Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 962: There is no spirit, your spirits are ending!


In the eyes of the rest of the Lingbi Palace, who are completely unbelievable, countless shells are like rainstorms.

At this time, almost anyone felt a shudder. I feel that even the top powerhouses have become extremely weak under such storms.

Even a semi-sacred, powerful, inanimate person can't stop it.

At once, tens of thousands of shells were covered with carpets for less than a hundred miles of the Lingbi Palace.


Then everyone looked at it.

The beautiful Lingbi Palace, like the fairytale Lingbi Palace, was completely covered by raging fire.

The entire Lingbi Palace, which is hundreds of miles away, seems to burn instantly and is torn in an instant.

Exquisite pavilions, beautiful gardens, instantly broken bones, turned into powder.

In particular, the giant missiles of the Guangming Parliament have dozens of tons of strength, plus a combination of x spar. The power of the explosion is completely unparalleled.

The ignorant eyes stared at this giant, and only momentarily, they entered the Lingbi Palace and then slammed into a mountain.

The terrible thing is that it has actually lived into the mountains for dozens of feet.

Then, a loud noise!


The whole mountain, as if it was suddenly picked up, was grabbed by the hands of the gods, and then violently torn.

Then, in the middle of the mountain, there was a huge gap of a few hundred feet. Can no longer support the huge mountain power.

"The rumbling rumbling..." This lonely mountain, broken and alive, collapsed.

Above, countless Dongfu, countless pavilions, all turned into powder.


No spirits. Instant heartache is like a twist!

Yangding is innocent and dare to do it. He really dares to do it.

This is his home, the only home, where he has lived for more than two hundred years.

Now, it is completely destroyed now!

For a time, he felt a bit of regret in his heart. He really shouldn’t let the coffin go out of trouble. If there is no such tragedy created by Lingbi, there will be no mad revenge from Yangdingtian today.

What followed was the anger of innocent madness and the infinite anger.

The dog has to jump to the wall in anxious, he wants to retaliate! Yang Dingtian actually destroyed his only home. He wanted revenge and he wanted to retaliate.

"Yangdingtian, I will definitely kill your high-ranking parliamentary high-level. The flying rider will destroy all your guns." In countless foggy flames, the innocents slowly stand up. Pull out the sword.

"The old man has had countless years, and he hasn't really started it. Maybe someone has forgotten it. How terrible I am." Wu Lingzi said one word: "Today. Let you see my anger, let The devil saw it. My loyalty is innocent..."

"Kill..." No one slammed down and screamed, "Will the light council, kill the chickens and dogs!"

The Lingbi Palace has no military power, so it can only use military power to attack military forces.

With the innocence, the only remaining master of the Lingbi Palace. Like a meteor, it has to fly and rush toward the bright parliament.

But, just here is...


From the sky, slammed down. Unbeatable amazing lightning.


Originally, the already flaming Lingbi Palace, the world that had already been blazing, burst into a blinding light.

Like the ray of nuclear explosion, it instantly smashed the entire space.

Suddenly, all the gunfire lost its light, and the two days in the sky became dull.

Everyone, completely into a short-term blindness.

Yang Dingtian's Sanxuanhuo lightning, under the cover of countless gunfires, slammed toward the lonely peak of the innocent.

Because all the remaining masters of the Lingbi Palace are gathered there.

It’s not that Yangding’s heart is so hot, he originally wanted to put the Lingbi Palace aside for a while. But there is no way, the stupidity and bloodthirsty of the coffin directly led to the arrow on the string, had to send.

Since it is hands-on, there is no bottom line.

Almost instantaneous...


Many masters on the platform where the grassless grasshoppers are located, in an instant...

It’s really not even a broken bone. It’s just a fly.

Yang Dingtian's San Xuan fire attack is unbeatable and amazing. It is more than the power of the 19th order.

Although, this Xuanhuo lightning power is against human beings, it is not as deadly to the undead.

But... all the strongmen who were repaired by the great masters in the field were all gone, and there was no dead body!

In the first second of the flash of the smoldering fire, the innocent immediately felt the fatal danger. When I woke up in an instant, I held the coffin in my arms for the first time, tightly protected, and then used the fastest. Speed, quickly leave your position.

Then, he felt an incomparably powerful energy, slamming on his back!

In an instant, the whole person trembled fiercely!

The mysterious veins of the whole body seem to be completely torn apart.

That's right, Yang Dingtian's San Xuanhuo lightning, the most direct goal is to aim at the innocent.

The rest is only affected. But even so, the strongest under the master level can not withstand such a ripple, and instantly vanish.

The ignorant only feels a numbness, then a bitter pain.

As if, the whole body is completely completely not your own.

For the first time, he felt the horror of death and the threat of death.

Although he felt the danger, he fled the first time and fled the attack center near the holy fire. But... he still suffered an unprecedented blow.

Fear, fear, is completely endless fear.

At this time, the great master of his side, after being affected by the Xuanhuo lightning, immediately lost his reaction and trembled desperately in the same place.


With a command.

Two beautiful figures, wearing a magical fog coat, flashed into the air.


The remaining great masters of the Lingbi Palace died before they could react.

Yes, it’s dead. Including the spirit of Chu.

In less than half a second, it was teamed up by the demon and the demon purple, all killed.



The earth-shattering bombing continues.

Tens of thousands of flying squadrons carried tens of thousands of tons of solidified fire oil bombs to cover the sky. Whistling and flying to the sky above the Lingbi Palace.


Astronomical fire bombs, like rainstorms, fall!

"Booming and banging..."

Less than a hundred miles of the Lingbi Palace, no other things can be seen, all of which are swallowed up by the flames.

No one can survive this terrible flame!

The Lingbi Palace, from today, completely disappeared from this world.

The ignorance is very good, and all the masters are gathered together. Prepare to fight against the Bright Parliament.

However, it is convenient for Yangdingtian, directly using a near-level Xuanhuo lightning, all spikes.

The Lingbi Palace has completely died.

All the low-ranking warriors, all in this terrible bombing, died clean.

All the senior warriors, all of them were destroyed by the fire of the top of the sky.

All the great masters. All are killed by the demon, the devil purple.

The entire Lingbi Palace. There are two people who are left alone and the soulless!

The heartless heart is completely bleeding.

The last thing he had was completely destroyed. His foundation was completely destroyed.

The foundation of the Lingxiao Palace for nearly a thousand years was completely destroyed in his hands.

The coffin was completely stunned. The whole body and mind are completely caught in fear.

She, she really did not think, killing those half-humans, there will be such a serious consequence?

Isn't it a few semi-human beings? Why, why did it lead to such crazy revenge? It turned out to be really... really killing the Lingbi Palace!

In fact, before the war, the coffin and the innocent people felt that this was the strategic blackmail of Yangdingtian.

This kind of thing has been experienced many times, and the Lingbi Palace does not know how many times it has been deceived.

Every time, no spirits are convinced that they have, and they are not credible. Therefore, every time the strategic blackmail of Yangdingtian is successful, every time there is no spirit, it is soft.

This time, the innocent decision is hard.

However, Yangdingtian is no longer a blackmail, but is playing really.

Then, the entire Lingbi Palace was completely erased from the world, and everyone was really killed.

Only their father and daughter are left!


", why are you here?" The innocent is full of decades old, looking at the completely burning Lingbi Palace, screaming.

Yang Dingtian slowly said: "I have said it for a long time, don't blame it. You have destroyed the World Corps. You have made Li Ming Prince a life-saving straw. I am asking you now, where is Li Ming? Where is the legion?"

Where did Li Ming go?

After sending the wedding invitation, he has already left the human kingdom. The last intelligence of Yangdingtian, he entered Xiaoxitian.

Therefore, Yangdingtian decided to be vigorous and vigorous, the fastest and fastest, and completely solve the problem of Lingbi Palace.

In the heart of Li Ming, he will not care about the life and death of anyone in the human kingdom, even including the innocent. As long as the spirit is not dead, it will be fine.

But no one thought that it was because of his arrival that the innocent and the sorcerer were wrongly sentenced and made irreparable mistakes.

The innocent man hangs his head, and the Lingbi Palace suffers from the catastrophe. Li Ming did not appear, and even the important figures of the evil demon did not appear, let alone any reinforcements.

Moreover, the speed of Yangdingtian is too fast and too fast.

In just three days, the devastating blow was completed.

After a long time, the innocent man slowly raised his head and said: "I have been retreating and retreating, so in your heart, I am so greedy and afraid of death, Yangdingtian is afraid of being in your mind, my cultivation is It’s incomparable, you’re afraid to kill me like you’re killing no one.”

Long spit a sigh of gas, no spirits slowly said: "The dog jumped into the wall, my old dog, finally forced to jump the wall. Yangdingtian, you can clearly see my strength, yes I The Lingbi Palace is dead, but I am still not dead. You will know how terrible it is to provoke me. I am the first strong man in the human kingdom, always!"

"I am afraid of death, I am guilty, but now everything is over. I will let the whole world see, I am angry with the spirit!"

Without a word, the sound is like a thunder, and it is completely resounding in this sky!

"I will let you see how weak your Parliament is in front of me. Including your Yangdingtian." The innocent slowly said: "You succeeded in forcing me to jump over the old dog."

Yangding Tiandao: "No spirit, I have never seen you small, I have always been careful not to irritate you completely. Because I know how terrible it will be after your old dog is irritated. Even the whole The top leaders of the Bright Council will be wiped out by you. You are much stronger than the other strong people in the human kingdom."

"Oh, do you know?" Wu Lingzi said: "Why then. Force me to jump over the wall?"

"Because Li Ming, because of the destruction of the temple." Yang Dingtian slowly said: "Because, the temple of annihilation does not kill me. If you kill me, the first one will kill you, is Li Ming, that is Princess Peony?"

"Do not kill?" Wu Lingzi sneered: "I know this thing, it has long since passed away. The reason why the Temple of Destroy requires you is because you need to lead the Bright Legion of the Legion. Fight with the World Corps. In the big drama, you think that you are in the eyes of the sacred temple. Is there really weight?"

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "You know, where does my killing come from? First, from my wife, Ximen Ningning? You know who she is, the only Naga descendants in the world, It is the back of the demon sacred temple. Second. From the devil to ask the heavens, do you know where the devil is from heaven? He and I come from a world, speak the same language, and flow the same blood."

As soon as this was said, the innocent face changed dramatically.

If he knows nothing, it will be fine. The key he knows is generally.

Regardless of the thing of Ximen Ningning, he knows a scale and a half claw.

He knows well about the devil. But he knows that Wu Ningming learned a very special language, and this language will also be a top. Wu Yunming learned this language from the devil king.

Now the puzzle is completely solved.

He suddenly realized that the original killing of Yangdingtian came from this. (Of course, there is still a huge reason for the big space technique, Yang Dingtian will not say.)

"The devil asks the heavens, and me, the people who choose the **** of chaos, but only resist the **** of chaos, and I became the spokesperson of the **** of chaos." Yang Dingtian slowly said: "I and ask the heaven, It is both an enemy and a compatriot! So, what kind of goods are you in front of the Temple of Destruction?"

The ignorant face twitched violently and said: "What if it is, then what? I won't kill you, but I can kill your family, you have all the high-level members of the Parliament, I let you feel the pain!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Do you think that I really can't kill you?"

The innocent haha ​​laughed and said: "Do you know why I am leveling? Do you know how much I am higher than you? If you want to kill me, it is really an idiot to say a dream. I have a soul, I am immortal."

Yangdingtian lifted the ring of the soul and slowly said: "Show it, Lord Ghost, let us have no spirit, once again see your dignity."


Suddenly, the Nether Ghost Emperor suddenly drilled from the ring of the soul.

The incomparably huge body, in the artillery, has become extremely majestic and extremely terrible.

"Don't come innocent, the young people more than two hundred years ago, we met again." The ghost of the ghosts slowly.

Suddenly, suddenly...

The innocent is completely shocked and completely horrified.

He, he really dreamed, did not expect that he even saw the Nether Ghost Emperor here.

Who is the ghost of the Nether? It is his totem, his supreme belief. It was the ghost fire given by the ghost of the Nether, which changed his destiny and gave him eternal life.

Now, the Nether Ghost Emperor appears in the side of Yangdingtian.

This, this is crazy. It’s too crashing!

Suddenly, the Wuzizi deeply worshipped and said: "The boy has no spirit, meets, and meets the ghostly lord!"

The Nether Ghost Emperor looked at the innocent and slowly said: "I can give you a I can give you eternal life, naturally you can take it back, you say?"

All the anger of the innocent, all the powerful dignity, all collapsed in an instant, only the infinite fear, the infinite fear of eternal life.

"Yes, it is your majesty." No one shivered.

Yangdingtian looked at the innocent child: "I still have expectations for you, but I know that you have been afraid of the demon king and you are already afraid of the bones. You have already feared the bones in the temple of annihilation. And my people to you I am not distracted, so I am not going to solicit you, here I will only make a deal with you, hand over the coffin, you can live!"

In an instant, the coffin is completely fearful and completely plunged into infinite fear.

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