Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1007: The change of Naga! The body of the devil!

Time to go back a moment!

"Frost, frost..."

Yang Dingtian shouted at her while chasing Naga Frost. The top of the dome, Xiao Xiao said,

But Naga Frost, completely deaf, faster and faster, faster and faster.

So that Yang Dingtian does not need the magical fog to flash, so she has not been able to catch up with her.

Behind, the mermaid Queen Violet was killed after the demon and dozens of demons.

"Frost..." Yang Dingtian shouted loudly, trying to use the flash of the magical fog coat to chase only the Naga frost, and then couldn't help but slammed the body of the frost.

"Oh..." Naga screamed and turned his head, opening his mouth toward Yangdingtian, and slammed it to death.

Her eyes are still completely congested, and there is no **** at all, and she is still in a state of killing.

Yangdingtian was shocked, and now the frost is strong against the sky, biting himself, but it is sure to die.

Just when the frost had to bite Yangdingtian, suddenly her huge body trembled fiercely.

As if she had been shocked by the body, her body turned from golden yellow to blue.

Then, a blue-green blood spurted out of the corner of the mouth.

This is the prevention mechanism that she set up in the depths of her soul when she was awake. As long as she is mad and wants to bite the sun, some function in the depths of the body will trigger, and she will hurt herself. Prevent her from hurting Yang Tiantian.

Last time, she took a bite out of Yangdingtian and frightened herself. Therefore, to the depths of your own soul, set up this mechanism of self-harm.

Under this self-harm, Naga Frost almost fell directly.

Yangding Tianxin was completely helpless and could only continue to follow, but he did not dare to touch it.

Naga screamed and turned. Eyelids are congested.

She is warning Yang Dingtian, don't follow her again, or you will be welcome.

"Quiet, quiet, we are quiet." Yang Dingtian tried to calm the frost with a gentle voice.

However, Naga Frost is getting impatient. As if she had creatures around her, she was extremely arrogant and full of destruction.

However, the prevention mechanism in her soul deeply prevented her from biting the sky.

Suddenly, she violently angered.


Then she slammed into the sky.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s body was exactly like a piece of paper, flying tens of thousands of meters.

then. Naga Frost is completely transformed into a golden light, flying rapidly toward the west, farther and farther away from Yangdingtian!

Yangding Tianzui is full of blood, and quickly endures the pain, using the magical fog to flash the technique, and quickly chasing it up again.


Naga Frost, suddenly slammed, and issued a series of roars.

moment. Yang Dingtian's entire body is like being smashed by a giant hammer. The blood is mad, and there is no more sin.

And Naga frost, the opportunity to fly away like a lightning, in a blink of an eye, it becomes a small golden spot.

Yangdingtian was in a hurry, but he couldn’t stop her.

And behind, the Mermaid Queen Violet. Has been caught in a huge crisis, by dozens of masters, crazy siege!

Looking at the increasingly small back of Naga Frost, Yangdingtian has not been able to catch up.

If you catch up, the violent Naga. It really hurts people.

Before the frost did not completely calm down and became a human form, it was useless to catch up with Yangdingtian. She did not know it at all.

Moreover, you must not sit and watch the mermaid queen suffer.

Although the frost flew away, after all, she is safe. As long as you don't be in the dark empire, there is no power in the whole world that can hurt Frost.

"It's mine, she's still mine." Yang Dingtian heart secretly, looking at the golden back of Naga, gradually disappeared into the light of the sun.

"Frost, I don't know where you are going? But I will definitely find you." Yangding Tianxin is secret.

Then he turned and slammed toward the Queen of Mermaid.


When the mermaid queen saw Yang Dingtian return, he suddenly said, "What are you doing?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Come to save you."

The mermaid queen dismissed: "Have you saved me?"

Yangding Tianqi is close to the Emperor's soul sword in his hand, saying: "Try your best! Break the balance!"

That's right, as long as you break the balance of the evil magic, you can save the mermaid queen!

However, it is clear that the arrival of Yangdingtian has already destroyed the balance.

After the devil, Ji Ji shouted: "Try the way, grab the Yangdingtian!"

"Yes!" All the demon masters, drink in unison!

At this time, the Lord of the Nether Sea flew indefinitely, slowly saying: "Lord Yang Dingtian, Queen of Violet, I want to invite two to the Netherland to be a guest, how?"

When the words came out, the devil died and Ji Mang said: "Innocent, are you going to be an enemy of my annihilation temple?"

Nothing said: "I didn't say that, but I really want to invite Yangdingtian and the mermaid queen to go to the guest."

Then, innocent flew directly into the large array of demons, floating in the Queen of Mermaid.

Another entry of a holy master!

Therefore, the battle stopped instantly.

If you fight again, the demon road led by the demon singer will not take any advantage.

On the contrary, these semi-class-level powerhouses under her hand may have suffered a few. Of course, these people have the power of evil spirits to kill, but can be imprisoned, right?

The mermaid queen asked the sun in the morning: "What about Naga?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Landing somewhere, starting to recover energy!"

Then, the Yangding Tianchao said: "The innocent lord, trouble you with us, guarding here for about two hours, how?"

Naga has run away, and Yangdingtian is of course lying.

What he wants to say is that Naga is still by his side. After two hours, Naga will be able to recover some of the energy. When the time comes, the man will want to take someone to catch Naga. It is a joke.

These demon masters are not together enough to be shredded by Naga alone.

"The style here is also good, flying for so long, just enough to rest." Innocent slow.

then. She and Yang Dingtian, sitting down with the mermaid queen, floated in the air, blocking the way of the devil and the dead.

Blocked by two holy powers, the demon singer has no way to do it, only floating in place. And can't continue to chase Naga Frost.

Death Ji looked at Yangding Tianliang for a long time: "Yangdingtian, maybe you think you have a Naga. But don't forget, who is behind us."

"Is Queen Medusa, the king of Naga." Yangding Tiandao: "But if I didn't guess wrong, she is still my mother-in-law."

After the devil died Jidao: "We are very clear, the position of Queen Medusa! And although you pretend, but I know, in fact, you have lost control of this Naga! At that time in the Tongtian Emperor. She almost killed You. So, she should not land somewhere to restore energy, but disappear completely, she is no longer yours."

Yang Ding Tianxin was shocked, and the post-magic death Ji really guessed a little bit better.

"Desolation, ridiculous!" Yang Dingtian laughed: "Yes, in the Tongtian Emperor Jingshuang, I almost bite me. Because she is fierce, she has lost her mind. But as long as she thoroughly digested the energy of Yuanshi evil spirits It will gradually wake up and become completely humanoid! By then, she will return to being a kind and lovely one, and become my little wife."

After the demon, Ji Jiguang twitched and said: "Is it? Naga is still not around you. We will know when we try, let a squad of the army enter the human kingdom, you can poke your lies."

"Is it?" Yangding Tiandao: "Thank you for your death army to come to die! We all know. The dark castle is inseparable from the dark empire, so if the squad enters the human kingdom, it completely loses the energy cycle. Once I die, I will die forever."

After the devil, Ji Ji took a deep breath and slowly said: "Yes. The picture is poor, and the picture is poor!"

Then, the two sides never talked again.

After two hours!

Demon Road, no longer possible to catch up with Naga Frost.

Yang Dingtian died in the face of the devil and died: "There is a demon, then we will leave!"

After the devil, Ji Ji nodded and said: "Okay, please go back, prepare enough coffins, and cemetery! The Battle of the World Warfare will soon be sent to you!"

Her words were very dull, but almost ringing the bells of the last days!

I have analyzed it before, regardless of whether the wedding of the so-called Dim Sum is a success or a failure. Regardless of whether the Demon Road has gained great space, the Battle of the World will surely begin!

Yang Dingtian’s heart was horrified, but his face was completely unchanged. He went to the devil and took a ritual: “Well, welcome to die!”

"Farewell!" After the devil died Ji Dao.

"Do not send!" Yangding Tiandao.


Then, after the demon, Ji Ji led dozens of demons, all flying in the direction of the sky magic city.

Yang Dingtian noticed this day, although they can rush out of the dark empire from the magic domain, but can not enter the dark empire from the magic domain.

The entrance, as if only in the Sky Palace in the Sky City! There is one, of course, the dark door in the snow and ice!


After the devil died, Ji left!

Yangdingtian is moving toward innocence: "Are you continuing to watch, or are you ready to participate?"

Innocent shrugs and shrugs: "Who knows!"

Yangding Tiandao: "So before you decide everything, can you trouble you one thing."

"Come on the door of the human kingdom, right?" Nothing.

Yangding nodded and said: "We have been stretched against the evil demon. If the holy level of the small West, the semi-classic strong influx, it really can not resist!"

Nothing to look at Yangding Tiandao: "You should know that the war will be erupted, and the World Corps will soon be half the tide, pouring into the human kingdom?"

Yangding nodded.

Nothing says: "And the power of the human kingdom, even with the mermaid empire, can't stop the corps. So, you know what you should do now?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Please advise."

Nothing to say: "The first choice, look for Naga! This is the most important choice, but also the unbeaten choice."

Yangding nodded.

The scene in the Dark Empire is very clear!

Naga Frost's slaughter of the Dark Dragon and the Dark Dragon is completely one-sided.

In the dark empire, these dark dragons, the dark dragons can be born again. But in the human kingdom, they can't, and they must rely on the resurrection talent of Shura Ling.

Therefore, if you want to block the Destroyed Legion, you must find Naga!

Innocent continued: "Of course, if you can't find Naga. The second choice is to find a way to form an alliance with Xiao Xitian! With enough holy powers, semi-class powers, absolutely suppress the evil demon. Let the destroying army lose the commander!"

Yangding nodded and said: "But, it is no better to find an alliance with Xiaoxitian than to find Naga, right?"

Nothing nodded and said: "Yes, because the speaker of Xiaoxitian is the one who belongs to the devil, is part of the devil!"

Take a deep breath and say nothing: "But before that, prepare for it!"

Then, the innocent flew away directly.

Yangding Tianyi said: "You, where are you going?"

Innocent: "After your instructions, go to the door of the human kingdom."


The Emperor of Heaven in the Dark Empire!

After the devil died, Ji Yan said: "Sorry, the devil, we have failed!"

The demon king asked the shadow of the sky, relying on the throne of the darkness, sighing, and then nodded.

Then, the devil asks Tiandao: "Floating, we only have half of the Yuanshi evil spirits! So, the first-class evil spirit we gave, only half of the will."

After the devil, Ji Jidao: "The loyalty of Dongli and Li Ming does not have any doubts. Even if you don't need the evil spirits, you will be loyal to your majesty. The only thing is the peony. The suppression of her will will weaken. Her own will, the resistance will be more intense."

Then, after the devil died, Ji Dao: "Naga alone is proud of the half-element evil spirit, then will this result come out? Under the influence of the Yuan Shi evil spirit, her position is consistent with us, beginning with chaos God is the enemy?"

The devil asked Heaven: "You mean This Naga alone arrogance cream, will it become the king of the demon road?"

After the devil, he nodded.

The devil shook his head and said: "You should be very clear that the will of the evil spirits comes entirely from our dark will. The Yuanshi evil spirit itself is an energy of extreme greed and evil. It has no will. The only will is extreme greed. , devour everything! And this is absolutely consistent with Naga. If the Yuan Shi evil spirit directly activates all the darkness and evil in your heart, then perhaps it will make Naga become darker and evil! But want to obey her. Our order seems to be completely impossible at the moment!"

After the devil died Ji Dao: "What should I do now?"

The devil asked Heaven: "Find my body in the human kingdom and completely resurrect me! Then, open the war of destruction!"

"According to the purpose!"

The devil asks the sky to sigh, the sound is incomparably far away! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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