Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 961 Shortcut

Wei Zhihan climbed out of the Nine Lives Divine Coffin and looked at the golden Tianhuan Palace not far away. Hearing the deafening shouts of killing and the densely packed demon soldiers and generals... he couldn't help but feel confused for a moment.

He had been hiding in the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, and had been studying the Divine Thought Seal Paper given to him by Lu Yu. He did not pay attention to the situation in the outside world at all. He did not expect that in less than a while, the surroundings had become like this. appearance.

"Brother Wei? Didn't you say before that there is a shortcut that can lead directly to the underground palace without going deep into the Tianhuan Palace?" Lu Yu reminded again.

"Ah...yes, yes!" Wei Zhihan came back to his senses.

Lu Yu looked around and said, "We should be within the range of the shortcut now, right?"

In Wei Zhihan's previous description, since the scale of the underground part of Tianhuan Palace far exceeds that above the ground, in fact the entire Tianhuan Palace is a gourd-shaped structure, which only needs to be within a hundred feet of Tianhuan Palace on the surface. Direct access to the underground part by drilling into the ground.

In this way, a direct conflict with Ming Wang Fa Zun can be avoided. Especially at this time, the attention of the entire Tianhuan Palace must be on Emperor Haoyan and the one hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals. Sneaking in from the outside is a godsend.

But now, after breaking through dozens of defensive barriers, everyone is already within a hundred feet of Tianhuan Palace.

At this time, Wei Zhihan also took stock of the surrounding situation, nodded and said, "Follow me!"

So, he led everyone around the messy battlefield, looking for the entrance to the shortcut.

The entire battlefield is littered with the corpses of demonic soldiers and generals. These demonic soldiers and generals are originally the image of monsters, and they look grotesque. Now coupled with the tragic death state, they look even more ferocious and terrifying...

What's even more frightening is that even after death, these demonic soldiers and generals still don't stop, and wisps of black gas are constantly evaporating from the corpses, making the entire battlefield look black and ghostly.

Seeing the floating black air, it seemed that there was some strange pattern. Lu Yu couldn't help but think: "These demon soldiers and generals are transformed by the power of the demon god. Originally, I thought that after they materialized, once they were attacked, If you kill someone, your power will also disappear, but looking at the situation now, Emperor Haoyan seems to have been reusing the power of these demons..."

Qin Yanzhen said: "One of the most praised abilities of the demon god Chi Li is the ability of 'regeneration'... These demon soldiers and generals are derived from the power of the demon god mixed with the souls of the dead. What destroys them physically is It's useless, the dead souls must be completely defeated, but these dead souls have followed Emperor Haoyan for thousands of years and have been tempered by Tiangang, so how can they be defeated so easily? "

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart: Demon God Chi Li's most outstanding ability is "regeneration", but the Nine-turn Nirvana Technique also has the power of "a drop of blood turns into a lotus, endless life", and he doesn't know what the "regeneration" of the two is. performance, who will be better...

Yang Chudie said: "Listening to what Miss Qin said, doesn't Emperor Haoyan have the upper hand? So, the final winner of this battle will be Emperor Haoyan?"

If Emperor Haoyan can finally win, then many troubles will cease to exist...

Qin Yanzhen smiled softly: "If the demon god Chi Li comes in person, King Ming will indeed be in trouble this time, but now...heh, who knows what other tricks this second generation ancestor is hiding secretly? Don't forget it. , in his original plan, his opponent was someone else..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink suddenly.

Indeed, in King Ming's original arrangement, their real imaginary enemy was Ancestor Yunxiao...

Although Lu Yu didn't know what the strength of Patriarch Yunxiao was, judging from the high-profile actions of Ming Wang Fa Zun and Wu Ya Qi Ancestor, his strength must have been at the level of the ceiling of the Tiangang Realm. It would be difficult for them to deal with Patriarch Yunxiao. Are you sure that there is nothing you can do to deal with Emperor Haoyan?

From this point of view, Ming Wang Fa Zun must still have a trump card hidden.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield seems to be that Tianhuan Palace is retreating steadily, but in fact this is just a superficial phenomenon. The reason why it is like this is that the Ming King Fa Zun has not really launched a counterattack.

It seems that we have to speed up...

Finally, Wei Zhihan stopped.

"It should be right here."

Lu Yu and others looked around and couldn't help but look at each other.

This place is also desolate. Except for the larger stones on the ground, there is no obvious difference from where they stood before.

"Where is the passage?" Lu Yu asked blankly.

Wei Zhihan said: "There are no clues here. Junior Brother Lu, please wait for a moment while I clear the passage!"

After saying that, Wei Zhihan lay down in the coffin again, and then with a flash of black light, the Nine Lives Divine Coffin disappeared out of thin air.

Qin Yanzhen said thoughtfully: "Did he use the Nine Lives Divine Coffin to travel underground?"

"It should be!" Lu Yu said.

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "Prince Wei has really found a good helper. Not only does he have a treasure like the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, but he is also so familiar with the internal structure of Tianhuan Palace! It seems that Lu Lang really found a treasure this time. !”

Lu Yu's heart suddenly moved.

What does Qin Yanzhen mean by this?

Could it be that he was reminding himself that Wei Zhihan's behavior was suspicious? But is this a kind reminder, or is it sowing discord?

Lu Yu was thinking, when there was a violent vibration under his feet, followed by a loud bang, and a cloud of dust rolled up on the ground, and a deep hole collapsed in front of everyone.

If this movement had happened at ordinary times, it would have been very eye-catching, but at this time it was drowned in the sound waves, and no one noticed it at all.

Then, Wei Zhihan's voice came out from the collapsed hole.

"Junior Brother Lu, come in from here... Be careful when you come in, the structure of this cave entrance is very unstable, be careful of a second collapse!"

Although Lu Yu and others were full of doubts, they still went into the cave.

After entering the cave, Lu Yu quickly figured out what was going on.

In fact, the desolate land they were standing on was actually formed by the collapse of the Lingxiao Palace. However, it was not completely collapsed at the time, and there was a hollow part in it, like a pile of scattered building blocks...

So Wei Zhihan used the Nine Life God Coffin to shuttle to the hollow part and removed some of the "building blocks". Suddenly, a single move caused the whole body to collapse, forming a passage that goes straight to the underground.

However, this has brought up a new problem.

Just like what Qin Yanzhen questioned just now, how did Wei Zhihan do it and be so familiar with the structure here?

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