Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 979 I Want It All

"Taking the blame?"

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but be stunned.

Qin Yanzhen added: "Of course, these are only temporary. Although it sounds very serious to bear the wrath of a heavenly king, there is actually no risk for Lu Lang. As long as he does not transcend the catastrophe and ascend, he will continue to stay here. If you are in this world, even Daze Tianjun can't do anything to you, otherwise he might have sent his son here!"

"Although you, Lu Lang, have unique wisdom and have advanced extremely quickly in cultivation, it will take at least a thousand years for you to break through the world and transcend tribulations. By then, the pattern of the heavens and worlds may have already changed. Daze Even Tianjun will definitely be a threat..."

Hearing these words, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel secretly frightened.

He was not questioning Qin Yanzhen's words, but was surprised by her determined tone at this time.

It's like she knows that Lord Osawa will not be a threat in a thousand years... I really don't know where she got the courage?

"That doesn't seem right, does it?"

Jade Die suddenly said: "Even if the great thief Tianjun cannot come here in person, if he is really furious with thunder, wouldn't he destroy the entire world in one fell swoop?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "Sister Yudie, don't think of destroying a world so easily..."

"With the power of Heavenly Lord Daze, if he uses all his strength regardless of the consequences, he can indeed destroy this place, but he is not the only Heavenly Lord among all the worlds, and he is not the only one who can destroy a world. It’s a simple thing, but the reasons behind it are extremely complicated…”

"To put it aside, even the Bixiao Shrine in the upper realm cannot just sit back and watch Osawa Tianjun do such a thing."

Yudie was speechless for a moment.

After thinking for a moment, she wanted to continue talking, but then Lu Yu stopped and said, "Okay, I promise you, I will take the blame!"

Yudie said: "Lu Yu, please don't be reckless. I think this matter needs to be discussed in the long term..."

Yang Chudie nodded as well. This time, the two sisters were on the same side.

Although Ye Weilan said nothing, her worried eyes revealed her innermost feelings... She was not against Lu Yu's decision, she just simply believed that what Qin Yanzhen said was not worthy of trust.

"There is no need to discuss the long term."

Lu Yu's eyes swept across the three beautiful faces one by one and said: "I have decided that we have no other better way anyway, so let's make a fortune like this! Even if there are any sequelae, they are only after the tribulation and ascension. It’s hard to say whether we can get to that point!”

After saying that, he turned to Qin Yanzhen and asked: "How do you want me to take the blame for this? What exactly do I need to do?"

Qin Yanzhen said: "It's very simple. You just need to find the right time and use your 'restriction' on the Reverend King Ming. Leave the other steps to me!"


Lu Yu nodded seriously.

Qin Yanzhen smiled, glanced at the people behind Lu Yu, and said, "In that case, you should discuss what to do next... I also have some things that need to be prepared in advance!"

"Don't worry, I will continue to provide you with a shield. You can feel free to talk about anything you want. I guarantee that no one will spy on you, even if the second generation ancestor of King Ming takes action himself!"

After saying that, she silently walked aside, sat down cross-legged, and soon entered a state of trance.

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but look in trance.

The four of them did not continue talking, but sat down cross-legged, holding hands with each other, and soon they entered the illusion of thoughts at the same time.

There was no way, the opponents they faced at this time were really too monsters, not only the Ming King Dharma Master, the Seventh Patriarch Wuya, but also the reincarnation of Yao Ji in front of them, all of them had unpredictable powers.

Only by communicating in this way can we be considered truly safe...

"Lord Dharma Lord."

Just when Lu Yu and others were plotting and discussing in the fantasy world of their minds, Ancestor Xueyun reappeared in the main hall of Tianhuan Palace and came to the presence of King Ming.

"Has the person been sent over?" King Ming asked calmly.


"What are they talking about?"

Ancestor Xueyun lowered his head and said with a guilty look on his face: "My subordinates are incompetent, and I don't know what means that group of people used to eliminate several of the investigative methods I left in Qincao Garden. I couldn't spy on them." What exactly did they talk about?"

King Ming's eyes narrowed slightly: "It doesn't matter, those people can be said to be the best in this world. In time, they will definitely become the masters of this world. What's more, there is Yao Ji who has brought trouble to the world. It is not surprising what will happen... …If you can’t detect it, you can’t detect it!”

Ancestor Xueyun hesitated to speak.

Prince Ming looked at the expression on her face and waved around.

Immediately, all the guards with bright armor around them withdrew, and only King Ming and Ancestor Xueyun were left in the huge main hall.

"What's wrong? My baby Xueyun?"

King Ming chuckled lightly, his expression instantly became wild, and he suddenly pulled Ancestor Xueyun into his arms, placing his hands on a plump part.

Although Patriarch Xueyun has the appearance of a MILF, her charm is still astonishing.

If this scene were seen by outsiders, I am afraid that my jaw would drop. I did not expect that the dignified ancestor Xueyun, one of the seven ancestors of Wu Ya, was actually a forbidden concubine in the account of King Ming...

"grown ups……"

Ancestor Xueyun did not dare to resist in any way, and her face was full of charm.

"Do you really want to listen to the mercy of those people and hold a large-scale wedding for Master Yudie?"

"My dear Xueyun, are you jealous?"

Prince Ming smiled softly while he kept playing tricks with his hands. After a while, the main hall seemed to be...

"Xue Yun doesn't dare... It's all my fault that Xueyun doesn't live up to expectations. She has been unable to give birth to excellent children for you for so many years. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to adopt such a method..."

Ancestor Xueyun said while panting.

"It's just that those guys are obviously plotting evil... If you believe their words gullibly, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to you...

"Haha, do you really think I will let them control me?"

"What do you mean, sir?"

"How can I not see that they have an agenda? I am just going with the flow and taking advantage of the situation! If I don't give them a glimmer of hope, they will completely feel the deep despair, and then they will be like Xueyun's baby. Like, will you serve me loyally from now on? In short, I am not afraid of any tricks they will play on this three-acre land of Tianhuan Palace!"

Prince Ming smiled slyly.

" turns out that my lord has already made a plan, which makes my subordinates worry in vain...Then, how do you arrange the sisters? Which one do you prefer to give birth to an heir?"

"Why do I have to make a choice? Can't I have a two-pronged approach? On the one hand, I use my sister to threaten my sister and make her pregnant with my flesh and blood. On the other hand, I use my sister to threaten my sister and temper her into a body that is more like my sister... "

"Okay, no need to say anything anymore..."

Prince Ming's face gradually became ferocious...

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