Suddenly, a violent roar sounded.

The world seemed to have broken apart.

The sound that Lu Yu had not heard in the fog before was echoed by Jin Xiang.

In Master Jin Xiang's domain, thousands of real deer swords were shaking and breaking one after another.

However, that's not the worst!

I saw the Nine Lives Divine Coffin suddenly burst into it, and amid the chaos of light and shadow, the coffin opened, Wei Zhihan stepped out, raised his hand and struck out with a sword, his momentum was as natural as heaven!

Da Tian Yan Sword Technique!

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