Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 968: Reduced to Ashes

In fact, Qin Yanzhen didn't need to remind him. Lu Yu already understood that Emperor Haoyan's situation was already in danger.

Chonghua, Dongli, Yongshang, Moyang, Haoxun...

To Lu Yu, these are all thunderous names, and behind each name corresponds to one of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya.

In other words, at this time, the five ancestors of the Wuya Seven Ancestors took action at the same time, and in conjunction with the Master of the Ming Dynasty, a total of six Tiangang powerful men took action to suppress the Haoyan Emperor at the same time.

In addition, there was a golden thread held in the hands of the six people. Although Lu Yu didn't know what it was, he knew that it was anything but simple. It looked like an extremely powerful formation that strengthened the six Tiangangs. The powers of both are connected together.

Under such circumstances, even if Emperor Haoyan is about to escape the catastrophe and is eighty-nine times similar to the demon god Chi Li, he is still doomed...

No wonder Qin Yanzhen said that they were well prepared.

Indeed, such preparations were too complete. Even if Ancestor Yunxiao was the imaginary enemy, it would be impossible to prepare in such a timely manner... Their exquisite cooperation was as if they knew Emperor Haoyan was coming to charge head-on.

First of all, this news was definitely not revealed by Wei Zhihan.

Because he has always been under his close surveillance, and he is only at the Guihai realm, there is no way to send a message in the ancient city of Guoyun.

Furthermore, if he really has the ability to send a message in the ancient city of Guoyun, the Ming King Fa Zun will not know Qin Yanzhen's true identity.

Therefore, the source of information for His Holiness Mingwang must be from other channels... But what kind of channels can allow His Holiness Mingwang to give early warning and make such adequate arrangements?

You must know that since he sent out a false message to induce Emperor Haoyan, the other party came immediately and non-stop. Even Qin Yanzhen and Yuan Shiqiu, relying on the "Transforming Tribulation and Luck Thunder Technique", only arrived one after the other. .

This is indeed very intriguing...

"Lu Lang, Lu Lang... what are you thinking about? Did you hear what I just said?" Qin Yanzhen said again.

Lu Yu's thoughts were pulled back.

He does have a trump card called the "Six-Pointed Star Lock", but this move can only control one of them for a short period of time at most, which is almost useless in the current situation.

Besides, there is no trace of the real Yudie yet, and the master's aunt is in their hands. There is probably a powerful person hiding behind the Reverend King Ming who provides them with information... In such a situation, how can his counterattack be done? What role does it play?

"If you don't take action, then you really have no chance..."

Qin Yanzhen urged again.

"Anyway, I don't care. If I want to leave, I don't think this second generation ancestor can stop me. But Lu Lang, you are in a bad situation. Not only can the new sister not be found, but the lives of myself and Sister Chudie are also involved. !”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel suspicious in his heart.

He couldn't understand why this witch kept urging him to take action. After all, he only had the cultivation level of Guihai Realm. How could she be so sure that she had a trick that could break the situation?

Even if she really had a special move, under the care of so many armored guards around her, she wouldn't have the right time to take action... What's the matter with her being here urging her all the time?

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster... Lu Yu decided to observe the situation again.

"Miss Qin, you think too highly of me. What else do you think I can do in this situation?"

Lu Yu pointed at the rows of armored guards around him and said with a wry smile.

At this time, Emperor Haoyan outside was struggling violently. The struggle between the golden threads and the Wuya Seven Ancestors was unfolding. The surging power continued to erupt between the heaven and the earth, disturbing the entire ancient city of Guoyun. Everything is turned upside down...

But even in the face of such an unprecedented battle, the armored guards around him were concentrating and staring at him without taking a glance outside. Under such circumstances, he really couldn't find anything to blame. Take advantage of the opportunity.

Qin Yanzhen blinked at him: "Don't forget, we just had an exchange of ideas. I know exactly what tricks you have to beat the enemy... As long as you prepare that trick OK, let me deal with these doglegs around me!”

Lu Yu was startled, and then he realized that what Qin Yanzhen was referring to was the "Six-Pointed Star Lock", because he needed a certain amount of time to prepare for this restriction... It seemed that after the exchange just now, she had indeed learned a lot about herself. Eighty-eight.

However, when she said this, she did not avoid the people around her, which immediately shocked the people around her and glared at her.

Wei Zhihan directly raised his hand again, regained control of the cold light weapons around him, and warned loudly: "Miss Qin, I advise you to be more sensible! You will not be allowed to act wild before His Holiness! "

Qin Yanzhen raised her chest proudly and said: "Prince Wei, why do you need to pretend to be powerful? If you have the courage, why not try to attack me?"

Wei Zhihan hesitated for a moment, but did not take action after all, but turned to threaten Lu Yu: "Junior brother Lu, unless you want Master Chudie to lose his life immediately, it's best to be honest."

Lu Lu glanced at him silently and said: "Wei Zhihan, if my sister-in-law loses one hair, I guarantee that you will be shattered and ashes, and you will never recover. Even if you hide in Dazejie, it will not be of any use!"

Wei Zhihan's heart trembled, but under the intense gaze of the other party, he said nothing.

However, after such a commotion, everyone became more closely guarded against the three of them, and Lu Yu was unable to make any counterattack after all.

At this time, the unprecedented battle outside was gradually coming to an end.

The golden threads were tightly wrapped around Emperor Haoyan's demon body, making it impossible to move at all.

Ming Wang Fa Zun said loudly: "Haoyan, I am Da Zejie Ming Wang Fa Zun, and I have come here in my incarnation. As long as you are willing to surrender to me from now on, I will let you go. How about that?"

Emperor Haoyan breathed flames from his mouth and spat fiercely: "Go to hell! You bitch!"

The eyes of Ming Wang Dharma Master suddenly turned cold: "In that case, I will help you...kill you!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand gently.

Suddenly, the golden wires tightened, and in the blink of an eye, flesh and blood flew across the air.

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