Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 973: Will the mermaid queen become the leader?

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Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, perhaps no more than becoming a senior officer of the other army, then directly know yourself and know each other!

If there is no demon in the mermaid empire, then becoming the deputy commander of this electrician's Guards can be considered to be profitable!

At the very least, you can let yourself know more about the Mermaid Empire and the relationship with the Demon Road. ≥

Soon, this group of konjac, began to use their own electric system attack.

The first konjac, who can walk on both legs, has a very complete human form, but when he is out, he still wriggles and swims like a fish.

And Yang Dingtian noticed that he did not have any male characteristics. Moreover, the whole body is wrapped in tight scales.

It is no wonder that the Fallen Black Dragon's experiment in the Konjac will fail, and even the most basic inheritance organs may disappear. This race is impossible to succeed.

He swims to the designated location!

The target of the experiment was a very ugly sea monster with a hard, iron-like outer shell and walking on all fours.

The body shape is about a hundred meters or so. It is completely a giant, and it is where it is now, if no one sleeps.

Li Jiji slammed his hand and ordered an attack.

The konjac's body jerked, and suddenly a flash of lightning burst out.


A blue lightning bolt hit the huge ugly sea monster.

Very embarrassingly, there was no reaction, and the sea monster was still sleeping.

Yang Dingtian speculates that the attack energy of this konjac is about the level of the master. It is a very powerful electric energy. But for this ugly sea monster, even itching is not counted.

Next, the second konjac is out.

The third.

the fourth.

the fifth.

In short, almost none of the following konjac people are satisfied with Li Jiji, who have no male characteristics. And walking on both legs becomes difficult, and every time you attack, you still wiggle your body and burst into lightning.

Moreover, every lightning attack can't even wake up this huge ugly sea monster.

Yang Dingtian also saw that the grenade-level lightning energy is almost the limit of most konjac people.

Therefore, Li Knife is getting more and more dissatisfied. I can't help but start to doubt whether it is necessary to set up this lightning guard.

After two hours.

The second hundred and thirty-six konjac were listed.

His appearance has completely attracted the attention of Li Zhiji.

Because, he is very powerful and majestic, not as curved and thin as other konjac people.

This konjac, the human form is absolutely complete, and the metal armor is wrapped around the waist. The scales on my body are very subtle.

Moreover, he is walking on both legs. It’s true that the legs are walking upright, and there are some meanings of dragons and tigers.

"See the adults." The konjac, even talking, went to the front of Li Jiji and gave her a gift.

This makes Li Zhiji very surprised, talking to the konjac. It is very, very rare.

Because the konjac people almost never communicate with each other, there is little language talk.

Li Jiji suddenly nodded to him. If there is no accident, he will appoint this person to be his deputy commander.

"What is your name?" asked Li knife.

"Manro!" The konjac is human.

"Good. You start."

The konjac Man Man went to the designated position and took out the metal rod. He even had weapons.

After a while, he slammed his cane.


A tens of meters of lightning, violently shot out, beaten on this sea monster.

Suddenly, a thick smoke came out.

"Oh..." This huge sea monster was suddenly awakened and then made a terrible roar.

Then, it seemed to rush out and tear the person who attacked it into pieces.

But obviously, he can't do it.

Because, soon it hit an energy array.

Then, it began to smash and smash inside.

Yang Dingtian saw that this Manro's lightning attack power reached the level of a medium-sized master.

After seeing his own attack effect, Manro was also very proud, bowed to the sword, and even flashed greedy eyes, sweeping through the **** body of Li Jiji.

He even has an inter-racial, and the talent is very high.

Although Li Zhiji is very disgusted with these konjac people, he does not care about Manro at all, and does not even care about his erection against himself.

Because, in the eyes of the mermaid, the most supreme is of course Naga, followed by the mermaid, then the sea snake, then the human, and finally the remaining sea.

The konjac, which belongs to the sea, is no different from the animals in the eyes of the mermaid.

Just like the beauty of the earth, it is impossible to be angry at a dog because of her sexuality, even though she is very disgusted inside.

Moreover, at this time, Li Zhiji’s patience was completely exhausted. She did not want to watch the ugly performance of the remaining konjac. She really hated this group of konjac people, which was too ugly.

"Well, so far, Manro, you are the deputy commander of this Lightning Legion."

"Yes!" The konjac Manro, very excited to kneel down.

Other konjac people have almost no extra reaction.

"No, this is not fair." Yangdingtian is out, loud, learning Manro's accent, but more clear and more penetrating.

Suddenly, he directly annoyed Manro, and the other directly exposed his fierce gaze.

"What do you say?" Li Jianji saw Yang Dingtian and frowned. Although the konjac was more humanized, she had no patience.

"It is unfair, and most of the konjac have not got a chance to show their performance. It is unfair." Yangding Tiandao.

When Li Jiji suddenly picked up a gorgeous little mouth, this konjac was very organized.

"We are dueling. We are dueling, whoever wins is the deputy commander." Manro snorted and opened his mouth to Yang Dingtian, showing his characteristics as a sea beast.

"Good!" Yangding Tiandao.

Li Knife nodded his knife: "Yes, whoever wins, who is the deputy commander of the Lightning Legion."


Yangdingtian and Manro stood in their respective positions. Directly use lightning to strike each other and decide to win or lose.

"Begin!" With the break of a mermaid warrior.

Two people slammed into the lightning.

Suddenly, a tens of meters of lightning, directly hit the sun on the sky.

The Grandmaster-level lightning is just tickle, and there is no feeling.

And Yangdingtian, also a few tens of meters of lightning, hit Manro's body.


A loud noise, directly hit it out a few hundred meters. It’s stinking, life and death are not clear.

Suddenly, Li Jiji opened his eyes for the first time and looked at Yangdingtian with full of horror!

This konjac is so high, maybe it is already a ninth-order, or even a ten-order or more.

This cultivation is not a big deal for Li Jiji. But the key, this is a lightning attack.

She looked at Yangdingtian: "Start today. You are the deputy commander of the Lightning Legion."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.


Next, the vice commander of Yangdingtian will take up his post.

There is good news. There are also bad news!

Because very quickly, the upper mermaid empire, lost confidence in this lightning army.

There is only one reason, that is stupid.

That's right, it's stupid! These konjac people with human appearance are very stupid. They only have one instinct, and that is to release lightning.

The more complicated commands left, I simply can't understand. Moreover, it is impossible to perform more complex combat missions at all.

They will only have the same, after hearing a command. Directly send out lightning.

Even in the following time, they could not do even walking on both legs.

As the commander of this army, Li Zhiji directly lost all patience and completely abandoned this army.

The good news is that Yang Dingtian has finally determined that there are no devils in these days in Wangcheng.

The mermaid empire, the mermaid queen, is absolutely independent, and the demon road is also completely ally, without any control.

Moreover, Yang Dingtian also heard that there is indeed a dark empire and a dying army, in the west of the mermaid empire.

But that place is hell, an abyss, a place where the mermaid race can't survive. It doesn't even devour and erode the dark matter in that place, because it is almost as terrible and as evil as the dark matter.


After confirming this information, Yang Dingtian's assessment of the risk value of meeting the mermaid queen was once again reduced.

However, it is a pity that the Lightning Legion has almost been abandoned. His so-called deputy commander is also half-abandoned, and a bunch of konjac people are thrown into the castle at the corner of Wangcheng, and are squad by a team. The samurai is watching.

Being with these konjac is definitely a torture.

Because, they are almost completely non-communicating with each other. Most of them are locked in a corner of each konjac, where they chatter and speak languages ​​that no one can understand.

Otherwise, it is just a few konjac people who are working on the foundation.

That's right, it's really doing the basics. In short, this is a completely failed experimental race.

Yang Dingtian has been prepared to go directly into the palace and go to meet the mermaid queen.

However, at this time, Li Zhiji, who had not appeared in the past few days, even appeared again, and came directly to Yangdingtian.

"You, come with me." Li Jiji pointed to Yangding Tiandao, then twisted the Jiaotuo and walked outside, leaving only a very hot and **** back to Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian’s heart was horrified, and then he followed up. I don’t know what Li Zhiji is calling himself.

The King City of the Mermaid Empire is very, very large. However, it is definitely not gorgeous!

Yangdingtian has been to the submarine city of the Sea Snake Empire. The buildings there are very beautiful and very artistic.

In fact, the mermaid empire has to surpass the Sea Snake Empire in the accomplishments of art. But the real temple has been swallowed up by dark matter, and this temple is new. And facing the end of the day, no one will be willing to build Wangcheng.

So basically, there are huge stone houses in Wangcheng.

Even if it is a palace, it is only a little more magnificent and magnificent.

That's right, Li Gongji took the Yangding Tianlai is the palace!

Yang Dingtian was shocked. Was it exposed? Otherwise why bring yourself into the palace?

Soon, Li Kou Ji came to a palace with Yang Dingtian, and then said to him: "What you want to see is the Queen's Majesty. You can have dirty and disgusting thoughts in your heart, but don't show Come out, otherwise we will cut you off."

In this discourse, it is the general use of Yangdingtian as a beast.

However, Yang Dingtian just nodded, and he was filled with doubts. It was really strange. How can a Queen of the Mermaid Empire, who is high above, summon a despicable konjac?


Yangdingtian went in.

Inside the palace, it is barely worthy.

Inside, the country of the country, the unparalleled mermaid queen, standing face to face in front of the window, the rolling back and hip curve of the mountains, it is really suffocating.

Yangding Tianfa said: "See the Queen's Majesty!"

"Oh, you are here." The mermaid queen turned to the body, and once again people saw a beautiful face.

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

"What is your name?" asked the mermaid queen.

"Molo!" Yangding Tiandao, this is in line with the name of the konjac.

"Okay, Moro!" said the Queen of Mermaid: "Do you have a male body organ?"

When the words came out, Yang Dingtian was a moment, how to ask this question.

But he nodded and said: "Yes, Her Majesty."

“Complete?” asked the mermaid queen.

Yangding Tiandao: "Complete!"

The Queen asked again: "Have you ever had a mating behavior with a female?"

Yang Dingtian’s heart is stunned. How did the mermaid queen become more and more explicit, but he nodded and said, “Yes, Her Majesty!”

"Good." Queen said: "Now, you take off everything on your body."

The Yangding innocence was completely shocked. He had thought of countless possibilities before, but never thought about the existence of such a picture.

In the eyes of the mermaid, the konjac is completely different from the livestock. How can it be seen by the noble and beautiful mermaid?

Isn't the mermaid queen so tasteful?

"Why, are you going to resist?" said the Queen of Mermaid.

"Don't dare." Yang Dingtian took off his armor very bachelor, and he was all naked.

His body shape is very strong! Because of the imitation of the konjac, the body is slightly curved, and the rare scales on the body also add a special breath to him.

In short this is a very attractive male body.

In the end, the mermaid queen's gaze still falls on the top of the sun, it is completely stunning.

"Now, you are lying down on this bed!" said the mermaid queen slowly.

Yang Dingtian thoroughly, completely horrified!

This, this, this... just now, Li Jiji is not warning himself, can't there be a dirty move?

However, it seems that it is their queen's majesty to have misconduct?

He really didn't think that the mermaid queen summoned her to come, is it to do her face? !

Yangding innocence is absolutely over. (The novel "Jiuyang Juggernaut" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign "Add friend" in the upper right, search The public number "qdread" is concerned, the speed is fast!) (to be continued

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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