Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 916: Nonsense

Next, Lu Yu followed suit and threw the "passing" pieces of paper at the powerful real people who came from all directions, and sent them back the same way without any effort.

Of course, there were also real elders who were familiar with each other and wanted to come over and say a few polite words to Lu Yu to find out what the situation was, but they were all dismissed by Lu Yu on the grounds that "the exercise has not ended yet and you are not allowed to leave your post without permission."

Therefore, there were no dangers along the way, and the Spring Conch successfully passed through one pass after another.

Wei Zhihan watched from the side and was confused in the wind. He did not expect that Lu Yu would respond in such a way. A seemingly massive siege was disintegrated in an instant.

"What's wrong, Brother Wei? Is it difficult to understand?"

Lu Yu also relaxed at this time. Seeing Wei Zhihan's tangled face, he couldn't help but initiate the topic.

Wei Zhihan took advantage of the situation and asked: "Didn't these real elders receive instructions from Tailing Patriarch?"

After witnessing Lu Yu deceiving so many people, Wei Zhihan already knew that the Tiangang strongman who came and returned was the Tailing ancestor.

"It is indeed the ancestor of Tailing." Lu Yu replied.

"Then they still listen to you? They just let us leave without asking for verification?" Wei Zhihan asked confused.

"What is there to prove? I have made great contributions to the Dali Sword Sect, and I have not made the big mistake of bullying my master and destroying my ancestors like Brother Wei. Do they really want to kill me?" Lu Yu smiled. Said, "Although our move to kidnap you this time is not aboveboard, the Tailing Ancestor also has his own little Jiujiu, so this gives us an opportunity to take advantage of."

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but be secretly frightened.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened in the meantime, one thing was obvious, that is, Lu Yu's influence in the Dali Sword Sect was very important at this time, and it was even close to being able to compete with the Tiangang Patriarch. situation, so this situation will occur at this time.

While speaking, the Spring Conch crossed another high mountain range and reached the western border of the Dali Sword Sect.

Further ahead is Baiyun Peak. As long as you cross Baiyun Peak, you will completely leave the scope of the Dali Sword Sect and enter the sea area.

With the speed of the Dragon Fish Black Tail in the sea, even the ancestors of the Tiangang Realm would have difficulty intercepting them.

Just at this moment, a ray of light flew towards us, and it was Du Tingyuan, the leader of Baiyun Peak, who came over in person.

As the leader of Baiyun Peak, Du Tingyuan's strength can be firmly ranked among the top ten in the Dali Sword Sect. Otherwise, he would not have been able to get the Turtle Breath Rising Dragon Pill when he made a surprise attack back to Yuewan. One of the main attackers.

At this time, he came in the clouds and mist, and suddenly the world between heaven and earth was filled with pressure and darkness, as if the world on this side had been dominated by him.

Lu Yu frowned slightly.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but said: "The situation seems to be wrong. This master Tingyuan has activated the power of the golden elixir in advance, as if he is waiting for us to find him..."

Lu Yu said calmly: "Let's see what happens."

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Facing Du Tingyuan's fully-charged and prepared golden elixir power, Lu Yu didn't panic at all. He still didn't draw his sword, but threw out the piece of paper unhurriedly.

"Master Du successfully passed this exercise! You can now put away your golden elixir and return to Baiyun Peak!"

Lu Yu said loudly.

Du Tingyuan took the piece of paper, but refused to back down. Instead, he picked up the piece of paper, turned it over and looked at it, and said with a smile: "Did you use this thing to deceive all of you, Mr. Zhang?"

Lu Yu was startled in his heart, but his face was calm: "Master Du, this urgent order is just an exercise planned by Patriarch Tailing. The 'thing' in your hand was signed by Patriarch Tailing. instruction!"


Du Tingyuan sneered and said: "Ancestor Tailing is currently patrolling our Baiyun Peak. Why haven't I heard him talk about it? How about we go over together and ask him?"

Lu Yu was suddenly shocked.

Unexpectedly, Tailing Patriarch was actually at Baiyun Peak. No wonder their trip to the Wulao Summit went so smoothly... This time, they really kicked the iron plate.

"Lu Yu, although I admire you very much, I don't know why you offended my ancestor... But if you want to just walk away like this, it's not an option. Why don't you go and tell your ancestors face to face!"

After the words fell, the offensive suddenly launched.

Thick black smoke surged from all directions from the sky and the ground, spreading rapidly and swallowing up everything in the world in the blink of an eye. Wherever one looked, only chaos remained...

Great Fog Hidden Sword Technique!

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

He had only learned this technique when he fought against Master Kunpeng not long ago. He could be said to have suffered a lot at that time. Now Master Tingyuan's move is slightly different from what Master Kunpeng used. It was completely chaotic black, and it seemed that the two adopted completely different mystical concepts...

Lu Yu had no intention of distinguishing whether Master Ting Yuan was more powerful or Master Kun Peng was more skilled. Seeing the black smoke billowing in, he not only did not make a counterattack, but also stopped the opponent Ting Yuan who was about to activate the power of the golden elixir. Yang Chudie confronts the real person head-on.

"What...are you doing?" Yang Chudie said in surprise.

Lu Yu looked into her eyes and said nothing, just shook his head lightly.

Yang Chudie understood his eyes in an instant.

The Hidden Mist Sword Technique is not easy to deal with. Between its "hidden" and "released" transitions, no matter what response method they adopt, they will be forced into a hard fight. Master Tailing is at Baiyun Peak at this time, Once he got into a hard fight, he would be unable to leave. Therefore, he simply remained unchanged in response to changes and adopted a special method to resolve such a situation.

Yang Chudie didn't know what Lu Yu's plan was, but she chose to believe him unconditionally, so she simply gave up her resistance.

As a result, the four people on the Spring Conch were all ready to wait. Among them, Wei Zhihan was forced to give up resistance because his true energy was sealed all over his body and he was unable to fight back.

As expected, Master Tingyuan did not kill him. The four of them did not resist at the moment, and his offensive was over. Black smoke poured out, entangling the four of them and controlling them.

"Why don't you resist?"

Master Ting Yuan's body emerged from the black smoke and asked with a surprised look on his face.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "There is no deep hatred between Mr. Du and I. What's the point of one of my own people beating my own people? Besides, I haven't had time to explain something clearly to Mr. Du. Wouldn't it be unfair to act in such a confused way? ?”

Master Tingyuan was startled: "What do you have to say?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I have nothing to say, but Patriarch Yunxiao has something to say... Mr. Du, I won't hide it from you now. Our secret trip is in honor of Patriarch Yunxiao." Secret order, go to the ancient city of Guoyun to find the mysterious Tiangang Realm strongman. At that time, the Yunxiao Ancestor will cooperate with us in nine days to get rid of the strong man once and for all, and completely resolve the threat of our Dali Sword Sect. crisis……"

"Master Du, are you still going to stop us now?"

Wei Zhihan felt ashamed when he heard this.

This guy is really awesome...

When I was in Leichi Purgatory, I said it was the master's secret order. On the way, I met the real person who intercepted him, and he also mentioned the Tailing Patriarch's secret order... Now I can't deceive him anymore, and there is another Yunxiao Patriarch's secret order...

The key thing is that the lies this guy made up really sound like that. At first glance, there is no loophole at all...

As expected, Master Ting Yuan on the opposite side was also frightened.

If others say this, he can ignore it, but if it is Lu Yu who says this, he has no choice but to pay attention to it. After all, everyone now knows the extraordinary relationship between Lu Yu and Ancestor Yunxiao.

"Is this true?" Master Tingyuan said doubtfully, "What proof do you have?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "I said it was a secret order, where can I find any proof?"

"However, if you don't believe it, you might as well call Patriarch Tailing out and let him judge whether what I said is true or false?"

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