Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 924 Destroyed in one fell swoop

Soon, Wei Zhihan took his Nine-Life Divine Coffin and three puppets and left the Spring Snail, parting ways with Lu Yu and others.

"It's finally quiet now!"

Lu Yu stretched and said, "Finally no one else will bother us as a family of three anymore!"

Ye Weilan was still watching the scene of the Nine Lives Divine Coffin disappearing, and said, "Are you really going to let him go like this? Aren't you worried that he will take the opportunity to run away?"

"Run? Where can he run?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I'm still holding his thread in my hand... Although I have unlocked the restriction on him, it still leaves a stream of true energy seeds in his body. As long as I want to, I can kill him at any time." If we can counter him again, I believe he will notice this soon.”

"So, he wants to completely let himself go, which is simply impossible..."

Yang Chudie couldn't help showing a look of surprise: "Is it the same as the Blood Moon Eclipse of Lord Red Moon?"

Lu Yu smiled and nodded: "Yes, just like Lord Red Moon's Blood Moon Eclipse."

Yang Chudie's eyes couldn't help but become more horrified. Ye Weilan didn't know what the Blood Moon Eclipse was, but she knew a lot about it...

In fact, a few years ago, Lu Yu was able to use the power of the red lotus to simulate the eclipse of the blood moon, create a "blood boiling curse", and use this to conquer a group of tribesmen such as the Blood Knife Old Demon...

But at that time, that kind of method could only control some people with low cultivation levels. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu could now control even Wei Zhihan, a master of cultivation. This shows that this time's improvement in cultivation level has indeed brought him a lot of benefits. Huge improvement…

At the same time, this also gave Yang Chudie another layer of worry...

"Your "Nine Turns of Nirvana Technique" is really becoming more and more miraculous. I really don't know what it will be like in the end..." she said softly.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Are you trying to say that my martial arts are becoming more and more evil, and are more and more similar to the evil arts of the Red Moon Demon Lord, so you are worried that one day I will also fall into the devil's path?"

Yang Chudie glanced at him, with affection flowing in her eyes: "You and I have been linked by fate for a long time. Even if you really become a demon, you will always be our husband. I'm afraid that's not the case..."

"It's just that the more powerful the technique is, the more powerful it needs to be suppressed by the Taoist realm in order to keep it on the right track and not go astray... Your current technique is advancing by leaps and bounds, but the Taoist state of mind is The realization is not so fast. I am worried that if this continues, maybe one day you will be backlashed by this technique..."

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Yang Chudie would view this issue from such a perspective, and he couldn't help but be touched.

"That's right... In the past few days, as my skills have advanced greatly, I have indeed become a little confused. I haven't had time to think about this. This is indeed a question you raised." Lu Yu humbly accepted the teaching.

Yang Chudie said: "It's a pity that my current state of Taoist heart is only the state of transparency, and I can't give you more guidance... I heard you said that Saint Meng Ting has already reached the state of Taoist heart turning into dust. , maybe you should take the time to ask her for advice on how to understand the state of the Taoist heart turning into dust..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but think about Meng Ting's feat of shattering the three-star connection on Biyun Tianmen. At that time, she was relying on the enterprising spirit of many Jin Kui Bang disciples to shatter her own mental barriers in one fell swoop and successfully Reached the state where the Taoist heart turns into dust.

Now it seems that this state of mind turning into dust is a very complicated process, and he really doesn't know how to break through...

And without the support of the Taoist realm, it would be a very dangerous thing to continue to move forward with the level of his skills. This is indeed a problem...

However, this is all for later, let’s focus on the things in front of us for now...

"Let's talk about this after rescuing my sister-in-law!" Lu Yu said: "The top priority is that we should focus on the current situation first... Guess what kind of big fish Wei Zhihan can help me fish out this time?"

Yang Chudie thought for a moment and finally shook her head: "I can't think of it... What do you think?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said, "I wouldn't be surprised if Ren Lanjian and Zhong Chuyue appeared at the same time."

Yang Chudie was suddenly shocked: "Is it really so serious?"

Lu Yu said: "No matter whether it is so serious or not, since they have been fully prepared, we should also be fully prepared. No matter who Wei Zhihan attracts, we must destroy them in one fell swoop. This way Only then can we completely disrupt their deployment and allow us to safely enter the ancient city of Guoyun."

Yang Chudie said: "Don't you have some evil idea again? What exactly do you want to do?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It's not a new idea... Do you still remember the combo skills I mentioned during the Battle of the Golden Rooster Islands? I still have a little time, and I think it's just right to use it to deduce it. Let's use it as a family of three. Let’s complete the coordinated combo!”

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