Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1014: The secret of the demon! Innocent peers!

It’s a bit embarrassing to ask people to take things on their own initiative.

However, at the moment of life and death, Yangdingtian can only be cheeky.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian had to go to the mainland of the taboos again, and asked for the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family.

Originally, Queen of Poison should go to find Naga Frost for the first time. But she just resurrected and wanted to get along with Yangdingtian for a while, so she followed.

"Small day, will you kill the sea?" On the way to the taboo of the mainland, the Queen of Poison asked.

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know!"

Queen of Poison said: "Small day, I told you before, go directly to the frost, not to the snakeman empire. But as you mentioned before, after the Queen of the Seas took the place, the snake empire was cleaned. My previous confidants were gone, but they were not dead, and the situation was very tragic. After a while, I wanted to go to the Snake Empire and rescue them!"

The purple purple situation can still be seen at the beginning, still in the Queen of the Sea Heart. But the last time Yang Dingtian went to the Snake Empire and rescued the Shenggu Rebels, she did not see her. A few years ago, when Yang Dingtian was imprisoned by Queen Haixin, she was saved by Zhai Zi. I don’t know if I was implicated by the sea.

In short, whether it is the devil or the purple, the last time in the snake king empire Yang Dingtian has not seen.

Before, hey, ww↓w. Yangdingtian because it is not the opponent of Haixin, so can not be saved. Now, there is already a holy level around him, and two and a half holy powers can really rescue them.

"Well, after I have separated from the innocent lord, I will accompany you." Yangding Tiandao.

"No, I can go alone. Now my repair is to face the sea. Even if I can't beat her, I won't be afraid of her."

Yangding Tiandao: "You go alone, I am still not at ease!"


After a few hours, Yang Dingtian once again came to the taboo of the mainland, and saw the innocent, demon glass. There is also Burlu!

When I saw Yang Dingtian returning, I was a little surprised and said: "Is there something?"

Yangding innocence is a bit difficult to talk about, people are innocent willing to help you, you are completely grateful. At this point, you have to get an inch, and even go directly to ask someone else's most precious Naga kings, this is too much.

In particular, will this reduce the degree of affection of the innocent sovereigns?

Although, he and the innocent have had the most intimate relationship! But it doesn't matter how deep the feelings are. Innocence has been made very clear, she is mostly a bystander. The emotions of oneself are also exactly the equivalent of the spectator's feelings towards the actor of a TV series.

Therefore, Yangdingtian could not help but start to brew wording.

The mermaid queen on the side couldn't stand it. He said straight away: "You have a demon nucleus of the Naga kings, Yang Dingtian wants, can you give him?"

By the way, this is too direct. Too rude!

After listening to it, the expression was not much annoyed. Instead, he asked: "In the Dark Empire, the fatal blow that your soul sword releases is related to the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family, right?"

Yangding is honest and honest: "Yes, in fact, during the time when the demon nucleus was in my hands, there was a very powerful and proud spirit of energy. It poured into my brain and then entered me. Within the soul of the sword!"

After hearing it, I said, "You, is it a spiritual energy?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes, it is definitely spiritual energy. It is like a soul energy!"

Innocent suddenly changed her face, and it is clear that she also heard the meaning of the inside.

Then she asked: "Can you control the spiritual energy of this Naga king?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "I can't do it at all. In fact, it is extremely proud. I almost never do any communication with me! The last fatal blow in the Dark Empire, it was also because of the sorrow of Naga Frost. Launching a fatal blow and saving Naga Frost has nothing to do with me."

Nothing says: "You don't have any way to communicate with it?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "Nothing at all!"

Innocent: "Then you have to figure out one thing! In the Dark Empire, the sword of the Naga is so powerful that it may have little to do with the demon nucleus. The key is that its spiritual energy can directly evolve into attack energy. It is completely epoch-making meaning, and can even change the civilization of the entire chaotic world, and even reverse the extinction of chaotic civilization!"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes, I just wanted to understand this problem! In fact, I have been to the New Naga Empire, the so-called Naga Empire site, where the study of the spiritual realm is The mission of the entire New Naga Empire!"

This matter, Yang Dingtian never said innocently, and she suddenly heard beautifully and said: "The new Naga Empire? Isn't Naga completely destroyed?"

In her words, she is full of shock and excitement!

Today, there are only two Naga in the world, one is Naga Frost and the other is Medusa.

Of course, there is one more now, the soul of the Naga king who has made a breakthrough in the spiritual field.

However, that is only two and a half.

I heard the New Naga Empire, and the innocence is of course shocked!

Yangding Tiandao: "No, the ancient **** Naga, has been completely destroyed. My teacher is vain, and before the ancient Gurni, search for the law of salvation. Once came to the Naga Empire, where I stayed. For more than a decade, the reason for the destruction of the world was analyzed because of the absolute greed of the Naga people for energy, which broke the energy balance of the whole world and led to the Great Nirvana. In the face of the impending destruction, all Naga choices Self-destruction, using his own energy, built a space of more than 10,000 miles. It is completely isolated from the chaotic world. This imprisoned space is the New Naga Empire! Then they transformed their descendants and gave birth to the later generations of Naga. !"

"After the generation of Naga?" There is no doubt.

"Yes, the later generations of Naga are actually not in the strict sense of Naga." Yangding Tiandao: "The real demigod Naga, in fact, only one generation, is the sea snakes, the mermaid's multipliers are born by humans. It is the demigod Naga. The descendants that have been proliferated between Naga and Naga are no longer the real Naga. After the true demigod Naga is completely transformed, there are only two forms. The original form is the fallen black dragon. It looks like a human being. After the transformation, it is a completely human form. The descendants of the Naga, which are proliferating, begin to return to the ancestors, not like a dragon. Instead, they are more like a sea snake or a mermaid."

Innocent: "The later generations of Naga you saw in the New Naga Empire are very similar to the mermaid and the Sea Snake, right?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "They are far less powerful than the half-god Naga, but they also have a near-infinite life span. They are much stronger than the Sea Snakes and the Mermaids, and certainly stronger than humans."

Nothing said: "You continue to say."

Yangding Tiandao: "The ancient Naga empire, hoping to avoid the road of Great Nirvana. So created a space for imprisonment. Closed all the later generations of Naga, forced them to break through in the spiritual realm, and finally broke through the **** and left the imprisonment. Space creates a new spiritual energy civilization. But after 10,000 years, the study of the New Naga Empire in the spiritual field has never made a huge breakthrough."

Innocent: "But, this Naga king in your swordsman has already broken through in the spiritual realm, right?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes. At least broke through to a very high level. So, I really want to know who he is? Because this may represent the future civilization of the chaotic world!"

Innocent silence for a moment, began to digest and the meaning of Yang Tiantian conversation.

She is even a little bloody! As a bystander, what is more shocking than changing the whole world and changing the entire civilization?

"Yangdingtian, you are really the son of fate. It is the absolute male lead." Innocent suddenly said: "I originally thought that asking the sky will be the protagonist, and his appearance may be entirely for you. Ah, this Naga king's demon nucleus, I have been getting for a long time. In fact, it does not belong to the Nether Sea! It is my father, a gift to my mother."

An innocent father is a non-linguistic!

A languageless group, a highly intelligent race born by the fallen silver dragon, but because it is too pessimistic and lonely, lacking, it can not become a demigod, but was abandoned by the fallen silver dragon.

I did not expect that this demon nucleus of the Naga kings turned out to be this origin.

Innocent continued: "My mother gave this Naga king's demon nucleus to the small priest's priest association, and let the warlock and the wise man conduct research. The result has been studied for many, many years, and no results have been obtained! Later, I I was chosen to be a borrower from human beings. Under the anger, I took away the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family."

The mermaid queen couldn’t help it. “You are now this demon nucleus? Are you willing to give Yangdingtian?”

"Of course I am willing to give it." Nothing said: "Because I am not eager for it, I just hope that it will play its due role."

"Then you quickly take it out." The Queen of Mermaid said.

The innocent gaze twitched and said: "It, it is no longer in my hands."

"What?" Yang Dingtian suddenly exclaimed.

Nothing said: "Not long ago, Xiao Xitian's Grand Priest Association asked me to return this demon nucleus to the association. At that time, I was no longer angry, so I returned it to the Association of High Priests. ”

Yangding Tianxin is a cool!

In fact, the worst result is that you fall into the hands of the eternal house and fall into the hands of the demon!

Nowadays, the demon and others have entered Xiaoxitian, and the things that happened in the Dark Empire must have been said.

Therefore, I will definitely know that innocent people have changed their position! A fatal blow to the swordsmanship of the Naga kings in the Dark Empire is sure to be known!

Therefore, Yongshe asked the first reaction of the day, and will definitely seek the demon nuclear of the Naga king!

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian asked: "Will this demon nucleus fall into the hands of the eternal house? The speaker, is there any power to ask for something directly from the Grand Priest Association?"

Innocent shook his head: "The speaker does not have this power. The status of the Grand Priest Association is very high. In fact, this is an organization that does not care about the world and concentrates on research. The status of Xiaoxitian is very detached."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, is it possible for us to get this demon nucleus from the Great Priest Association?"

Innocently shook his head: "My mother, gave her to the Grand Priest Association, so I have no right to get it back. Of course, it is even more impossible to recapture by force. The Great Priest Association has a research spiritual field and has research secrets. The field, more research in the field of martial arts, is entirely a master."

Yangding Tiandao: "If you don't speak the language, go and ask for it?"

Innocent eyes shrink, and then said: "In fact, the founder of this great priest association is a non-language thousands of years ago. In this association, the status of non-language is very high. And the original owner of this demon nucleus This is a non-language group, so if you don’t ask for a language, you will be very likely to get it!”

Yang Dingtian began to hesitate, and he would like to go to the Great Sacred Association of Xiaoxitian to seek the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family.

You know, you are not a real language. Moreover, Yongshe asks the day to reveal his identity at any time.

"The Great Priest Association, is it far from Silver?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Very far." Nothing.

"Okay, then I will take a chance to go to the Great Western Association of the Great Sacrifice." Yangding Tiandao.

Nothing to say: "Yongshe asks the sky to be extremely tempted, and he is getting the truth of the matter. Perhaps it will be directly thought that you will go to the Great Priest Association and ask for the nucleus of the Naga royal family. All of them are likely to be trapped. Waiting for you to go, you will be captured in one fell swoop. You must know that the Temple of Destruction is now a must for you."

Yang Dingtian nodded, and innocent fear is absolutely there. The heart of Yongshe’s question is even deeper than that of the demon king in the present day.

Nothing said: "However, if he wants to set a trap, he must not be in the Great Priest Association. Because he can't offend the Great Priest You can stealth, so entering the Grand Priest Association should be a problem. It's not big. What's important is that if you can get the approval of the Grand Priest Association, then there is no fear of always asking for the trap, and even the Grand Priest Association will send a master to **** you back to the human kingdom."

"So, this is an adventure." Nothing to look at Yang Dingtian's last words: "The key is that your non-language identity can be recognized by the Great Priest Association."

That's right, this is an adventure!

If you win, you will get the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family.

If you lose, you may fall into the hands of Yongshe.

The key is that this risk is not worth the risk!

"Of course, if you want to go to Xiaoxitian, I can accompany you." Nothing said: "You are dark, I am clear!"

Innocent beauty reveals a stimulating light, and it is clear that she is eager to take risks!


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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