Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 967: Soul Sword! Summon Sword Soul!

Yangdingtian flew past the light. ○

I found that although I looked very close, it was actually far, and it was more than a few hundred miles.

Flying to the vicinity, Yangdingtian can be completely determined, this is Xuanmaijing.

Wu Ningming’s research is completely correct. This Xuanmaijing is indeed an energy life. Because there is some kind of tear in the world, the energy exchange between the surface layer and the center of the earth depends on these mysterious veins.

It’s just that this Xuanmai Jing is completely different from Yang Dingtian’s imagination.

In the impression of Yangdingtian, Xuanmaijing should be similar to human veins, and it will not exceed three or five feet at most, that is, dozens of roots and hundreds of roots.

And actually!

In front of this mysterious vein, I don’t know how long it is, maybe tens of thousands of meters, maybe hundreds of miles, maybe thousands of miles.

In short, it is connected to the heavy water of the yin and yang mirror, and the bottom is connected to the depth of the earth's crust.

Moreover, its quantity is completely endless, and even Yangdingtian does not know how many roots, but it will never be less than tens of thousands of roots. In short, this is an extremely extremely complicated system.

At this time, every Xuanmai Jing is shining with mysterious light, and can clearly see the coming and going of energy, and the light inside is moving back and forth.

Of course, Yangdingtian is even more unaware of it. The Xuanmaijing collected by the master of the East is indeed only a few feet long.

Because, the classification of Xuanmaijing is perhaps more exaggerated than the level of human Xuanmai.

Xuanmaijing can be divided by years, or by energy level.

It is divided into years, and there are also a few hundred years, and there are also thousands of years, but also 10,000 years.

Divide by energy level. It can be a mysterious vein that was born in a mountain, or it can be a mysterious vein that was born in a lake.

So what is the level of this mysterious vein? Really only God knows.

Perhaps how long the yin and yang mirrors have existed, how long has this mysterious vein been there.

Not only that, these mysterious veins were born out of tens of thousands of miles of yin and yang mirrors.

So no matter from that point of view, here is no doubt the highest level, even its level. It has already exceeded the cognition of human warriors.

Since I found Xuanmaijing, the next step is to collect it!

How to collect Xuanmaijing? On this point, the master of the Eastern Nirvana once taught Yang Dingtian.

This is an extremely extremely complicated process! It is no less than the most complicated surgery.

It is very simple to say, you can take the Xuanmai fine from the node. This node is the root of Xuanmaijing. As long as it is left behind, it can grow a new Xuanmaijing.

But when you take it down, you can't break any one, and you can't destroy any energy flow inside.

Xuanmaijing is very, very powerful. Can withstand very, very powerful energy attacks. But it is very, very fragile, as long as the energy flowing inside it leaks out, as long as the energy is dry, it will immediately languish, and then it will vanish.

Therefore, Yangdingtian needs to take one by one from the node, but it can not destroy the energy flow inside.

Soon, Yangdingtian found the node of Xuanmaijing. It is an energy ball of light, just in heavy water. Numerous mysterious veins all grow from the inside.

Because Xuanmaijing ignores any physical damage, and can't afford the powerful energy damage, it is impossible to cut off and can only be taken out from the node.

Seeing the dense and dense Xuan mai on the node, Yang Dingtian is completely scalp numb, which is full of tens of thousands. And each one is intertwined, forming a very, very complex circulatory system.

Yang Dingtian took out a demon nucleus from his arms for thousands of years, and for a long time, this demon nucleus will temporarily replace the role of the node and serve as the energy circulation center of countless roots.

Next. It’s time to test the speed of Yangdingtian.

He took a deep breath and he started!


The speed of Yangdingtian is really coming to the extreme.

With mysterious energy, lightning will generally be a piece of Xuanmaijing, pulled out from the node, and then quickly inserted into the demon nucleus of the Millennium Nightingale.

Speed ​​is completely mad, at least dozens of tens of roots per second.

There is no way, it must be so fast, otherwise these mysterious veins will be damaged.

The time that each Xuan Jingjing opening is exposed to vacuum is absolutely no more than one hundredth of a second. Of course, as long as it is no more than a tenth of a second or so. But Yangdingtian can do ten times.

These mysterious veins just touched the nightingale nucleus and they went straight into it.

That's right, the incomparably hard millennium night scorpion demon nuclear, even the blood Wujin sword can not be worn. These soft, mysterious veins can be easily drilled in.

Then, continue to exchange exchanges with the energy in the nightingale.

Xuanmaijing is extremely anti-day, as long as it is energy, whether it is strong or weak, and no matter what the energy of the attribute.

In this way, every hundred seconds of hundreds of Xuanmai fine.


After five minutes, the work of collecting Xuan Jing Jing was over.

These five minutes are the five minutes that Yangding has never had before, and the most tired and tired of five minutes.

His mystery and spirit are almost completely clean.

After the last one of the mysterious veins was pulled out from the node, suddenly...


I saw only the more than 30,000 roots of Xuanmaijing, and suddenly shrank. The roots are separated from the depths of the crust under a few thousand miles, becoming only three feet long.

This scene is incomparably mysterious and incomparably gorgeous.

Before the tens of thousands of Xuanmai fine, a few thousand miles long, aggregated, full tens of meters thick.

Instantly contracted to only three feet long and the arms are generally thick.

However, it is still a complete energy circulation system!

Why is it shrinking to such a small size, because the energy it needs to transmit has been reduced by countless times.

The energy of the previous transmission cycle is a tens of cents of the yin and yang mirror, but now it is only necessary to cycle a demon nucleus. Although this is a night-old demon nucleus for thousands of years, but one-tenth of the yin and yang mirror energy is less than one in a million.


Suddenly, the entire yin and yang mirror slammed into a shock.

then. Yang Dingtian was shocked to see that the yin and yang mirrors on the top of the head slammed down.

That's right, the entire yin and yang mirror fell directly down.

Yangding flew down quickly and escaped the fall of the entire Yinyang mirror.

This kind of falling. It lasted for half a minute. The entire yin and yang mirror directly sank tens of thousands of meters.

That's right, tens of thousands of meters!

Yang Dingtian knows that he has destroyed the energy cycle balance between the Yin Yang mirror and the deep crust. I collected a mysterious vein, which caused the entire yin and yang mirror to collapse down tens of thousands of meters.

Look at the darkness of these tens of thousands of miles, the light of a group, there are hundreds of them.

That is to say, the entire yin and yang mirror is down, and there are hundreds of mysterious veins. It is this hundreds of mysterious veins that maintain the energy balance between the Yin Yang mirror and the whole world.

Once, Yangdingtian took all these mysterious veins, the consequence was the collapse of the entire yin and yang mirror, and the tens of thousands of miles of yin and yang mirrors collapsed.

Wait until the entire yin and yang mirror enters another balance again.

Sitting next to Yangdingtian, floating in the air, restoring mysteriousness, and then I will plant this mysterious vein into the soul sword.

If it is very troublesome to collect Xuanmaijing, then the cultivation of Xuanmai into the mysterious vein is no doubt as much as connecting countless capillaries.

The difficulty and fineness of this work. It should be next to the dark vortex in the ring.

After half an hour, the energy of the zen of Yangdingtian was restored.

He took out his own soul sword. Floating in the air.

Then, the release of the Yiling demon fire, the temperature is raised to the extreme.

Soon, the whole emperor soul sword began to melt!

Because, here is the vacuum, and it is zero gravity.

So after the melt, the emperor soul sword. Still complete. This is better, more convenient for him to transplant Xuanmai Jing, the entire energy cycle system in the soul of the near Emperor, is equivalent to the body's veins.

How difficult is this? It is to sculpt tens of thousands of passages in the interior of a sword with mysterious energy. And the largest and largest, and no more than one tenth of the size of the hair, the smallest can not be described with any object.

There is no way, who is so arrogant that the top of the collection collected by Yangdingtian is so powerful? If it is just a general Xuan Jing Jing, as long as you can sculpt hundreds of channels.

Yangding Tian first entered the meditation, conceived the structure of this near-Emperor soul sword in his mind, and then built a three-dimensional drawing of the channel in meditation.

Moreover, Queen of Poison is helping to perfect and retain the most subtle structure.

This, this is really a very complicated process. However, it is still not as complicated as the carved dark vortex.

Fortunately, entering the meditation space, time can be many times many times slower.

In the meditation space, Yang Dingtian and the poisonous queen did not sleep, and it took more than a month to completely construct the internal vein system of the entire soul sword.

This work is too detailed, and it is not purely energy, but also involves real matter. Therefore, it has failed eight times in the middle.

Of course, in the meditation space for a month, the reality is only a day.

Once the internal structure has been designed, everything that follows is simple.

In strict accordance with the structure inside the brain, Yang Dingtian's Xuanhuo energy quickly completes the carving in the soul of the Emperor.

This work is actually very much like the circuit board engraving of modern earth.


Xuanqi energy, Xuanhuo energy quickly flowed in the soul of the Emperor.

It should be known that these passages are completely connected, and the entrance is at the hilt, which is the place where the soul of the sea is placed in the future, which is equivalent to the sea of ​​air. The entrance is at the tip of the sword.

Xuanhuo energy, first in the soul sword carved a main energy context. Then quickly disperse into four energy, and begin to sculpt the branch line.

Then split into eight shares, sixteen shares!

In the end, it is completely hundreds of energy, working together, and carving together in the soul sword.

This is actually very similar to the programming system, first design a framework, and then automatically run.

Say, thank you to Yang Dingtian for his understanding of the realm of God.

Otherwise, he will be honest, a mysterious fire energy, from the beginning to the end, so I don't know how long it will take a few months to complete.

To know that the master of the East was destroyed, it was only a few hundred channels of soul swords, and it took ten days and ten nights to complete.

After Yang Dingtian designed the choroid frame, he then used the martial arts code to write a simple energy reel, and then the energy reel automatically controlled the operation of the black and the sacred energy.

In this way, Yangdingtian only needs to be responsible for the output of Xuanhuo and Xuanqi, and everything else is automatically completed, and 100% accurate, there will be no errors, and there will be no failure to return.

As a result, it takes a few months to complete, and Yangdingtian has been completed in just half a day.

The internal context system of the entire Soul Sword has been completely carved out.

Next, it is the last step, transplanting Xuanmaijing into the context system of Soul Sword.

This should be the hardest step and the most tiring step.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and did not work, but to make a bang.

Unfortunately, you can't write an energy scroll that transplants Xuan Jingjing, otherwise it's simple.

Of course, the reels are well written. But the key control is Xuanqi, to pick up every Xuanmaijing, this is too difficult, it requires manpower, the reel can not be completed.

Therefore, Yangdingtian must be honest and transplanted into one root.

Close your eyes and let yourself be quiet for a moment, condensing all the spirit.

Next, Yangdingtian began the process of flying fast again.

Begin to transplant the entire mysterious veins into it.

The first is the main context, which is very simple.

Next is the branch line, followed by the branch line.

The action of Yangdingtian is very fast, but even if it is faster, it takes a second or two to transplant one.

And you can't make mistakes. As long as you make a mistake, you should return all of this step.

In this way, time is lost quickly.

One hour, two hours...

It’s a day and night.

Yang Dingtian finally transplanted the last Xuanmaijing into a soul sword.

Finally, the Millennium Nightmare demon nuclear, violently transplanted into the hilt.

"Hey..." A cold and chilly air swept away.

Near the Emperor's soul sword, violently solidified!

Finished, finished...

Yangdingtian almost wants to cry out. One night, one night, all the time, the spirit of one by one, he really has to collapse, and he has never completed such complicated and terrible work.

Now, finally finished Yangdingtian is almost soft, and then screaming for a few days and nights.

However, he still can't sleep.

At this point, in fact, the soul sword has been completed most of it. The only thing that is lacking is the sea of ​​gas, but the demon nucleus of thousands of years of nights is barely able to be a small sea, and it can barely store some mysteriousness.

Holding the Emperor's soul sword in his hand, Yangdingtian has clearly felt the huge change.

First of all, this sword is no longer golden, but with a touch of transparency, the inside is full of brilliance, and the brilliance flows.

Next, you have to try, can you summon the sword spirit!

Yes, it is a sword soul!


Note: The bosses, please ask for the monthly ticket, please. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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