Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 959 Fishing in troubled waters

Hearing this voice, Lu Yu and others couldn't help but feel nervous.

Obviously, this should be the second ancestor of Dazejie, the son of Tianjun, known as King Ming!

As he shouted, although his men did not show up, bursts of golden light shot out one after another, blasting in the direction of the black cloud locusts.

The black clouds collapsed when touched, and their size decreased by nearly one-third in an instant!

This scene made Lu Yu and others speechless.

The dark thunder falling all over the sky could not stop the hundred thousand demon soldiers and generals in the slightest. Unexpectedly, just a few golden lights shot down, causing such heavy damage to Emperor Haoyan's men. You can imagine the power of these golden lights. How powerful it must be!

The golden light radiated continuously.

After eating several dishes in a row, the "black cloud" group also changed.

All the "black clouds" were densely packed together, and on their outermost surface, a blood-red Devil's Eye totem mark appeared.

This totem mark is like a shield, blocking the front of the "Black Cloud" army.

In this way, although the advancement speed is much slower, the golden light emitted from Tianhuan Palace can no longer cause any damage.

"Hmph! Who am I telling you? It turns out they are Chi Li's subordinates... You are so brave. You dare to come here and act wild. Don't you know who I am?"

The cold voice from before said again.

"Of course I know who you are, His Highness Prince Ming of Daze Realm..."

Among the black clouds, a majestic voice responded.

As soon as he heard this voice, Lu Yu couldn't help being shocked. This voice was the same as the voice that suddenly sounded in his mind. He was sure that this was the response from Emperor Haoyan.

I just heard Emperor Haoyan continue to say: "King Ming, we have no intention of being your enemy, but Lord Demon God has an order, ordering me to capture the Lingxiao Palace here. If you can stay out of the way for a while, we will never do it." It’s hard for you.”


King Ming's voice was full of anger: "The time I have been running this place is longer than the time you have occupied the seventh heaven. If you are going to let me leave with just one word, will your seventh heaven be free as well?" leave?"

"It's just temporary avoidance, not letting His Highness leave this place completely."

Emperor Haoyan corrected him.

"The Demon God ordered me to come here just to take away an ancient object. As long as this thing is completed, we will leave on our own, and then this place will still be yours... What we ask for is just It’s just for your convenience.”

"Excuse me? Humph! What a loud tone!"

King Ming said angrily: "Even if your master, Chi Li, is here, he would not dare to talk to me like this. You, a little hairy monster, are talking nonsense in front of me. You are simply ignorant!"

Emperor Haoyan replied: "In this case, it's useless to talk more, let's each use our own methods! I will let His Highness understand that this is no longer your Daze world!"

As soon as the words fell, the giant furry hand appeared in the air again. This time, it clenched into a huge fist and struck down hard.

The direction of the giant fist's bombardment was neither the golden light in the sky nor Tianhuan Palace, but the ground under the "black cloud".

After punching out, the earth trembled and the roar was endless.

This is because a deep crack opened in the ground, and all the power of the hidden thunder along the way was detonated.

Emperor Haoyan opened a safe passage directly to Tianhuan Palace on the ground in the center of the vortex with just one punch.

Immediately afterwards, the "black clouds" that filled the sky rustled down, swarming towards Tianhuan Palace along the crack in the ground.

Lu Yu suddenly understood that it seemed that even Emperor Haoyan's "black cloud" army did not dare to continue flying in the center of the vortex, so he adopted this method to approach Tianhuan Palace.

However, in this way, King Ming was temporarily unable to deal with the invasion of these "black clouds", because these "black clouds" had already wandered among the gaps in the ground and were below the horizon. The golden light he inspired was blocked by the terrain. These "black clouds" are no longer accessible.

Without the interception of golden light and the interference of hidden thunder, the "Black Cloud" army was extremely fast.

Soon, the "black clouds" were like a dense group of marching ants, gathering on the outskirts of Tianhuan Palace, only a few miles away from where Lu Yu and others were hiding.

The huge roar became continuous from the periphery of Tianhuan Palace.

Lu Yu and others suddenly understood that this was Emperor Haoyan's subordinates beginning to encroach on the numerous defensive barriers surrounding Tianhuan Palace.

The outcome of the battle between Emperor Haoyan and King Ming is still unknown, but at least the restrictions around Tianhuan Palace are definitely over.

These restrictive barriers were previously the biggest headache for Lu Yu and others.

This plan to drag Emperor Haoyan into the water can be said to have perfectly achieved its intended purpose at this moment.

"Go! Action!"

Lu Yu said suddenly.

As he raised his hand, he had already begun to activate the calamity-transforming luck thunder technique. Judging from his posture, he planned to use this newly learned Taoist technique to rush directly into Tianhuan Palace.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan understood and also activated the Tao method.

Qin Yanzhen turned her head in surprise: "Lu Lang, what are you going to do? Aren't you curious about the characteristics of King Ming's cultivation? You can observe it right away... Besides, it's not the best time to take action yet. ah!"

Lu Yu naturally knew that the best time to launch a sneak attack was when King Ming and Emperor Haoyan were both injured. Although the current scene looked amazing, it was actually just a prelude.

But when that time comes, I'm afraid that the entire Tianhuan Palace will be smashed to pieces. By then, the real Yudie might even be buried underground. Who else will they save?

Therefore, Qin Yanzhen and Yuan Shiqiu can afford to wait, but they absolutely cannot afford to wait.

"I leave it to Miss Qin to observe the characteristics of King Ming's cultivation. I think with Miss Qin's eyesight, I will be able to accurately grasp his weaknesses... Let's go to Tianhuan Palace to ambush first, and then we will cooperate with each other inside and outside! " Lu Yu said.

"Wait a minute!" Qin Yanzhen said, "If you rush over like this, I'm afraid it will alert Prince Ming..."

"What's the alarm?"

As Lu Yu spoke, a blood-red devil's eye mark formed on his hand.

"We are just helpers summoned by Emperor Haoyan. Now that Emperor Haoyan's followers are everywhere, can he still pay special attention to us?"

After saying that, Lu Yu, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan made eye contact with each other before running away.

"Wait a moment!"

Qin Yanzhen blocked him again.

Facing the questioning looks from three people at the same time, she stepped forward and said with a smile: "Lu Lang is so eager, could it be that he wants to find another sister for me... I changed my mind. Come on, I’ll go with you too!”

Lu Yu said in surprise: "Aren't you going to continue observing?"

"Lu Lang's disguise is so wonderful. Even if he doesn't take advantage of the opponent's weakness, he is almost certain to launch a sneak attack... Besides, isn't Mr. Yuan still here to keep an eye on him?"

With that said, Qin Yanzhen glanced at Yuan Shiqiu who was standing aside.

Yuan Shiqiu nodded towards her and said calmly: "It's okay to go, Miss. I'll keep an eye on this!"

"Let's go!"

Qin Yanzhen turned around and smiled charmingly at Lu Yu: "Let's go pick up the new sister together..."

After saying that, a strange brilliance gathered on his body, and he rushed into the dark thunder first.

Lu Yu was stunned for a while.

Naturally, she didn't believe a word of Qin Yanzhen's words, but for a while, she had no better way.

After looking at each other with Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan, the three of them had no choice but to follow them.

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