Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 982: Queen, I want you!

"Yangdingtian, what do you grind and do?" The mermaid queen smiled and said: "The devil is dead, but you are the most beautiful woman of mankind, and the most noble woman of your status, or your enemy, the devil, asks the day. Woman, don't you want to sleep with her?"

The body of the demon dying is nothing but the most beautiful woman in the world, and it is also the teacher of the Oriental Ice Ling.

Although she is expressionless, but the body of the tempting temptation lies on the bed, it exudes an incomparable temptation.

At this level of beauty, describing beauty and body curves, is completely meaningless.

Because her beauty has completely risen to another realm, it is completely the realm of aesthetics.

Yangdingtian did not hide the face of the demon and the face of her, and her body, then said to the mermaid queen: "Sorry, I will not do that."

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Talk about your reasons, it will not be that you just want to sleep with me?"

Yangding Tiandao: "First, although she is now a demon, but her body is my wife's teacher, it can be regarded as my master, of course, I, in fact, my first woman is my teacher, but she I am only three years older than me. I can’t sleep now.

The first reason to hear Yang Dingtian, the mermaid queen satirized.

Yangding Tiandao: "The second reason, the relationship between me and the questioning day is very complicated, it can be regarded as an enemy, but it is also a friend of the other sense, even an elder. The virtual zero is her real woman, so I can't get it. Of course, if it is innocent and the Queen left you, I still got the hand. Because you are not his real woman."

The mermaid Queen smiled softly: "When you say it, you still have to sleep."

"Yeah, dreaming." Yangding Tiandao.

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Then you have made sure that after not sleeping, don't you destroy her chastity for me?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes."

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Okay. I understand!"

Then, she looked at the demon and died in Jishou: "Sorry, he doesn't sleep, so you didn't do what you promised. You didn't let yourself sleep in Yangding, so I can't promise to give him to you. ""

After the devil, Ji Meiyan spurted out an angry fire. Biting the jade teeth, getting up from the bed, picking up the long skirt and re-wearing on the body.

The mermaid queen looked at Yangding Tiandao: "Little man, you didn't go to sleep after the death of Ji, you violated my order. So I can't protect you."

The words of the mermaid queen are contradictory.

After talking to the devil, he could not give Yang Diantian to her.

After a while, Yang Dingtian said that she no longer protects Yangdingtian.

Finally, the mermaid queen looked at Yangding Tiandao: "So, Yangdingtian you only have half an hour to escape. In this half hour, I will not let the queen chase after you, half a time later. Not only will she go Chasing, her squadron will also chase you crazy. If you are caught, then you will not blame me."

When Yangding Tiandeng gritted his teeth, this crazy woman came up with the idea of ​​tossing.

At only half an hour, there was no room for the mermaid empire. The entrance to the Dark Portal was more than 10,000 miles away.

The speed of Yangdingtian is even faster. It is also impossible to do tens of thousands of miles in half an hour.

But even so, Yangdingtian avoids the grasp of the pursuit. Still relatively large.

Although it can't run 10,000 miles in half an hour, it can be a long distance ahead of the Devil and the World. At most two or three hours, Yangdingtian can reach the door of darkness, leave the mermaid empire, and return to the human kingdom.

Once returned to the human kingdom, it is basically impossible for the queen to arrest himself.

In spite of that, there is hardly any gain in his own trip to the mermaid empire.

However, things are not that simple!

The mermaid queen once again stepped forward and blocked all of his mysterious spirits. He blocked all his qi and sea. He could still move, but only the strength of the body itself was left. A little bit of mystery could not be released.

"Well, that's it, you can run away now." Mermaid Queen said.

Yang Dingtian is completely mad, and the whole body's mysteriousness is blocked. You can't use stealth surgery, you can't use the magical fog to flash.

With the strength of the body itself, it can be a great deal to run more than a hundred miles in half an hour.

This crazy woman, this out-and-out mad woman.

"You are a madman!" Yang Dingtian couldn't bear it, and he slammed a slap in the face.

The metamorphosed mermaid queen did not use any mysteriousness, but enjoyed the slap pain of Yangdingtian and even snorted.

"Wow, little man, you are so comfortable with me." The Queen of Mermaid said: "But even so, people can't be partial. It's already timed, you have to run quickly."

The lungs of Yangdingtian really have to be blown up, and I really can’t wait to bite this woman.

The whole body is locked, there is no mystery, no black fire, no stealth, no flash.

Half an hour wants to take out the palm of the demon, and it is purely a dream!

But the mermaid queen, still winks like a silky road: "How dear, what do I need to help?"

Then, the Queen of Mermaid said: "Lord, you should go to the dark tower of my palace for almost half an hour, where all your energy will be blocked, and you can't lock the atmosphere of Yangdingtian."

After the devil, Ji coldly stared at the mermaid queen, then slowly left the palace to go to the dark tower that shields all energy.

Yangding Tiandao: "The Queen's Majesty, there is no mysteriousness, I can run out for a hundred or two miles at most, and I can catch me after the devil's death. You are a joke?"

The mermaid queen shook his head and said: "Only such a game is fun, isn't it? It is the most exciting thing to complete an impossible task."

Yangding Tiandao: "How about this, I want to add another bet in this game."

"Please say, dear." The mermaid queen is stunned.

Yangding Tiandao: "If I win this game, you let me sleep!"

The mermaid Queen licked his mouth and turned around, then nodded and said, "Yes, as long as you win the game, I will give you sleep."

"You swear." Yangding Tiandao.

The mermaid queen disdainfully said: "I swear, will you believe it?"

Then, she raised her right hand at random and said: "I swear, if Yangdingtian won the game of catching the mouse, I will give her a sleep. If the oath is violated, let me rot, the bones will be stabbed and become It’s amazingly ugly.”

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and the vow of the mermaid queen, I hope you can believe it.

"Do you follow the oath?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The Queen of Mermaid said: "With my parents' reputation, in the name of the Medusa goddess, I will follow the oath."

"Okay, I picked up this game." Yangding Tiandao: "I would like to ask Her Majesty, what should I remind me?"

The Queen of Mermaid said: "You are so stupid to escape, of course you will lose. There is a special place in the 150-mile radius of Wangcheng. You can go in that place, and all the mermaid empire people can enter. But after the devil, Ji Jin can't go in, it is the forbidden zone of the demon road. If you find that place within half an hour, you will win. Because even if she finds you, she can't get in and can't catch you."

Then, she stroked the jade hand in her chest position: "As the ultimate reward for this game, I will be waiting for you in that place. If you can find that place, you can enjoy me as much as you can. It is."

"A word is fixed." Yangding Tiandao, then raised his right hand.

"A word is fixed." The mermaid queen did not come to the high-five, but opened a small mouth, put the **** of Yang Dingtian into his mouth, and licked it with a small tongue.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s body could not help but shudder.

This fairy, this crazy queen!

"Well, you should leave." The mermaid queen said: "Now you are not even half an hour, a hundred and fifty miles, but it is very difficult to find that place, and there is nothing in that place. Obvious features."

Li Knife said: "I will accompany him to find."

The mermaid queen said: "Well, I dug your eyes down, or cut off your head and let him take it with you, you can help him find it."

When the words came out, Li Jiji suddenly had a white face.

The mermaid queen continued: "Yangdingtian believes me, this kind of thing is still done by you alone, more confident!"

Yang Dingtian was alone and walked outside. Before going out, he said to the mermaid queen: "I won, you, I am sleeping!"

"Really? People are at the destination, open your legs and wait for you." The mermaid queen hoarse and sighed, even in the direction of Yangdingtian, opened his legs.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s breathing became rushed and then ran out quickly.

And then, the mermaid Queen's body flashed, and instantly disappeared from the palace.

Obviously, she went to that destination, only in that place, Yangdingtian can escape the search and arrest of the demon!


Yangdingtian used the fastest speed to run out of the mermaid queen's palace and came to the king city!

A hundred and fifty miles in a square is thousands of square kilometers! In this range, there are countless countless houses! Want to find the destination that the mermaid queen said, the forbidden zone of the demon road is exactly the same as a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, the mermaid queen did not say anything about it, whether it was a house, a well, or a cave, etc., the mermaid queen did not say.

Therefore, even if Yang Ding Tian Xiu is full of Xuanqi, it is extremely difficult to find. Not to mention that he didn't even have a bit of mystery at this time.

So, this is really a mission that is completely impossible!


Yang Dingtian clearly knows that he won! This game, he won.

The mermaid queen, he has to fix it.

He is sleeping! (To be continued) R655

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