Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 977 It’s hard for a dog to change his mind from eating shit

After a while, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan also came over.

They didn't know that the two had gone to see His Majesty King Ming, but they had disappeared without a trace for so long. They also guessed that something must have happened, so they were very worried.

"Where have you been?" Yang Chudie asked.

Yudie glanced at Lu Yu and said, "You have found a good husband. He has great ambitions. He actually wants to be a brother-in-law with Prince Ming!"

Chudie was stunned: "What's going on?"

Yudie said goodbye: "Ask him yourself!"

So Chudie pretended to look at Lu Yu again.

Lu Yu said: "It's nothing. We just went to see Prince Ming and negotiated some conditions with him..."

Then, he told the content of the conversation between the two parties just now.

Chudie immediately understood his intention and couldn't help lowering her voice: "Are you planning to cooperate with that Miss Qin?"

Although she didn't know what Qin Yanzhen was planning, Qin Yanzhen had personally said before that she wanted to kill the Ming King Fa Zun here...

Lu Yu nodded and said, "This is our only choice at the moment."

"But..." Ye Weilan frowned and said, "Emperor Haoyan has fallen. The best time for the plan Qin Yanzhen mentioned before has been missed. What else can she do now?"

Lu Yu had a thoughtful look on his face, recalling the details of his previous interactions with Qin Yanzhen, and said: "This woman hides very deeply, and I always feel that she has some powerful tricks that she has not yet used... As long as she is willing, I will I think she will find a way."

However, Yudie was confused by the discussion between the three people and couldn't help but ask: "What on earth are you talking about? Who is Qin Yanzhen?"

Lu Yu glanced at her: "You will know when the time comes... If that shameless old man really wants to marry you, I believe he will arrange for us to meet her soon."

About another quarter of an hour passed.

Suddenly, a beam of light fell from the sky.

Sure enough, everything was as Lu Yu expected. Not only did the Ming King Fa Zun arrange for Qin Yanzhen to meet with them, he even very considerately asked Patriarch Xueyun to escort her over.

Of course, rather than "escorting", it would be more appropriate to say "strict supervision".

"Is this the blessed land before the catastrophe?"

Qin Yanzhen stood gracefully on the green grass, looking at the surrounding scenery curiously, without any sense of being a prisoner.

"Are these all restored by the second-generation ancestor? I really underestimated him... Not only did he collect the stone statues of the Storm Clan, but he also restored such a vast blessed land. It seems that what he did here is far beyond his reach. It’s more than I expected!”

Ancestor Xueyun raised his eyelids and scolded: "Don't be unreasonable! How can you insult His Majesty's dignity?"

Qin Yanzhen, however, was confident: "I am not the first to call him Second Ancestor. There are many people in the world who call him this. Why are you trying to attack me?"

Ancestor Xueyun looked at her deeply and said with a gloomy look: "Everything Miss does today will affect the outcome in the future. It's not that she won't retaliate, the time has not yet come... In short, Miss, please take care of yourself!"

Qin Yanzhen smiled, her eyes full of disdain, and she obviously didn't take Patriarch Xueyun's warning to heart at all.

Ancestor Xueyun was helpless after all, and in the end she could only snort coldly.

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but marvel at this scene.

I don’t know what happened during the period when Qin Yanzhen disappeared, so that a strong Tiangang Realm expert like Xueyun Ancestor looked like there was nothing he could do against her.

"Old witch, could you please step aside for a moment? There are some things we want to talk about in private."

Qin Yanzhen said unceremoniously.

Ancestor Xueyun's eyebrows twitched violently, but she finally endured it and silently walked back into the beam of light, and her figure disappeared in an instant.

Qin Yanzhen then smiled at Lu Yu again: "Lu Lang, I knew we would meet again... It seems that this is the new sister, right? You finally found her!"

"Lu Lang?"

Yudie was startled and looked suspiciously between Qin Yanzhen and Lu Yu.

"Don't you know, sister? I am Lu Lang Ming's wife who has been married to heaven and earth!" Qin Yanzhen said with a chuckle.

Yudie suddenly couldn't help but widen her eyes and looked at Lu Yu in disbelief.

She originally thought that besides her sister, Lu Yu had an affair with Ye Weilan, which was outrageous enough, but she didn't expect that another so-called "wife" would emerge...

This time, it completely overturned the good impression she had just had on Lu Yu.

"Yang Chudie, do you know this?"

Yudie turned to her sister and asked.

Chudie nodded slightly, with a calm look on his face: "Now is not the time to talk..."

Yudie couldn't help but be stunned.

It was really hard for her to imagine what kind of ecstasy soup her sister had been fed by this guy named Lu Yu, and why she could even endure such a thing...

"Tell me! What is going on now? What method did you use to make that second generation ancestor change his attitude towards us all at once?" Qin Yanzhen asked.

Lu Yuqi asked: "What? Didn't Prince Ming come to you? Didn't he say what was going on?"

Qin Yanzhen said: "He has come to see me, but his words were unclear. He just warned me inexplicably... He also said that there will be a wedding in Tianhuan Palace next, and I need to be a witness. The specific situation will be left to me. I'll come find you..."

As he spoke, Qin Yanzhen suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment.

"Oh! Now that I have seen Sister Yudie, I finally understand. The so-called wedding refers to his wedding to Sister Yudie, right? No wonder..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be secretly shocked. It seemed that Qin Yanzhen was indeed a highly intelligent person. She just took one look at Yudie and immediately deduced the whole story.

However, he still wanted to confirm again: "So, you already understand?"

Qin Yanzhen said: "What is so difficult to understand? When this second ancestor was still in Daze Realm, he was famous for his love of attracting beauties of all kinds. Sister Yudie has such ice-cold muscles and pure bones. The second ancestor saw such a beauty. , How can you still hold back?"

She smiled coldly: "He really can't change his habit of eating shit. He has been exiled to the world below, and he still hasn't learned any lessons!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

Judging from the meaning behind Qin Yanzhen’s words, could it be that His Holiness Mingwang had a criminal record?

"What's going on?"

"Didn't I tell you before?"

Qin Yanzhen looked at everyone with an innocent face: "The reason why this second generation ancestor came here from Daze Realm to avoid trouble is precisely because he messed with women in the world above that he shouldn't mess with."

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